Artist's commentary
Slavya ❤
Hello everyone! Just decided to draw my belowed Aryan beauty Slavya from Everlasting Summer.
Kinda happy how my art improves. And the idea i put in my art improves as well...
Bleached isnt an fetish for me anymore, nor i draw to get popular. I want, the small circle of people to see my art, and feel peace on their raging soul.
Lets be honest, race traitors whores exist, but women hating niggers too. And im proud to be racist baddie.
So to any "Im trying not to be racist." guys, how about you see crime statistic of Black on White violence? How they want to treat women? How they want to kill white people?
Seriously, the side of porn we all despise, straightly uses "Its a fetish!" argument when there is literally racism towards White people and "White Genocide" openly said out.
But, no matter what. Dont forget porn and reality are two different ways of seeing things. While blacked is just mindless fetish. Bleached is a way to become better, to realize your worth.
Cant wait for "Day of the rope" too!
Goodnight Bleachbooru! Love everyone!