I've never understood it, why mix bleached tag with Nazi garbage? Nazis weren't even white supremacists, they were German supremacists, the rest of the white people in the world never mattered to them.
I've never understood it, why mix bleached tag with Nazi garbage? Nazis weren't even white supremacists, they were German supremacists, the rest of the white people in the world never mattered to them.
It's just a very weird kink for me to be honest, I don't have that world view but if people judge me for it I can understand and well so be it, damn i have black friends how say "it kinda hot" so yeah, I don't blame people who don't like it
It's just a very weird kink for me to be honest, I don't have that world view but if people judge me for it I can understand so be it, damn i have black friends how say "it kinda hot" so yeah, I don't blame people who don't like it