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Colonized_Asian_Slut said:

Oh how I wish for my chink parents to have this sort of relationship already~

Fuck, I'll even pay good money to any white bull who can cuck my ricedick dad and breed my chink mom like that <3

You wouldn't have to pay anything cuz I could do it for free!

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    8492nd said:

    Why is there a "chink" tattoo... on BISMARCK's cheek???

    Most people don't play AL or give a shit about such details, unfortunately. The market for character-accurate, extreme and detailed AL edits is small and niche, I'd know

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    niggerSlave said:

    Let them raise fatherless whores

    Hell no. First you breed them then you take care and raise to be good sluts and give birth to properly educated kids. White males have standards we do not abandon our woman, raise kids and spend time with them.

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    user_366 said:

    This makes me sad that David chose Lucy :(

    Doesn't really matter, their relationship was doomed from the start. They went from little to no interaction to being the only two left of their original gang, along with Lucy. But by then, David and Lucy had already been together longer than Rebecca even considered him. Besides, David isn't white, he's at least a halfie, mixed with spic genes thanks to his admittedly hot mother.

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    Well that’s a good bleach bunny~ Letting her Master grind his superior white cock against her eager slit. Letting her picture just how deep that ivory rod will go inside her. Yet she doesn’t neglect her duties. Making it a point to make fun of that pathetic black cuck. All before giving him a show as she’s bleached and colonized~ Turnt into a white only slut~

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