


Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

There should be more of dagger honestly given her history. She is perfect for getting broken by white cocks

That's what I'm saying, there's far too much potential to cuck Cloak. I'll see if I can make some Dagger edits soon, she deserves BWC, not that loser

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    Daniella said:

    I meanโ€ฆ mmhmโ€ฆ well I AM half white soโ€ฆ guess that worksโ€ฆ and yea blacked in general justโ€ฆ nah thanksโ€ฆ I tried rat poison before

    So you've inhereted your mothers taste ๐Ÿ˜‰

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    Little niglet learned from watching her welfare queen mamma. Probably the only way she can pay the rent. Spends the money she makes working as a cashier at Dollar General on nails and newports. Then sucks white cock for extra money.

    Little negro is just doing what she sees her nigger momma so every night, wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

    Now sheโ€™s going to crave white cum for the rest of her life.

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    I don't know why I get so *racist* when I'm horny, but the thought of dead niggers has me so fucking wet! Black lives never mattered, and it's so funny how insecure the BLM movement has made niggers in general. They can't go five minutes without reminding each other that they're slaves. They're addicted to feeling inferior.

    Black lives matter less than cattle because we don't torment ordinary animals when we slaughter them. Black lives were created to serve and entertain the white race. It's normal to get hard at the thought of killing niggers because that's the God given duty of white men. The sooner every last one of those apes is either enslaved or in hell, the sooner the world will be a much better, safer, whiter place.

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