I used to draw furry art back in the days, i had an fat assed and big tits Bunny oc, she was goated, if deviant art didnt delete it i could try finding it
In short, she was a massive plagiarist, hypocrite about plagiarism, and was later found to be massively vindictive, abusive, a terrible friend, and a terrible romantic partner. Just, not a nice person in general
I genuinely have the biggest mancrush on Thistle, like I'm not even joking. There are few characters or people (even the usual trap/femboy characters) that got me the same kind of way Thistle got me. His reveal had me looking like that one gif from the Lego Batman movie. I can't really describe why past "he's a dark-skinned elf femboy", but I do. Alright, confession over.
Karin is just so hot... I would breed her, bleach her and keep fucking with her till we would fall asleep from being exhausted. Her body is just made for love and be loved. Asuna is amazing too, but I just can't help it I feel such strong lust for Karin I would never get bored of woman with such perfect body