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Beautiful art. I love those earrings she wear it's such beautiful detail. Her lovely body is just ideal, long blonde hair are just so hot. I wish more White woman would understand how important it is to be proud of your own White race.

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    This will be the average "middle eastern" girl after four generations or so of Israeli occupations <3 of course she'll still "Believe" in her backwards culture and prehistoric made up religion to be better fetish material for white Israeli and American men who have desert fever~

    (the user of this account has no political or racial statements to make, just an arab girl with a very specific kink)

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    MossadOwnedRaghead said:

    This will be the average "middle eastern" girl after four generations or so of Israeli occupations <3 of course she'll still "Believe" in her backwards culture and prehistoric made up religion to be better fetish material for white Israeli and American men who have desert fever~

    (the user of this account has no political or racial statements to make, just an arab girl with a very specific kink)

    It was the average before the great wars. Make Anatolia Bright Again~

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    Yubi seems like she goes on and on about how white guys are always fawning over her and desperate to get with her but looks like this five minutes after meeting up with her random white dude of the night that she pulled by being extremely thirsty.

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    Fucks sake, that is fucking immaculate
    Fine ass bitch ill fuckin play with you..get my heavy white nutts full with that wet little tongue, dumb slutt, should have gotten those tattoos in red but thats alright. We'll bleach your gutts white ~

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    I wish lots of Asian woman would be into WMAF and it would be so easy to hook there. Though honestly it might be it like one Korean girl I talked with said something that it's quite easy to get some fuck, but who knows how hard would be dating and turning it into real relationship? I have no idea. Maybe I should even not write it here I don't know.

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    You know, i disagree. In my Opinion, it should be Clothing that shows the alliegence. Yes, a Tattoo is permanent, unless you go through great Pain to remove it. And that i see as a weakness. Because with Clothing, each Day there is a Descision to make. Therefore, each Day, they choose to proudly display what they are.

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    OmniViceUser said:

    You know, i disagree. In my Opinion, it should be Clothing that shows the alliegence. Yes, a Tattoo is permanent, unless you go through great Pain to remove it. And that i see as a weakness. Because with Clothing, each Day there is a Descision to make. Therefore, each Day, they choose to proudly display what they are.

    Fair point, but think about the importance of that one choice to get a tattoo that lasts likely forever. Then think about that for every tattoo they get. Regardless, I personally am not too much into tattoos on women period, just not my thing but I do appreciate the commitment it takes to go through with something like that.

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    AryanSuperSoldier said:

    Fair point, but think about the importance of that one choice to get a tattoo that lasts likely forever. Then think about that for every tattoo they get. Regardless, I personally am not too much into tattoos on women period, just not my thing but I do appreciate the commitment it takes to go through with something like that.

    Not really a fan of tattoos myself, but from the perspective of someone who likes getting bleached. ^^

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