
Do you feel any patriotism/love for your homeland?

Posted under General

TallWhiteAndHung said:

It has nothing to do with solidarity, that's just a cop out to appeal to emotions. It is cultural and ethnic suicide. The reason why eastern european countries have been more aprehensive to adopt liberal policies is because they are post communist states and modern liberalism is a continuation of communism. Classical comunism determines the value of the person depending on their economic background. If you are rich, you are opressor. If you are poor you are oppressed. Nowadays if you are male, white and straight you are an oppresor, if you are a minority you are oppressed. Countries like Poland and Hungary are the final frontier in the push for these policies that's why the elites are so adamant to make an example of them.

I think one of the main reasons the eastern euros havent been as messed up in the race and immigration stuff as much is because we had 50 years of propaganda that they havent, combined with the fact that they only just got western leftist style elites, where we have had them for a century.

fkiblaze said:

I think one of the main reasons the eastern euros havent been as messed up in the race and immigration stuff as much is because we had 50 years of propaganda that they havent, combined with the fact that they only just got western leftist style elites, where we have had them for a century.

I think it's because they (eastern bloc countries and prior to that the soviet union itself) already experienced communism and when it collapsed they embraced relatively more traditional ways of societal management. which just so happens to be pretty staunchly nationalistic and ethnically conscious. that "50 years of propaganda" is now just modified Marxist propaganda that is now seeped into the west, whereas the east has gotten rid of its own Marxism the Marxist way, by collapsing and balkanizing. I don't think you're wrong by any means, this is just adding on to what both you and TallWhiteAndHung said

AryanSuperSoldier said:

I think it's because they (eastern bloc countries and prior to that the soviet union itself) already experienced communism and when it collapsed they embraced relatively more traditional ways of societal management. which just so happens to be pretty staunchly nationalistic and ethnically conscious. that "50 years of propaganda" is now just modified Marxist propaganda that is now seeped into the west, whereas the east has gotten rid of its own Marxism the Marxist way, by collapsing and balkanizing. I don't think you're wrong by any means, this is just adding on to what both you and TallWhiteAndHung said

The thing is, all the propaganda the west experienced is completely different than the east. The west's propaganda isnt really from the east, it's from the denazification programs the west did to west germany after the war, not east germany. It was then exported to the rest of the west. In the east, they would create traditional style music and art, and generally nationalistic culture. It was the west that was anti-nationalist. Modern art, anti-racism, anti-nationalism, pro-LGBT etc all came from western elites and the denazification programs, not the communists. Really it's a psyop to convince the right it came from the east. The soviet union was anti-gay, anti-modern art, nationalistic, etc. The communism was just about economy and government control. See the CCP today as china didnt collapse like russia. Being gay is illegal in china, they promote strong nationalism, anti effeminate stuff, anti-black, etc. This is most obviously shown in Germany. The east germans are based, because they didnt have the denazification propaganda, while the west are the gay libtards.

fkiblaze said:

The thing is, all the propaganda the west experienced is completely different than the east. The west's propaganda isnt really from the east, it's from the denazification programs the west did to west germany after the war, not east germany. It was then exported to the rest of the west. In the east, they would create traditional style music and art, and generally nationalistic culture. It was the west that was anti-nationalist. Modern art, anti-racism, anti-nationalism, pro-LGBT etc all came from western elites and the denazification programs, not the communists. Really it's a psyop to convince the right it came from the east. The soviet union was anti-gay, anti-modern art, nationalistic, etc. The communism was just about economy and government control. See the CCP today as china didnt collapse like russia. Being gay is illegal in china, they promote strong nationalism, anti effeminate stuff, anti-black, etc. This is most obviously shown in Germany. The east germans are based, because they didnt have the denazification propaganda, while the west are the gay libtards.

Yeah the Nazis were set up by the Americans to be the "ultimate evil" akin to lets say satin or any other biblical demons after their defeat in wwII. The soviets were able to take over Germany so well is they were already socialist under the rule of the Nazis. Yeah nationalism was a big part of the Nazi identity obviously and the soviet identity. Soviet satellite states had encouraged tradition. I know Romania had a traditional dance team. The Soviets supported a more realistic way of art like a renaissance panting, minus the religion, however. The history made it easy to control, but religion is its own kinda pseudo state with influence and ideals. Which in turn made it harder to control. Then there is American liberalism which you could say got hijacked after the great depression becoming more socialist and spiraling out of control, and turning more and more "progressive". Alot of tactics seen today by the left can be commonly used by obviously communists but the Nazis, and by extension Ottomans too. Setting up "holy classes" gays, people of color, etc and "unholy classes" straight, white, male. While the Nazis liked Pureblood straight Germans and disliked most everything else.

Flamberge said:

Yeah the Nazis were set up by the Americans to be the "ultimate evil" akin to lets say satin or any other biblical demons after their defeat in wwII. The soviets were able to take over Germany so well is they were already socialist under the rule of the Nazis. Yeah nationalism was a big part of the Nazi identity obviously and the soviet identity. Soviet satellite states had encouraged tradition. I know Romania had a traditional dance team. The Soviets supported a more realistic way of art like a renaissance panting, minus the religion, however. The history made it easy to control, but religion is its own kinda pseudo state with influence and ideals. Which in turn made it harder to control. Then there is American liberalism which you could say got hijacked after the great depression becoming more socialist and spiraling out of control, and turning more and more "progressive". Alot of tactics seen today by the left can be commonly used by obviously communists but the Nazis, and by extension Ottomans too. Setting up "holy classes" gays, people of color, etc and "unholy classes" straight, white, male. While the Nazis liked Pureblood straight Germans and disliked most everything else.

Yea, the FDR progressive movement was realy the start of the leftism we see in the west today. That was around the time you see the lefty anthropologist come around, too. I suppose the establishment of the rederal reserve in 1913 was the precursor of it, because that was when international finance took control over USA.

fkiblaze said:

Yea, the FDR progressive movement was realy the start of the leftism we see in the west today. That was around the time you see the lefty anthropologist come around, too. I suppose the establishment of the rederal reserve in 1913 was the precursor of it, because that was when international finance took control over USA.

Yeah more over on the soviet stuff. Lennin saw jews, LGB, blacks, etc as useful allies to help spread communism. He actively wanted outcasts. Stallin started killing them once he took power, because he saw them as liabilities

Flamberge said:

Yeah more over on the soviet stuff. Lennin saw jews, LGB, blacks, etc as useful allies to help spread communism. He actively wanted outcasts. Stallin started killing them once he took power, because he saw them as liabilities

That's actually the change, when stalin took power, after ww2 he purged the troskyites and most people to his left. Many of these far leftists were given asylum in usa and then became part of our establishment. The neocon movement were former lefties that hated stalin. That is why we went from being good friends with the soviets to enemies while also becoming more insane lefty. The soviets became nationalists and we wanted them to stay as internationalist. Also a partial dogwhistle to the fact the early soviet union/bolsheviks was run by jews, stalin made it run by russians so we turned on him. Many of those jews fled to the west and became part of USA and hated the russians ever since. Hence why the US establishment still hates russia despote the soviet uniom no longer existing and it being capitalist now. Putin also got rid of the jews and made russia run by russians.

fkiblaze said:

That's actually the change, when stalin took power, after ww2 he purged the troskyites and most people to his left. Many of these far leftists were given asylum in usa and then became part of our establishment. The neocon movement were former lefties that hated stalin. That is why we went from being good friends with the soviets to enemies while also becoming more insane lefty. The soviets became nationalists and we wanted them to stay as internationalist. Also a partial dogwhistle to the fact the early soviet union/bolsheviks was run by jews, stalin made it run by russians so we turned on him. Many of those jews fled to the west and became part of USA and hated the russians ever since. Hence why the US establishment still hates russia despote the soviet uniom no longer existing and it being capitalist now. Putin also got rid of the jews and made russia run by russians.

Didn't know that, but it checks out. Yuri did warn us. The US shot its self in the foot by making the axis powers the ultimate evil. I fuckin' hate libtards slinging around terms like fascists but not knowing what it means.

First things first I can't really count Americans having national pride as their own thing because their school system literally indoctrinates them into thinking the USA is the strongest most important country in the world - the rest of the world could literally have an atomic revolution and become 10x more advanced around them and they'd still try and support the idea of american supremecy.

Now then to get onto the actual topic, I feel like national pride is something that's just sorta been dying especially in western european countries namely due to SJW/Lefty politics, like the only time british pride ever really comes up in the UK is for sporting events like the olypmics or football tournaments otherwise it's leftists demonising britian for it's colonisation practices in the 1900s ( despite the fact the 17 - 1900s was an age of empires ) if you're under 45 and show pride for your nationality outside of some sorta sporting event you're assumed to be " problematic " ( racist, homophobic and every other name for xenophobe there is ) especially within my generation ( gen z )

IvoryFuta-II said:

First things first I can't really count Americans having national pride as their own thing because their school system literally indoctrinates them into thinking the USA is the strongest most important country in the world - the rest of the world could literally have an atomic revolution and become 10x more advanced around them and they'd still try and support the idea of american supremecy.

Now then to get onto the actual topic, I feel like national pride is something that's just sorta been dying especially in western european countries namely due to SJW/Lefty politics, like the only time british pride ever really comes up in the UK is for sporting events like the olypmics or football tournaments otherwise it's leftists demonising britian for it's colonisation practices in the 1900s ( despite the fact the 17 - 1900s was an age of empires ) if you're under 45 and show pride for your nationality outside of some sorta sporting event you're assumed to be " problematic " ( racist, homophobic and every other name for xenophobe there is ) especially within my generation ( gen z )

Your second paragraph is USA too btw. USA is told to be a racist oppressive country until civil rights then it's not as bad but still racist and oppressive.

IvoryFuta-II said:

First things first I can't really count Americans having national pride as their own thing because their school system literally indoctrinates them into thinking the USA is the strongest most important country in the world - the rest of the world could literally have an atomic revolution and become 10x more advanced around them and they'd still try and support the idea of american supremecy.

Now then to get onto the actual topic, I feel like national pride is something that's just sorta been dying especially in western european countries namely due to SJW/Lefty politics, like the only time british pride ever really comes up in the UK is for sporting events like the olypmics or football tournaments otherwise it's leftists demonising britian for it's colonisation practices in the 1900s ( despite the fact the 17 - 1900s was an age of empires ) if you're under 45 and show pride for your nationality outside of some sorta sporting event you're assumed to be " problematic " ( racist, homophobic and every other name for xenophobe there is ) especially within my generation ( gen z )

Your first paragraph sounds like commie gobbledygook. Did you just get done playing Atomic Heart? Lol

"national pride is something that's just sorta been dying especially in western european countries"

=>IvoryFuta-II That is by design Douglas Murray wrote about it in his book; WAR ON THE WEST(War on everything that's ours, and admiration, and love of everything that isn't. Admire all traditions apart from our own, the cool thing to do is love things from other places, and to hate everything from our own civilization.) (1) WAR ON WHITE PEOPLE; where you tell a majority of a population that they're appalling, and nothing to be said for them and no reason to be proud. Where only one group you're allowed to hate, to be racist towards, and that's White people. (2) WAR ON WESTERN HISTORY; To tear it all down, all our heroes, to rewrite it all, and make it all about colonialism, racism, and slavery, because the rest of the world did nothing wrong at all in history. (3) WAR ON WESTERN RELIGION; Not just Judeo-Christian religion, but our secular religion as well, and the War on our Enlightenment values. (4) THE WAR ON WESTERN CULTURE, were every single thing being produced from the buildings, the arts, the music is looked at through this anti-racism lense, it's all terrible because it's created all by people guilty of those three terrible things, being White, being male, and being dead, and or straight(because dead men can't defend themselves from critics).

streambot said:

Love my country's deep rich history and culture
Hate the politicians that try their absolute best to do nothing but put themselves above all others

Unfortunately, politicians behave like this everywhere and it's sad, I would like to have only decent people in power, endowed with intelligence, wisdom and other positive qualities, but we live in the real world.... Oh, I'm sorry if this is rude of me, but what country are you from? I just like history and I could study the history of your country, because studying the history of other nations is instructive and just interesting

the_polbwcV2 said:

Random question at random time.

Do you have any proudness or love that you feel for your country?

I do for switzerland. I live here a comfortable life with competant politicians that don't ruin the country because they are corrupt fucks.
I don't like my both balkan homelands, bosnia and croatia. Both countries ruined by nepotism and corruption. Nationalism is a huge fucked tumour in these countries. Young people with money and a brain flee into western europe while the old nationalists stay that ruin the country.

What's your opinion on about country?

About my country? Well if I had to summarize it:

"I hope this commie shit hole burns to the ground and all the traitors and subhuman non-whites here die gruesome and painful deaths"

And that's putting it lightly

fkiblaze said:

Bro how'd you get into switzerland. Let me there.

But that depends on what you mean, i think modern USA is garbage, but i think the original USA was the greatest country made. It's mainly just the federal government though. I think if we abolished the federal government other than what was in the articles of confederacy, USA would go back to being the best country in the world really quickly. Like the state i live in has no state income, sales, or property tax, and the only real regulation or law that affects my life is paying for public schools, but that is on the city level. Meanwhile the federal government constantly screws and regulates everything.

this sums up how I feel. I'm proud of what the U.S used to be. I love my country, but not the goverment.

the_polbwcV2 said:

Random question at random time.

Do you have any proudness or love that you feel for your country?

I do for switzerland. I live here a comfortable life with competant politicians that don't ruin the country because they are corrupt fucks.
I don't like my both balkan homelands, bosnia and croatia. Both countries ruined by nepotism and corruption. Nationalism is a huge fucked tumour in these countries. Young people with money and a brain flee into western europe while the old nationalists stay that ruin the country.

What's your opinion on about country?

I'm from somewhere in Asia and feel no patriotism nor love to my country at all lol

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