
Recommend A Favorite!

Posted under General

Hi! Had an idea for a new game, thought it might be fun for everyone. The rules are simple:

Take a look through the favorites of the user who responded above you, and then post a post which you think they would like to add to their favorites based on their taste!

You can be as thorough as you like while looking, maybe you’ll find someone with similar tastes! Enjoy!

BullPatron said:

Hi! Had an idea for a new game, thought it might be fun for everyone. The rules are simple:

Take a look through the favorites of the user who responded above you, and then post a post which you think they would like to add to their favorites based on their taste!

You can be as thorough as you like while looking, maybe you’ll find someone with similar tastes! Enjoy!

From your recent faves it seems you like gothy dark skinned ladies
post #65349
Hold on you already had that one as a fave my bad. I tried to recommend others from my faves but we have a lot in common but this should be a new one post #53177

Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

From your recent faves it seems you like gothy dark skinned ladies
post #65349
Hold on you already had that one as a fave my bad. I tried to recommend others from my faves but we have a lot in common but this should be a new one post #53177

Holy shit that's one of my all time favorites after I found it here perfectly fixed.

lovecrown21 said:

Since you enjoy Miller a good bit: post #87611

post #81559
I think you'll really enjoy this one and my judgment remains impeccable.