
Image Editing Requests

Posted under General

Whitewash said:

Amyone willing to sanitize this? Thanks in advance!
Grabbed both URL so you can use whichever has the highest res

Skin edit: Black male to white male
Additional: Change the QoS and BBC stuff on her underwear/bikini with QoH and BWC stuff

This "wolf princess" should only be making white wolf pups! - Base - With tats


Original image:
Skin Edit: Black men to White men
Add content: none
Caption: for the first part, change « nigger » to « whiteboy » or another slur and change « you blacks » by « you whites ».
For the second part, change « niggers » to « whiteboys », « white cock » to « black cock » and « so black » to « so white »
For the third part, change « whites » with « blacks » and vice-versa and replace only blm by only wlm.
Additional requests: switch the tattos, put blacked ones for the first two parts and bleached ones for the last part.

Thank you if anyone does it, I’d love it!

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