
Why Femboys?

Posted under General

YTGC said:

At least for me, non-white femboys are very caring and loving and tend to be accepting of me being a white trans person, the raceplay is just a bonus. White femboys? I'm not going to lie, most of them are cringe but a lot of them huge dicks and I give incredible head and like being called mommy so it works out.

alright fair but have you considered that cringe = cute?

They (and those of their likeness) tend to be better breeding bitches, with almost all of the positives and barely any negatives that comes with "standard" women. That's exactly what straight dominant males need in today's society.


IvoryFutaIII said:

I've noticed that there's a high demand both for and from femboys in this kinkspace and I find it rather odd considering the amount of people who lurk on the forums who are anti-gay, anti-jewish and anti anything that isn't straight whites but for some reason femboys are fine for them.

In anycase I just want to know if you're a femboy what draws you to bleached so much
and if you're white why you like femboys ( in relation to this kink )

Historically speaking people be horny.

IvoryFutaIII said:

I've noticed that there's a high demand both for and from femboys in this kinkspace and I find it rather odd considering the amount of people who lurk on the forums who are anti-gay, anti-jewish and anti anything that isn't straight whites but for some reason femboys are fine for them.

I think it's a small loud vocal minority, which makes you think they're the majority. Kind of like how old Twitter used to be, and with video games and other stuff.

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