
A topic about (((them))) got locked? SHUT IT DOWN

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AryanSuperSoldier said:

lol, why was it locked though? There’s a lot of other topics that could be locked cause they go nowhere and do nothing so why that one.

As much as the jannies are high on power here its fairly clear that it was because you were talking about shitted

hermann_fegelein said:

As much as the jannies are high on power here its fairly clear that it was because you were talking about shitted

more specifically acting like a jew and saying we should promote it. There seems to be plenty of threads against it that are fine.

fkiblaze said:

more specifically acting like a jew and saying we should promote it. There seems to be plenty of threads against it that are fine.

How again am I or the OP of the last thread acting like Jews, genuine question.

AryanSuperSoldier said:

How again am I or the OP of the last thread acting like Jews, genuine question.

Whoever the people were in the thread that were saying we should subvert jews like they do to whites by pushing blacked and racial self-hate on them was acting like jews, since that is what they do to whites. My comments on the thread were how that is stupid for not least of all because it doesn't work on them due to their ethnocentrism and understanding of such tactics.

fkiblaze said:

Whoever the people were in the thread that were saying we should subvert jews like they do to whites by pushing blacked and racial self-hate on them was acting like jews, since that is what they do to whites. My comments on the thread were how that is stupid for not least of all because it doesn't work on them due to their ethnocentrism and understanding of such tactics.

All I was saying was we shouldn't rush to their aid when/if they get fucked over by other races, like we've been doing since well idk how long but a long time. AND I'm not gonna stop other people from trying to subvert them, because again it doesn't matter if they're immune to it (they're not, as much as I think they're bug people, they're not a hivemind), it's not harming me when someone tries to undermine them. Plus racial self hatred only works on whites who are leftists and prone to it, healthy right minded whites are immune to it, a lot of Jews ALREADY have racial self-hatred with no subversive propaganda input from whites required, and considering many of them are technically leftists, I see no reason why some of them wouldn't also be prone to subversion.

They are not all puppet masters Fiki

AryanSuperSoldier said:

All I was saying was we shouldn't rush to their aid when/if they get fucked over by other races, like we've been doing since well idk how long but a long time. AND I'm not gonna stop other people from trying to subvert them, because again it doesn't matter if they're immune to it (they're not, as much as I think they're bug people, they're not a hivemind), it's not harming me when someone tries to undermine them. Plus racial self hatred only works on whites who are leftists and prone to it, healthy right minded whites are immune to it, a lot of Jews ALREADY have racial self-hatred with no subversive propaganda input from whites required, and considering many of them are technically leftists, I see no reason why some of them wouldn't also be prone to subversion.

They are not all puppet masters Fiki

No one thinks we should rush to their aid. This isnt an APAIC lobby to support israel. Jews have a victim complex, not self hatred. A jew insulting "fellow whites" isn't a jew insulting jewishness. There are jews that consider themselves both white and jews, but they will only ever insult whiteness not the jewish side. Also you werent the only person in that thread dude. My comments in that thread were as numerous people pointed out about leftists types throughout the year, if you think you will ever get an own or win by pointing out hypocracy or using their tricks against them, it will just be a sunk effort. White people should act and fight like white people, not jews, blacks, chinese, or any other race, because that is both the correct and most effective way to act. I think back to the quote from that british magistrate that said to the indian, "you have your custom where you burn widows, and we have our custom were we hang women murderers, lets each act according to our customs"
We didnt conquer half the world and create the best civilization by acting like savages.

fkiblaze said:

No one thinks we should rush to their aid. This isnt an APAIC lobby to support israel. Jews have a victim complex, not self hatred. A jew insulting "fellow whites" isn't a jew insulting jewishness. There are jews that consider themselves both white and jews, but they will only ever insult whiteness not the jewish side. Also you werent the only person in that thread dude. My comments in that thread were as numerous people pointed out about leftists types throughout the year, if you think you will ever get an own or win by pointing out hypocracy or using their tricks against them, it will just be a sunk effort. White people should act and fight like white people, not jews, blacks, chinese, or any other race, because that is both the correct and most effective way to act. I think back to the quote from that british magistrate that said to the indian, "you have your custom where you burn widows, and we have our custom were we hang women murderers, lets each act according to our customs"
We didnt conquer half the world and create the best civilization by acting like savages.

this all could be true and it still wouldn't really matter because none of it was a meaningful rebuttal to any of my points.

1. There ARE Jews who loathe their Jewishness, you are simply only mentioning the ones who hate their whiteness: "Hello fellow whites, I hate that we enslaved black people, and won wars of colonization, we whites should bend over for everyone now and forever!" types are prevalent and part of the problem OF white guilt, but that's not who I'm talking about and you know it. I'm talking about the ones that hate that they were born with genetically predisposed disorders/diseases that prevented them from achieving much of anything without nepotism to save them, the ones who are likely the secular marxist/leftist types, REMEMBER Karl Marx himself was one of these self hating Jews, he had a lot to say about them too, I know he was baptised later, but the family was initially ashkenazi before it was untenable for them to remain Jewish in Prussia.

Edit on 2 cause I don’t want to reply too much and I got some things to clarify:
2. It's NOT about getting an own or whatever on Jews using their tactics, first of all, subversion is not a Jewish only tactic, in fact don't act high and mighty about this ever, whites and all peoples are no strangers to using deceit and underhanded tactics in war, misdirection, diversions, misinformation, etc Jews are just the best at it currently but heavily rely on it unlike others. If you want to be technical, no we have tried convincing other races that they are inferior, early physiognomy and racial profiling propaganda, early race realism, hell we even did this against other white people like calling Slavs and Eastern Europeans barbaric mongoloids, or Northern European Scandinavians Heathen Barbarians, basically we like calling other Europeans who don’t always agree with us barbarians no better than other races (like what you’re doing now funnily enough). You’re saying it hasn’t worked, but I disagree, it has worked insofar that it has forced other races and certain whites to act more civilised or try to beat the stereotype we put on them. Anyways, considering just how many liberal secular Jews there are compared to the orthodox who are just the replacers, in the world it’s not a waste of time to fight back in this kind of way using those kinds of tactics (not overt racial subversion, simply not helping them when they get subverted), idc if they’re already in the negatives of fertility rate, I want the secular Jews to be even less than South Koreans in terms of fertility rate to further destabilise the Orthodox from the Secular Jew, and I want the same issues of multiculturalism hitting them hard because it’s such a good idea. The Orthodox Jews are already starting to have issues with the secular international ones pushing their porn and banking misery everywhere, causing a massive divide between 1 people who are this split on worldview is not a waste of time, it’s divide and conquer.

3. Yes we should act like white people, I'm not saying we shouldn't, but if acting like white people means continuing what we've been told white people are supposed to act like (and ignoring all of the other stuff we used to do that worked, because it's "barbaric"), then it's a farce and retarded, and you're just letting yourself get psyoped and letting down your own people by denying who we truly are. Edit: well considering how much of our education system is also co-opted by Jews, how much history has been lost, and/or hidden and how much history now is being changed and tampered with to continue to undermine white people and white history, it’s worth it to actually try and find actual historical evidence and become acquainted with how we actually used to roll, instead of just assuming everything you’re told and learn about European history is true. This doesn’t apply to you (I hope), or some people here, but it absolutely applies to anyone who wants to be serious about acting like how we used to, and not being blinded by preconceived notions of what you hav been taught about our past.


AryanSuperSoldier said:

this all could be true and it still wouldn't really matter because none of it was a meaningful rebuttal to any of my points.

1. There ARE Jews who loathe their Jewishness, you are simply only mentioning the ones who hate their whiteness: "Hello fellow whites, I hate that we enslaved black people, and won wars of colonization, we whites should bend over for everyone now and forever!" types are prevalent and part of the problem OF white guilt, but that's not who I'm talking about and you know it. I'm talking about the ones that hate that they were born with genetically predisposed disorders/diseases that prevented them from achieving much of anything without nepotism to save them, the ones who are likely the secular marxist/leftist types, REMEMBER Karl Marx himself was one of these self hating Jews, he had a lot to say about them too, I know he was baptised later, but the family was initially ashkenazi before it was untenable for them to remain Jewish in Prussia.

2. It's about getting an own or whatever on Jews using their tactics, first of all, subversion is not a Jewish only tactic, in fact don't act high and mighty about this ever, whites and all peoples are no strangers to using deceit and underhanded tactics in war, misdirection, diversions, misinformation, etc Jews are just the best at it currently but heavily rely on it unlike others.

3. Yes we should act like white people, I'm not saying we shouldn't, but if acting like white people means continuing what we've been told white people are supposed to act like (and ignoring all of the other stuff we used to do that worked, because it's "barbaric"), then it's a farce and retarded, and you're just letting yourself get psyoped and letting down your own people by denying who we truly are.

1. If you want to be technecal, even if you could find a jew that could be psy-op into hating jews, once again it would be completely inneffective as a tactic since that jew himself would be one of the weaker jews, and by convincing him to removing himself from the jew gene pool you would be strengthing the jewish genepool. Israel is the only "1st world" country with a high birth rate, and if you check the demographics, it's all due to the most fervent and orthdox jews having numerous kids. Meanwhile the "less jewish" jews that are more athiestic liberals and not as fervantly loyal to their race are below replacement rate like the rest of the west, so all this gay-ops plan would do is vastly accelerate the rate at which the jewish population becomes ever more fervantly ethnocentric by weeding out the more "cucked" jews.

2. Ambushes and lies are not racial subversion. White people have never tricked brown societies into hating themselves because they cant. There is a vastly huge difference between getting someone to think you will attack them somewhere at a certain time, or so on, vs tricking them to see themselves as the enemy. Even when we enslaved the lowest IQ race and had total control over them we never managed to get them to hate themselves, the best we can do is get them to admire white people and see us a saviours or helpers, by actually doing so. Browns can see themselves as victims that the white man is trying to help, but not as the problem that should be dealt with. Those are 2 completely different things. Whether they see themselves as the conqueror "we wuz kangs" or the poor victim "help us white ppl!!!" They are looking at themselves with a positive lens that deserve more.

3. Obviously acting like white people isnt acting like how jews or browns want us to act, that is dumb and false. It is acting like the way we defined for ourselfs instead of acting like the behaviours we defined as other groups.

LatinaOfHearts said:

Mfw I see a thread promoting shitted trying to be unceremoniously and thinly disguised with antisemitism on a bleached community

I’m sick of blacked but It’s not going away and I’d rather it disproportionally impact Jews than whites. But I guess that’s promoting shitted, and I’m acting like a Jew for suggesting it be a better thing than doing nothing, and we should all just continue to do nothing while everything continues to get worse. Idc if bleaching them is the optimal solution, although I have my personal reservation about it, all that matters is making sure Jews don’t come out of this unscathed.

AryanSuperSoldier said:

I’m sick of blacked but It’s not going away and I’d rather it disproportionally impact Jews than whites. But I guess that’s promoting shitted, and I’m acting like a Jew for suggesting it be a better thing than doing nothing, and we should all just continue to do nothing while everything continues to get worse. Idc if bleaching them is the optimal solution, although I have my personal reservation about it, all that matters is making sure Jews don’t come out of this unscathed.

"It's not going away so we might as well share pics of nigglets fucking white looking women right guys???" yeah bro, I'd say lay down on the porn consumption before it's too late. You know what we should do? Ramp up the bleaching, promote bleached, hold blacks accountable, deny black people of their victim mentalities etc. Not promote blacked?? + If you want to blame someone for the failures of the world don't put it on the Jews alone and punish only them. Niggers, muzzies, pajeets and chinks have also had to do with the destruction of white society.

Edit: I genuinely can't imagine what giving niggers the capital, business knowledge and sneaky ways of Jews could cause on a society. Or having the Jewish birthing numbers go down by making Jewish women have kids?? Yeah I think this guys like.. a cuck or something. How do you not think this through? I'm not an antisemite and I'm thinking deeper about this than you are!!


AryanSuperSoldier said:

I’m sick of blacked but It’s not going away and I’d rather it disproportionally impact Jews than whites. But I guess that’s promoting shitted, and I’m acting like a Jew for suggesting it be a better thing than doing nothing, and we should all just continue to do nothing while everything continues to get worse. Idc if bleaching them is the optimal solution, although I have my personal reservation about it, all that matters is making sure Jews don’t come out of this unscathed.

Its not going away? It cant even breach into the most watched type of porn with the entire indsutry doing everything possible to prop it up.

The moment jews lose power in government and corporations it will literally vanish, and the fact you think otherwise is honestly pretty sad. You some kind of black boy coper? Nobody likes the shit and jews are losing power exponentially by the day.

LatinaOfHearts said:

"It's not going away so we might as well share pics of nigglets fucking white looking women right guys???" yeah bro, I'd say lay down on the porn consumption before it's too late. You know what we should do? Ramp up the bleaching, promote bleached, hold blacks accountable, deny black people of their victim mentalities etc. Not promote blacked?? + If you want to blame someone for the failures of the world don't put it on the Jews alone and punish only them. Niggers, muzzies, pajeets and chinks have also had to do with the destruction of white society.

Edit: I genuinely can't imagine what giving niggers the capital, business knowledge and sneaky ways of Jews could cause on a society. Or having the Jewish birthing numbers go down by making Jewish women have kids?? Yeah I think this guys like.. a cuck or something. How do you not think this through? I'm not an antisemite and I'm thinking deeper about this than you are!!

I just said we can do it the bleaching way, and I never insisted on pushing actual shitted, only that I thought that it would be better done on Jews than on whites.. plus ashkenazi Jews are the only white looking ones anyways, who AGAIN I have to remind everyone, they make up the vast majority of blacked porn actresses irl, so actually if we all stop and think about it it's kinda already happening. Most non ashkenazi jews look like, well like hook nosed arabic swathy jews lmao.
And it wasn't me who initially even said we SHOULD specifically push blacked on Jews, it was a woman from the last thread, you gonna call her a cuck and pornrotted secret blacked lover or just the guy who kinda agrees with her sentiment? which might I remind you the original sentiment was just "Jews should have a taste of their own medicine" and the overwhelmingly response from all of you was "Nooooooo NOOOOO you'll be just like them!!1!!1!!" like bruh, it's one way or the other.

literally shut it down oy vey 6 quadrigintillionbillion. if you continue to just not read or comprehend I'm done

AryanSuperSoldier said:

And it wasn't me who initially even said we SHOULD specifically push blacked on Jews, it was a woman from the last thread,

And i never even named you but you kept insiting i respond to you so i did. my original comment was about the thread in general, not a person in it. As for her, as one guy said in a previous thread, it's just another "schizo rant" moment as the meme goes.

AryanSuperSoldier said:

I just said we can do it the bleaching way, and I never insisted on pushing actual shitted, only that I thought that it would be better done on Jews than on whites.. plus ashkenazi Jews are the only white looking ones anyways, who AGAIN I have to remind everyone, they make up the vast majority of blacked porn actresses irl, so actually if we all stop and think about it it's kinda already happening. Most non ashkenazi jews look like, well like hook nosed arabic swathy jews lmao.
And it wasn't me who initially even said we SHOULD specifically push blacked on Jews, it was a woman from the last thread, you gonna call her a cuck and pornrotted secret blacked lover or just the guy who kinda agrees with her sentiment? which might I remind you the original sentiment was just "Jews should have a taste of their own medicine" and the overwhelmingly response from all of you was "Nooooooo NOOOOO you'll be just like them!!1!!1!!" like bruh, it's one way or the other.

literally shut it down oy vey 6 quadrigintillionbillion. if you continue to just not read or comprehend I'm done

You literally agreed that we should promote diarrheaed.. I don't care who begun it or who helped the chicken cross the road. You agree we should push shitted, I'm going to be disgusted by you. Ashkenazi Jews make up the vast majority of porn actors in ANY genre of porn, bleached too. Because they were the ones that have been doing it since the 50s.. + the reason why Ashkenazis became so popular in porn (aside from the fact that they were some of the only ones willing to act) was because they looked white! The normal in porn has always been WMWF/WMAF
I think she's wrong, and she definitely fell too deep into the gooner rabbit hole but I think you, a white man who desires to see "white" women getting fucked by niggers a complete cuck.
Yeah, cause any reason for promoting that shitted camel shit is WRONG. If we should even be promoting Jews to keep breeding it should be with whites, simple.

Anyway, either be a good antisemite or don't be an antisemite. Being a cringy antisemite makes you look like a SBC cuck lmao

LatinaOfHearts said:

You literally agreed that we should promote diarrheaed.. I don't care who begun it or who helped the chicken cross the road. You agree we should push shitted, I'm going to be disgusted by you. Ashkenazi Jews make up the vast majority of porn actors in ANY genre of porn, bleached too. Because they were the ones that have been doing it since the 50s.. + the reason why Ashkenazis became so popular in porn (aside from the fact that they were some of the only ones willing to act) was because they looked white! The normal in porn has always been WMWF/WMAF
I think she's wrong, and she definitely fell too deep into the gooner rabbit hole but I think you, a white man who desires to see "white" women getting fucked by niggers a complete cuck.
Yeah, cause any reason for promoting that shitted camel shit is WRONG. If we should even be promoting Jews to keep breeding it should be with whites, simple.

Anyway, either be a good antisemite or don't be an antisemite. Being a cringy antisemite makes you look like a SBC cuck lmao

Bleached in the 50’s (bleached is relatively new and is a response to shitted, just because the standard was wm/xf in most porn doesn’t make it bleached, you can call the standard bleached but I call it the standard, bleached is this, editing pre-existing content or overtly making it overly political and biased for white male and white supremacy, that’s not standard porn)..
apparently I said we should push for shitted but of course no direct quote, there won’t be a direct quote just implications and I assume it’s gonna be one out of context (find a quote of me saying we should totally share porn of shitted to target Jews, and don’t be retard)..
ashkenazis looking white is the reason they make up the majority of raceplay actors actresses and directors and funders, it has nothing to do with nepotism and a concerted effort from white loathing Jews to create a fetish for race mixing (nah you’re probably right, jewess women are skanks and would do porn with any man because they’re low tier trash)..
“white” Jewish women getting fucked by niggers makes me a [generic low tier insult], despite me not ever saying it should be done explicitly or intentionally, especially as porn and again not having any quote on me pushing for it (letting or forcing ‘people’ to suffer the consequences of their actions is not me enjoying the suffering that their consequences would bring, just because I feel they deserve it doesn’t mean I get some twisted enjoyment out of what could happen)..
breeding Jews with whites will totally solve the issue because we’ll make more ashkenazis who’ll stop being anti-social degenerate racemix pushing perverts in porn (you’re right again, once they’ve been bleached thoroughly in fantasy land that all of these hypotheticals take place in, the world will heal)..

In essence and as a preemptive measure, I only agreed with the previous thread’s OP in sentiment and because she WAS more correct than she knew. A lot of Jewish women already are shitted, and in porn. We don’t have to do it, Jews already do it to themselves because again they’re the cucks who get off on this shit. I simply made the argument that it would be nice if we could just stop assisting Jews with funding their entire fucking faux of a nation, and then pushing for them to also open up their borders for all of the displaced refugees and immigrants they have made with their meddlings in the Middle East and Africa. But I’m sure I’m just a Jewish SBC Black Cuck soyboy incel tranny whatever other retarded insult for keeping the record straight LMAO

Yep it’s a LatinaOfHearts special edition response.