
I took a peek at Blackedbooru forums

Posted under General

UsernamesAreOutdated said:

tbh, I just dgaf anymore, let losers be losers as a wise dude on this forum said
So, I kinda feel peacefull, i dont care about blacked, i dont care about retards who like it etc.
After all its just an porn addiction, and real life is completely different from it

The most curious thing to me is that the so-called "racists" are more open-minded and disposed to accept the reality and truth of things than those-as you well defined them-losers.They surely don't have the moral high-ground even though they larp about it lmao

Like i mentioned its not just a porn fetish like any other, its a propaganda tool used in cultural warfare which is why theres so much money and push on this.
They literally make false WN accounts to promote white culture then later demoralize and get paid for anyone they convert into cucking/sissy/trans lifestyle.
Also extremely disgusting is they are sending it to minors as well girls or boys, which can be extremely harmful to their developing sexualities and mental state with severe consequences ...
for boys toxic influence on their self esteem,selfimage,masculinity ...etc
for girls if they get into it and become trashy mudsharks then later realize most white men dont want them or respect them after many such stories of social suicide ... or worse end beaten,raped, or become single mothers, the goal of this social engineering anything to destabilize white family structure from forming.

BwcAndWholesome said:

Like i mentioned its not just a porn fetish like any other, its a propaganda tool used in cultural warfare which is why theres so much money and push on this.
They literally make false WN accounts to promote white culture then later demoralize and get paid for anyone they convert into cucking/sissy/trans lifestyle.
Also extremely disgusting is they are sending it to minors as well girls or boys, which can be extremely harmful to their developing sexualities and mental state with severe consequences ...
for boys toxic influence on their self esteem,selfimage,masculinity ...etc
for girls if they get into it and become trashy mudsharks then later realize most white men dont want them or respect them after many such stories of social suicide ... or worse end beaten,raped, or become single mothers, the goal of this social engineering anything to destabilize white family structure from forming.

Some guy that worked for Phb was caught on a blind date (hidden camera) saying how he posted trans and cuck, and bi porn and sissy stuff on the main page of the straight category, to do that exact thing... same tactivs the cigarette companies advertise to youth.

BromeTheWhite said:

The most curious thing to me is that the so-called "racists" are more open-minded and disposed to accept the reality and truth of things than those-as you well defined them-losers.They surely don't have the moral high-ground even though they larp about it lmao

That's primarily due to the fact that normal society propagandizes and socalizes whites against being racist, therefore people that do become racist tend to be more of the free thinkers types that came to it based of their own research, as opposed to just following the social norms.

Also have to say how subhuman mudshark, cucks and nigers fetishes real life violence and rape happening in white nation on twitter, like i cant believe how much of utter piece of shit of a human being you have to be to do this legit if i knew someone like this irl i would beat em up and spit on them for being such trash.

BwcAndWholesome said:

Also have to say how subhuman mudshark, cucks and nigers fetishes real life violence and rape happening in white nation on twitter, like i cant believe how much of utter piece of shit of a human being you have to be to do this legit if i knew someone like this irl i would beat em up and spit on them for being such trash.

Because that's how they view black men in general: criminal and rapists. Women never go black because they're gentlemen or better, it's because they want legal bestiality. Their entire fetish is negative... and they're not too far from the truth when you see how real blacks act. Remember to say hello to your local black single mother

JostoBWC said:

Remember to say hello to your local black single mother

And bleach her of course.

Jokes aside even most "radical" parts of bleached fetish like Nazism or rape or genocide are still more respectfull that most avarange blacked shit.

And it's just me but I can't help but think all blacked fans are secretly gay or bi because of how much they talk about "white boys" even if post has nothing to do with them.

I don't see anyone here talking about "black boys" unless art is supossted to be black man humiliation or cucklod

Poesix69 said:

And bleach her of course.

Jokes aside even most "radical" parts of bleached fetish like Nazism or rape or genocide are still more respectfull that most avarange blacked shit.

And it's just me but I can't help but think all blacked fans are secretly gay or bi because of how much they talk about "white boys" even if post has nothing to do with them.

I don't see anyone here talking about "black boys" unless art is supossted to be black man humiliation or cucklod

Tbf we do talk about blacked a lot because it's our opposite and it's more popular than us.
But yeah, even our most radical stuff with nazi is waaaaaaay less fucked up than people calling for white genocide and extreme violence. I don't even hate blacks and I don't think black men who just enjoy being worshipped are confortable with the genocide talk. Only white cucks who hate themselves wish that kind of stuff

JostoBWC said:

Tbf we do talk about blacked a lot because it's our opposite and it's more popular than us.
But yeah, even our most radical stuff with nazi is waaaaaaay less fucked up than people calling for white genocide and extreme violence. I don't even hate blacks and I don't think black men who just enjoy being worshipped are confortable with the genocide talk. Only white cucks who hate themselves wish that kind of stuff

Although I agree we bring up blacked way more than we need to; I think its understandable in a way too.

Bleached is a response to blacked in many ways, we exist as a sort of counter. And there is a provable effort to spam blacked on various websites and some sites seem to have a bias towards blacked, its understandable that people who are frustated about blacked would gravitate towards here and feel like they have a place to vent about their frustrations on that kink.
You can also explain away certain community sentiment by seeing it as a response:
Blacked fans spams extreme shit --> Bleached fans largely take pride in being more wholesome
Blacked has an overemphasis on cuck shit --> Certain loud parts of this fandom has an almost hostile view of all cuck shit
etc etc etc

I kinda roll my eyes when people say we are somehow just a color swap of eachother. A large part of the "bleached" enjoyer identity seem to be based in us not being as bad as them and taking pride in it (we still do extreme stuff it just seems like less of a focus)

I got curious myself since I saw this thread and went to look myself just to see what they were up too. From the first ten threads I see

- 1 person asking how they delete their account
- 4 threads related to edit requests
- 2 threads of fresh editors asking for advice
- Alternative booru discussions
- GuP fan thread

Is this just a cover post so we can have yet another Jew discussion thread

bleached based on irl history, real life dating choices of non white women with white men, blacked based on jewish subversion agenda sponsoring and self hate idk they seem like total subhumans with hating whites 24/7

lovecrown21 said:

I got curious myself since I saw this thread and went to look myself just to see what they were up too. From the first ten threads I see

- 1 person asking how they delete their account
- 4 threads related to edit requests
- 2 threads of fresh editors asking for advice
- Alternative booru discussions
- GuP fan thread

Is this just a cover post so we can have yet another Jew discussion thread

All topics here are covers for talks about Jews let's be honest

lovecrown21 said:

I got curious myself since I saw this thread and went to look myself just to see what they were up too. From the first ten threads I see

- 1 person asking how they delete their account
- 4 threads related to edit requests
- 2 threads of fresh editors asking for advice
- Alternative booru discussions
- GuP fan thread

Is this just a cover post so we can have yet another Jew discussion thread

We could be so great... it would be so simple...

RealRacist said:

bleached based on irl history, real life dating choices of non white women with white men, blacked based on jewish subversion agenda sponsoring and self hate idk they seem like total subhumans with hating whites 24/7

The only "blacked" shot happening irl is fat blue haired tranny sucking black losers dicks or rape.

Ironical from what my poor eyes were forced to see on Rule34 most of blacked porn is this; black men raping women or fucking something that looks BlueSky user and prodably isn't even white but mixed white passing or one of (((them))).

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