
Mixed Children

Posted under General

Having been here for several years, one of the things that stood out to me was how many people dislike the idea of having mixed kids.
I understand everyone has preferences and such but when you say we need to make the world more white, you can't just ignore the beautiful latinas, asians and black women that want to help with that goal (Knowingly or unknowingly, doesn't really matter).

Bleaching and making their bloodlines more white is making the world whiter by definition. So we gotta have pride in wanting to bleach non-whites and bring fairer kids into the world.

I'm sure a few people here follow that sentiment but I just wanted to throw in my two cents. With that said, hope your day/evening/night is going well :)


I can understand bouth sides of the spectrum.
Those who only want to have pure-white babies are interested into keeping the world white and pure. Those that want mixed race want to see how the bloodlines of non-whites slowly dissapear.
I don't really have a preference. Bouth feel just right. It feels right to continue two white bloodlines and it also feels like to bless anothers bloodline with a beautiful white gift.
At the end it doesn't matter what race the child really is. When the parents are shit, they will grow up shit.
If their deadbeat father doesn't give a fuck about them, they're just gonna grow up bad and be a burden to society.
There are a lot more non-white deadbeats fathers and a lot more non-white deadbeat mothers (althought way less). Sooooo... maybe the preferencial for white blood is just a survival instinct.

This is just a problem with the kink as a whole - there's 3 clear aspects and no one can agree on what this kink is even about, it really seems to the minority that enjoy this kink as an inverse to blacked with everyone else just wanting a whites on whites only eugenics kink or hating anything that isn't just white on " Asians " ( even though the " asians " in question are drawn to be white )

IvoryFutaIII said:

This is just a problem with the kink as a whole - there's 3 clear aspects and no one can agree on what this kink is even about, it really seems to the minority that enjoy this kink as an inverse to blacked with everyone else just wanting a whites on whites only eugenics kink or hating anything that isn't just white on " Asians " ( even though the " asians " in question are drawn to be white )

Agreed. I never liked the whole Nazi/Eugenics shit that goes on here. Sure, I can enjoy a good art piece made by, say, Woomler/Tomboyist and their thicc brown/asian nazi girls but everything else to me is just wasting space on this site. I wanna see a big booty black girl bouncing on white dick, not someone saying they're gonna cut off someone's balls.

Then again, that's what you gotta expect in any kink/fandom. There are extremes, and like our opposites, we have them as well, unfortunately. Doesn’t help this a race-based kink so... shit's bound to bring out the racists.

Yea, i tend to be more on the opposing side of mixed children due to the various issues people on the internet brought up, though i like Hapas as an exception. The main issue i suppose when it comes to bleached as a subject, is that mixed children aren't all just female, half are male, too. So if you are really a pro-bleached guy, you would be fine with your daughters marrying white guys, but your son couldnt marry white girls and that just seems wierd. Mixed children in general bring identity issues when the are male, and so on. I suppose the correct route would be your half-white daughters marry white men, and the half-white men marry the non-white women or other half whites.

Whitewash said:

Having been here for several years, one of the things that stood out to me was how many people dislike the idea of having mixed kids.
I understand everyone has preferences and such but when you say we need to make the world more white, you can't just ignore the beautiful latinas, asians and black women that want to help with that goal (Knowingly or unknowingly, doesn't really matter).

Bleaching and making their bloodlines more white is making the world whiter by definition. So we gotta have pride in wanting to bleach non-whites and bring fairer kids into the world.

I'm sure a few people here follow that sentiment but I just wanted to throw in my two cents. With that said, hope your day/evening/night is going well :)

I think I'd rather not have kids than taint my bloodline like a retard

Whitewash said:

Having been here for several years, one of the things that stood out to me was how many people dislike the idea of having mixed kids.
I understand everyone has preferences and such but when you say we need to make the world more white, you can't just ignore the beautiful latinas, asians and black women that want to help with that goal (Knowingly or unknowingly, doesn't really matter).

Bleaching and making their bloodlines more white is making the world whiter by definition. So we gotta have pride in wanting to bleach non-whites and bring fairer kids into the world.

I'm sure a few people here follow that sentiment but I just wanted to throw in my two cents. With that said, hope your day/evening/night is going well :)

Mixed kids normally have problems with relating to both of their parents as most of the time they don't share many features.

Why not both?

Make two or more aryan angels with your white queen and then few mulatto babies with some black lady, this way white race survives and we bleach out genes of lower races


Always assume the breeding part of the kink was just about impregnating the women

But not raising the kids. You basically bounce because they still look down on the mixed kids, and raise the pure one

Your basically just going around race to race, baging there women, klnokcing them up like demented Jonny Apple Seed and leaving to bang more hot people of every race. Why the men of those groups are just cucked.

Now not saying people would do this in real life. They may find that beavhor horrible in real life. It Just a wild kink fantasy

This is a genuine problem, like i might be into some non white girl but i would never have mixed babies they dont even look like their parents wtf that would be so weird and i want a big family unless shes mixed white and has lots of european features and dna then it would be ok

BwcAndWholesome said:

They dont even look like their parents wtf that would be so weird

That's because mixed race kids arent that genetically related to their parents. From a genetic standpoint they are strangers/just like adopted kids. Which is also my theory why they usually dont have strong family relationships/care for their parents as much. (This was calculated using white and black mixed race, some races are closer genetically)

It's only a problem if you're a weirdo dumbass chasing some illusion of racial 'purity'. Me personally, I know that if I want the world to look more like me, I should be doing my best no matter my partner. Doesn't matter if my kids look more like their mother or myself, I'm spreading my genes and ensuring that my legacy gets propagated.

Colonizer_God said:

It's only a problem if you're a weirdo dumbass chasing some illusion of racial 'purity'. Me personally, I know that if I want the world to look more like me, I should be doing my best no matter my partner. Doesn't matter if my kids look more like their mother or myself, I'm spreading my genes and ensuring that my legacy gets propagated.

if your kid looks more like a niger then you made the world in a dumb idiocrasy state. This mindset only works if u have white and smart children that actually give value to world

Whitewash said:

Having been here for several years, one of the things that stood out to me was how many people dislike the idea of having mixed kids.
I understand everyone has preferences and such but when you say we need to make the world more white, you can't just ignore the beautiful latinas, asians and black women that want to help with that goal (Knowingly or unknowingly, doesn't really matter).

Bleaching and making their bloodlines more white is making the world whiter by definition. So we gotta have pride in wanting to bleach non-whites and bring fairer kids into the world.

I'm sure a few people here follow that sentiment but I just wanted to throw in my two cents. With that said, hope your day/evening/night is going well :)

If there's a loving partner that would accept the idea, it's not a problem at all. At least to have a kid to adore and raise is a good thing (imho)

Why are we acting as if we can't adopt white kids? That's actually been my plan. I'm pretty white-ish (as in, majority of my family is from Europe) but I still do have some features that I probably wouldn't want to pass on to my kids (brown eyes, black hair, genetic sensitivity to overweight etc) so my plan was to just adopt ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

LatinaOfHearts said:

Why are we acting as if we can't adopt white kids? That's actually been my plan. I'm pretty white-ish (as in, majority of my family is from Europe) but I still do have some features that I probably wouldn't want to pass on to my kids (brown eyes, black hair, genetic sensitivity to overweight etc) so my plan was to just adopt ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

In the future if you are part white, you could just chooses your white genes to pass and, so that would be cool, but yea for now adoption works.

fkiblaze said:

In the future if you are part white, you could just chooses your white genes to pass and, so that would be cool, but yea for now adoption works.

Hmm yeah it'd be cool but at the same time I don't know how I'd feel about "crafting" my actual, real world child like a subway footlong.. "yeah I want blue eyes, chubby cheeks but no weird toenails" y'know?

LatinaOfHearts said:

Hmm yeah it'd be cool but at the same time I don't know how I'd feel about "crafting" my actual, real world child like a subway footlong.. "yeah I want blue eyes, chubby cheeks but no weird toenails" y'know?

Well it's a bit different than genetic engineering, you already have certain eggs that have more white DNA than others because each egg picks a different combinations of your genes to be the 50% they carry, but i get your point.

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