
Is anyone watching 'blackboibeatdown'?

Posted under General

Im more into bleached for the pro-white stuff, i dont really care about black men, other than when they cause problems to other peoples countries. I guess what im saying is im not really into sadism.

I can fap at non-white/nazi/white supremacist girl sucking me off while I shoot niggers, for example, I do such a thing in RP, but it's not like I really into watching gore stuff to get a boner, no, only in text.

Didn't know about it until right this second, apparently it seems to be just be a hashtag on Twitter about clips of niggers getting beat up by whites in one sided fights.

I got some enjoyment out of them, can't really pic a fav since I just learned about em'

and I could do without the extreme close-up nigger masturbation on the other side of the video though.

BowlCutsRCute said:

Didn't know about it until right this second, apparently it seems to be just be a hashtag on Twitter about clips of niggers getting beat up by whites in one sided fights.

I got some enjoyment out of them, can't really pic a fav since I just learned about em'

and I could do without the extreme close-up nigger masturbation on the other side of the video though.

is it like 1v1 fights or multiple whites on 1 black like you see with multiple blacks on 1 white?

fkiblaze said:

is it like 1v1 fights or multiple whites on 1 black like you see with multiple blacks on 1 white?

Vast majority, if not all of them, are 1v1. School fights, Street fights, Fights in some random back yard, stuff like that. All short and end with the black losing horribly and either getting beaten or knocked out or whatever.

SOME of them though are footage of police shooting them, which I didn't enjoy watching at all and don't get why anyone would unless they were seriously mentally fucked. Like I'm no fan of nigs either, so the vids of them fucking around with a white and finding out in record time were fun to watch, but watching one fucking get shot on camera isn't okay no matter what mood I'm in.

Twitter's got some real sickos on it -_-

(I don't have a Twitter account btw, I learned these things by checking through Sotwe)