BunnyGirlEditor said:
Blacked content is pushed down our throats with these ridiculous notions of supremacy but if white men so much as hope to have the same space they're seen as racist or rude, white men ARE better than black men, white cock IS superior to black cock, im not gonna lie and act like these aren't facts just because people tell me I can't say it, blacked shit is cope, bleached is a reality, just focus on making these communities better and bigger, we're based on a truth so we'll win by default.
Jews using low iq black boys to achieve some type of racial revenge. Thats all it is at the end of the day.
White men are organically superior.
Black boys want revenge against white men because theyre insecure about the superiority of white men.
Jews want to be on top. The use the high ingroup bias black boys to achieve this revenge and try to eliminate the white race by soy-ifying white men.
Unfortunately for them, after dumping untold amounts of inorganic money into the project, literally 0 success. Lmao. White women are 9x more likely to date a hispanic than a black boy, and 10x more likely to date a white man than a hispanic.
Pathetic what they need to mimic a fraction of our power.