
Perfect World

Posted under General

A world with no misery or pain that is unnatural. Where all of the worst scum of the earth vanishes. Where sin is snuffed out and rendered as an old myth. Where all men, ALL men, are equal in every way shape and form. Then we can have Elysium

A stable, equal democratic world where corporations don't have a significant degree of control over the global economy, where radicalism on the right and left is cracked down on, and where a person does not have to spend thousands on healthcare, education, and more. No more communists or fascists, no more poverty from a simple surgery, no more tyrants.

evolutionary_8044 said:

A world with no misery or pain that is unnatural. Where all of the worst scum of the earth vanishes. Where sin is snuffed out and rendered as an old myth. Where all men, ALL men, are equal in every way shape and form. Then we can have Elysium

pretty much this minus the last part. Equality would be boring and lame. Like some kinda clone/ant colony. Uniqueness is cool.

evolutionary_8044 said:

A world with no misery or pain that is unnatural. Where all of the worst scum of the earth vanishes. Where sin is snuffed out and rendered as an old myth. Where all men, ALL men, are equal in every way shape and form. Then we can have Elysium

This is only possible with jesus, "in jesus there is neither jew nor gentile." The good news is thatbit WILL be like that one day, afyer the millennial reign of christ when he returns to earth. When people put their faith in jesus they become a new creation. But since the vast majority of the world reject jesus at an increasing rate, that leaves the remnant of European nations as the only remaining natuons worth living in, as it is europeans who beleived on the lord jesus christ and creates the greatest nations of all time. The simple reality is that only through faith in jesus can sin be defeated, and even then when jesus returns there will be bldies of people that reject him. My question is, how can you be "truly equal" while simultaneously admitting that there are those so evil that they have to be destroyed? Those evil ones who flouridate our water and start wars for us to fight will simply claim "im equal, not evil, so you cant come after me!" Just like the khazarian banker elite who do this now. So the only real answer, is Jesus. Without faith in Jesus, there is no way multiple types of people can be forged into "one people". Without genuine faith in jesus its juat not possible. Look at america for example, we white christian people jave let in mikkions of none white, non christian peoples for ages, and look what its brought us. Nothing but turmoil. If we were atleast a christian nation and only let in true beleivers on christ, and evangelized those that remained, we might have kept our anthology as the most christian nation in the history of the world. But as it is, we are not a Christian nation anymotr, and were not even allowed to stay white! So this whole "equality" thing, without true Faith in Jesus, is just a lie. Atleast the "democratic" idea of equality is a a lie anyway. The True way, through Jesus, is the only reason we ever even had anything like that. That was back when we were a Christian white nation, but now the US is anti white, and anti christian. Proving that the devil just wants to pervert every good Godly thing in this world and use it for his own devices. So in essence, if thats what you want, put all your faith in Jesus. Do t think for a second that black people will treat you "equally" for freeing them. They are 13% of the population and over 60% of all violent crime, including rape and murder. Dont expect the jews to treat you equally for saving them from genocide, they sunk the USS liberty, kill their own fellow-simetic neighbors for land, flouridated your tap water, put HEK298 in your food and single handedly did 9/11 while blaming it on muslims. Which brings up muslims, did you know muskims did the largest genocide is history? Did you know muslims took white slaves? They even still do slavery today. So in essence, that world WILL one day exist, but the only ticket there is through FAITH in CHRIST.

Germanamericasnazi said:

What would be a perfect world in ur eyes

Assuming this is another ' bleached fantasy world here folks! :D " type post I'd like a world where inter-racial is heavily " Supported " for caucasians in western governments for example if you register as a couple with lets say a korean girlfriend you get a 15% discount on all housing purchases & stuff related to starting a family/family life.
Maybe it increases or there's additional bonuses if your partner is more submissive and shows it through their clothings or even tattoos.

I like this approach because whilst it's unfair it doesn't immediately go to " unga bunga we have reverted back to the 1500s and any non-white is now a sex slave " and society doesn't crumble or turn into a dictatorship, it's just now you're a little more uuh lets say " supported " in your romantic preferences

Germanamericasnazi said:

What would be a perfect world in ur eyes

Assuming a "bleached fantasy world" I will say... a world were White Supremacy is suddenly accepted by all people and then slavery is disabolished but extended to non all whites. Whites now live to enjoy the fruits of their supremacy, becoming world leaders (politicians), company bosses or just chilling.
Meanwhile non whites from 0 to 17 yo receive an strong education that glorifies white culture and their values to accept their future as slaves. At 18 yo non white women choose becoming part of a white man's harem or a slave maid. In the other hand non white man can choose start a "femenization process" that consists in hard workout routines, hormonization and sometimes surgical procedures, at the end of the process they become sex slaves that at the same time are in chastity to take care of white man's non white woman harem. Also non white man can become slaves that make the hard work required for the society correct working (like clean streets or make buildings). At third age state will take care of non whites, but they take part of human zoos or museums where relate to whites how primitives were their cultures related to white culture.
I admit that my idea is shit, but it's night, I'm horny and wearing my mom's negligee. Just jerk off your bwc, clit or non white micropenis reading it.