
About femboys.

Posted under General

fkiblaze said:

The femboy stuff is extremely dark and a sign of a defeated people. It's honestly a shame we have white people on this site adopting that identity,

White femboys are cute tho :/

fkiblaze said:

The femboy stuff is extremely dark and a sign of a defeated people. It's honestly a shame we have white people on this site adopting that identity,

Bro acting like the end is near ( also feminine men would technically be an indicator that society is at its very best since they won’t need to go to war or worry about violence. So quite the opposite)

SubmissiveLatino said:

Bro acting like the end is near ( also feminine men would technically be an indicator that society is at its very best since they won’t need to go to war or worry about violence. So quite the opposite)

You have it completely opposite. It signs of a society dying because the men have become feminized and no longer have the ability to resist. I mean that's why the conquers make eunuchs of the men

fkiblaze said:

You have it completely opposite. It signs of a society dying because the men have become feminized and no longer have the ability to resist. I mean that's why the conquers make eunuchs of the men

Bro I guarantee you don’t have to be that manly to fire a gun to defend yourself like it’s specifically made to be easy. So for the most part even if what you’re saying is true you’d still be wrong.

SubmissiveLatino said:

Bro I guarantee you don’t have to be that manly to fire a gun to defend yourself like it’s specifically made to be easy. So for the most part even if what you’re saying is true you’d still be wrong.

You realize firing a gun at a piece of paper, and firing a gun at people shooting back at you are completely different right? That's why women in special forces break down. But go on about how men who get offended over pronouns are going to be willing to go and get shot at and killed on beaches and not cry or run away. It's not about, "lol just target practice". It's about the psychology of willing to fight and die, instead of submitting so you can watch more Netflix because getting shot at and dying is scary. As the saying goes, America men in the past fought a war over a tea tax. Men now will submit to government taxing them over half their income. Effeminate men will submit to anything that spares their life, even become slaves and enunchs of other men. If you feeling uncomfortable maintaining eye contact or agree with everything other people say because you scared to speak out and provoke conflict, you arent going to be taking a gun and fighting dudes who will shoot you.


fkiblaze said:

You realize firing a gun at a piece of paper, and firing a gun at people shooting back at you are completely different right? That's why women in special forces break down. But go on about how men who get offended over pronouns are going to be willing to go and get shot at and killed on beaches and not cry or run away. It's not about, "lol just target practice". It's about the psychology of willing to fight and die, instead of submitting so you can watch more Netflix because getting shot at and dying is scary. As the saying goes, America men in the past fought a war over a tea tax. Men now will submit to government taxing them over half their income. Effeminate men will submit to anything that spares their life, even become slaves and enunchs of other men. If you feeling uncomfortable maintaining eye contact or agree with everything other people say because you scared to speak out and provoke conflict, you arent going to be taking a gun and fighting dudes who will shoot you.

Dude nobody said anything about “lol just target practice” and if feminised men are willing to submit to anything to be safe there is a good chance they’ll probably pull a trigger just to be safe. Also people don’t actually get that offended over pronouns that’s stuff you see rarely happen. Also the eunuchs you’re talking about are usually when rich powerful white guys like Roman emperors abuse their power. Of course that’s fucked up but when people choose these things I highly doubt it’s “enslavement”. Also since when does maintaining eye contact have anything to do with shooting a guy.
Also there is no evidence of “women in special forces break down” if they did that would probably make front news but all I’m finding is an entire special forces team made of women. What are you trying to say at this point. You’ve said like 7 different things that don’t have any correlation with each other and just listing things that aren’t true. But sure dude the most privileged 1st world countries having femboys are signs that the “WEST HAS FALLEN” and I’m sure that they all will just have some “pronoun war” that’ll wipe them all out. Also which country do you live in where the taxes are half your income last time I heard those were places like Denmark and I’m pretty sure they’re the least miserable people on earth.


SubmissiveLatino said:

if feminised men are willing to submit to anything to be safe there is a good chance they’ll probably pull a trigger just to be safe.

War isnt safe dude. What battlefield do you know that is "safety". they are hellish and uncomfortable.

Also people don’t actually get that offended over pronouns that’s stuff you see rarely happen.

It's true the pronoun people are a vocal minority, but being offended over things is not. It's usually the racial stuff though.

Also the eunuchs you’re talking about are usually when rich powerful white guys like Roman emperors abuse their power. Of course that’s fucked up but when people choose these things I highly doubt it’s “enslavement”.

This just in, the romans and ottomans and so on didn't have slavery, who knew.

Also since when does maintaining eye contact have anything to do with shooting a guy.

It's about assertiveness and able to be confrontational and risk harm. That was just an example.

Also there is no evidence of “women in special forces break down” if they did that would probably make front news but all I’m finding is an entire special forces team made of women.

What are you talking about? Every time those women special forces groups get into conflicts they have to be pulled out of the battle for breaking down. Just cause CNN or MSNBC doesnt report it doesnt mean it doesnt happen. They dont report political incorrect things. When's the last time you heard of a female special forces group executing a battle succesfuly? They are just used for honor guard and parades.

What are you trying to say at this point. You’ve said like 7 different things that don’t have any correlation with each other and just listing things that aren’t true. But sure dude the most privileged 1st world countries having femboys are signs that the “WEST HAS FALLEN” and I’m sure that they all will just have some “pronoun war” that’ll wipe them all out.

It's one of the signs, and yes, if you dont see collapse around you, you are blind. Those first world countries are being less and less 1st world every year. Then again you are hispanic, so im sure it's harder for you to see considering your people arent use to actual decent european conditions. Having a job and renting an apartment is good enough for most of them.

Also which country do you live in where the taxes are half your income last time I heard those were places like Denmark and I’m pretty sure they’re the least miserable people on earth.

Bruh that's literally every modern country besides Switzerland and japan, not just denmark. Sure at least in the USA you have some red states with no income taxes, but most people live in democrat cities, like new york, LA etc. You pay a quarter to the federal government, and either over another quarter to the state, or 1/8 to the state and 1/8 to the city. Denmark is a bit better because at least they are slightly less into wasting all that money on immigrants

fkiblaze said:

War isnt safe dude. What battlefield do you know that is "safety". they are hellish and uncomfortable.
Since when did I say that war is safe. Of course I know that war is hellish I meant safe as I’m taking a life to make sure their own is safe dumbass
It's true the pronoun people are a vocal minority, but being offended over things is not. It's usually the racial stuff though.

This just in, the romans and ottomans and so on didn't have slavery, who knew.
When the fuck did I say the Romans didn’t have slaves? I meant in current day when people decide to be feminine. (Who the fuck are the ottomans)
It's about assertiveness and able to be confrontational and risk harm. That was just an example.

What are you talking about? Every time those women special forces groups get into conflicts they have to be pulled out of the battle for breaking down. Just cause CNN or MSNBC doesnt report it doesnt mean it doesnt happen. They dont report political incorrect things. When's the last time you heard of a female special forces group executing a battle succesfuly? They are just used for honor guard and parades.
If they’re just used as honor guards and parades then how do they break down in conflict if they never went to conflict. Also none of the sources were cnn or msnbc. Also their were women from the First World War who disguised as men to fight in the war.
It's one of the signs, and yes, if you dont see collapse around you, you are blind. Those first world countries are being less and less 1st world every year. Then again you are hispanic, so im sure it's harder for you to see considering your people arent use to actual decent european conditions. Having a job and renting an apartment is good enough for most of them.
I know that places like england and America are both getting worse that’s usually what happens when you don’t tax the rich and let them influence parliament and government via lobbying and bribing lawmakers and legislators so ironically you don’t actually have to feminise men to bend them to your will you can just buy them off.
Bruh that's literally every modern country besides Switzerland and japan, not just denmark. Sure at least in the USA you have some red states with no income taxes, but most people live in democrat cities, like new york, LA etc. You pay a quarter to the federal government, and either over another quarter to the state, or 1/8 to the state and 1/8 to the city. Denmark is a bit better because at least they are slightly less into wasting all that money on immigrants
Denmark is listed as one of the best countries for immigration
Plus this was supposed to be about how femboys aren’t the end of civilisation as we know it what the fuck are you going on about taxes for? Listen it started as funny but now I’m genuinely concerned. If this FEMBOY apocalypse does come I’ll be happy to admit that I was wrong. I’m dropping this.

SubmissiveLatino said:
Of course I know that war is hellish I meant safe as I’m taking a life to make sure their own is safe dumbass

That wouldn't be making sure they are safe though. That's the point. Submitting to the conquerors is safe, because if you dont they will try to kill you.

(Who the fuck are the ottomans)

That explains a lot. You dont even know what was european civilizations greatest threat in the past, so no wonder you think this conquering stuff is far away. Bruh they went all the way to austria. And made slaves of millions of europeans

women from the First World War who disguised as men to fight in the war.

We are talking about pacified people in the modern times. There were people that ran through machine gun fire back then too. Not some people who are literal saints, like joan of arc who disguised herself as a man, too. Secondly, a lot of people back then sought to go into that war for valor, that doesn't mean when they got to the battle field they didn't broke down. Shell shock was a big thing and those people back then were a lot more hardened than many people today. Regardless there is a handful of women even back then, that make up less than 0.01% of women. Not the situation we have now hence my point.

I know that places like england and America are both getting worse that’s usually what happens when you don’t tax the rich and let them influence parliament and government via lobbying and bribing lawmakers and legislators so ironically you don’t actually have to feminise men to bend them to your will you can just buy them off.

Bro, it's the complete opposite. Government revenue and spending is the highest it's ever been in the world. Most nations like a whole third of their GDP is government. Even a major empire like the roman empire, only had a tax rate of like 5%. Having high taxes is a modern phenomenon because socialism wasn't a thing until modern times. Who do you think promotes all those taxes? it's the wealthy people. Wealth isn't taxed in pretty much any country, only workers. Most rich people are democrats for example.

And no, you couldn't just buy off the strong men. Only feminized soyboys have no values besides money. Hence the promotion of materialist culture. I mean if they wanted your money they would just kill you and take it anyway rather than betray their values. The whole issue we have with corruption is because of the lack of moral fiber in men since the boomers. People weren't running into machine gun nests to die for money, for example. Not like they could take it with them. (yes there has always been mercenaries but they were and still are a small part of wars. I don't think there has been a single war won with mercenaries alone. maybe some small unheard of one. Not least of all, because mercenaries would literally switch sides if they were on the losing side, cause like I said, you cant take money with you if you die, and if you are strong enough to defend someone, you are strong enough to kill them and take their money, so mercenaries were mainly used for offense)

Denmark is listed as one of the best countries for immigration

Well obviously, why would a bad country be listed as one of the best countries for immigration? That doesn't mean they take as many as england, france, or america for example.

If this FEMBOY apocalypse does come I’ll be happy to admit that I was wrong. I’m dropping this.

Not how it goes, because a nation would be long conquered before most of the men degrade to that state. Maybe only like 10% of men could ever be femboys in a society because by the time that happens 80% of the other men are all ready effeminate or weakened enough to not put up much resistance, they just arent as far gone as the femboys. It's generally goes: zealots>strong men>spiritual boomers>soyboys>then the femtrans stuff. You only ever need most of your country to be boomers to be conquered from the inside, or most to be soyboys to be conquered from the outside.

Plus this was supposed to be about how femboys aren’t the end of civilisation as we know it what the fuck are you going on about taxes for?

They are the same issue. It's the soyboys and femboys that support the big daddy government in terms of white men.

I support all forms of feminization for POC's. Puberty blockers, hrt, surgeries, you name it. Also any submissive sexualities should be encouraged. POC boys should either be watching bottom or cuck porn only until they're a proper JoH. It's a win-win for everyone.

Don't know if it's off topic or not, but white femboy on non white women appeals to me because one moment a femboy can be dominated by a woman and the next she is being dominated by said femboy. Plus as a white bi femboy I just like the idea of being appreciated and desired for who I am

HarvestingSeason said:

I, for one, welcome the submissive femboy apocalypse. I have no issue with cute brown boys.

In case you don’t know, you have the perfect opportunity for a brown boy harem of me, br0wnb0i, and SubmissiveLatino. Just pointing it out :)

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