Purity Club for Asian Women
Hey, it’s me, The Ghost! With a spectacular new idea for all you oriental ricebunnies out there looking to bring some excitement into your boring, mundane life~
Husband always away for work as a wageslave? Boyfriend just not giving you attention because he’s too immature? Or are you just a lonely asian woman longing for a purpose?
If you answered yes to any of these question; Congratulations! You might just be a right fit for the White Purity Club~
What is the White Purity Club? It’s the hot new trend hitting Japan, China, Korea and everywhere inbetween east asia~ Basically, if you’re feeling lost, stuck, depressed, or just feel like you’re not being as good of a person as you can be; the solution is simple!
White Cock
If you feel like you’re too insecure over your looks to men from your country and aren’t being appreciated for the beauty you have; the White Purity Club will make all your doubts and concerns over your self-image fade away! All it takes is one simple intense 3 to 4 hour fuck session, and you’ll forget what you were even upset about in the first place! Science also says ingesting semen from pale white western balls is a great way to rejuvenate your spirits, make you look and feel younger and more energetic, and heighten your mood! It’s science, don’t question it!
Be you a school/college student, mother, hard-working wageslave or laborer, shrine maiden, or just alone in this cold, cruel world the purity club might be just what you need to turn your life around~ Graduating members recieve their first sign of purity after passing the entry ritual; A Queen of Hearts tattoo. This will show you are already making a positive change in your life for the better!! The more time and work you put into the club, the more tattoos you will get to show off your hard work and devotion~
Our rules aren’t too strict; simply never allow your spouse to know about what actually happens in the club. They just wouldn’t understand… It’s a strictly female empowerment kind of thing~ Any and all further questions will be answered in private messages. So if you are a struggling asian woman in need of a major pick-me-up, simply send a response with this simple message;
”Please purify my pussy.”
(^ Initial inspiration ^)
If this sounds like a cult, it’s not, don’t worry about it.