
Discussion about breeding/fighting against declining birthrates

Posted under General

BigWhiteBull said:

i say don't put all your eggs in one basket. have some white kids. have some mixed kids. bet on both sides.

Race mixing is white genocide, so no, I will not fuck a non-white. Only white women. Jews have discussed that white men should marry black women and black men should marry white women to end the white race and I will not have that. Period.

Kinya_Femboy said:

This fucking nigga is the most retarded mf ive ever fucking seen online first of all what religion forbids interracial relationships. Second of all nobody likes any type of women of color and only truly loves white girls thats fucking crazy u are such an incel u need to go outside and live in the real world fucking hell

Also i lowkey love ur racism it’s attractive but kill yourself x x

Christianity forbids interracial marriage, despite others not caring about it. Judaism does too, but only if it's a Jew marrying a non-jew. They as a matter of fact want whites to die out. and yes, I do only like white women, women of other races are all ugly and all look the same. White women have a large variety of appearances. And yes, I do go outside and live in the real world, that's why I only accept my race. Other races are just savages.

And yes, racism is attractive, but maybe you should kill yourself. You're a worthless gay man who contributes nothing to the preservation of whites.

fkiblaze said:

white men arent dating non-whites over white women. Whites are still like 90% likely to go with other whites. The mixed race relationships men get into dont effect the white birthrate because the white women arent being overlooked, it's mainly men that white women dont date getting into those relationships, so the choice is be childless or date non-white women. Men dating other races doesnt matter for birth rates.

Judaism is against mixed race relationships for one. Plenty of tribal religions are like that because they are about being within the tribe. Christianity can even be read to be that way, because it's based off the old testament and jesus said really the only thing that doesnt apply anymore is the mosaic law, which is only like 1% of the old testament, so 99% of the old testament still applies.

Yes, you are right, race mixing in Christianity is indeed a sin. I'll give proof to the people who don't believe me.
"You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind. You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor shall you wear a garment of cloth made of two kinds of material."- Leviticus 19:19
PS: I'd rather be childless than date a non-white.


AryanFemaleLover said:

Race mixing is white genocide, so no, I will not fuck a non-white. Only white women. Jews have discussed that white men should marry black women and black men should marry white women to end the white race and I will not have that. Period.

i don't want to marry one black woman. i want to have a harem of women of all races.

BigWhiteBull said:

i don't want to marry one black woman. i want to have a harem of women of all races.

I understand your point of not having all your eggs in one basket, but in my opinion I just think that you and I have different definitions of basket in this instance. Me personally I want a harem of nothing but white women. Sure, *some* white genes will pass onto a non-white child, but why settle for less? Why would I not want to have children that are full white? That's the logic that makes no sense to me. Besides, fuck racial diversity. Mixed race children just have more issues than people of one race: physical and mental issues. That only causes issues more issues than what it's worth. I say force the non-whites back to their native homelands. The only "diversity" I want my children to have are the different European ethnic backgrounds.

AryanFemaleLover said:

I understand your point of not having all your eggs in one basket, but in my opinion I just think that you and I have different definitions of basket in this instance. Me personally I want a harem of nothing but white women. Sure, *some* white genes will pass onto a non-white child, but why settle for less? Why would I not want to have children that are full white? That's the logic that makes no sense to me. Besides, fuck racial diversity. Mixed race children just have more issues than people of one race: physical and mental issues. That only causes issues more issues than what it's worth. I say force the non-whites back to their native homelands. The only "diversity" I want my children to have are the different European ethnic backgrounds.

there's only one white woman for every white man. i want to cuck men of lesser races.

BigWhiteBull said:

that too. but it's not complete until you knock up their women.

I don't like their women. I find them ugly as hell, just like the men. They're still inferiors at the end of the day. I'd rather kill them too. But I won't as long as they stay the hell away from me.

AryanFemaleLover said:

I don't like their women. I find them ugly as hell, just like the men. They're still inferiors at the end of the day. I'd rather kill them too. But I won't as long as they stay the hell away from me.

if i could, i would impregnate every fertile nigger bitch currently alive.

BigWhiteBull said:

if i could, i would impregnate every fertile nigger bitch currently alive.

You do you bro. I can't stop you from doing that. But me personally, I refuse to be a race traitor. Even if it takes longer to make more white babies I will stand by this until the day that I die.

BigWhiteBull said:

i live in Alabama tbf. and 30K is very low. 70k is more normal. and 100K is high end.

last time i checked, alabama still has higher house prices than japan though, which says a lot

AryanFemaleLover said:

Race mixing is white genocide, so no, I will not fuck a non-white. Only white women. Jews have discussed that white men should marry black women and black men should marry white women to end the white race and I will not have that. Period.

The race mix push is white women with black men as that how u kill off the race and is also more degrading and dysfunctional. Pushing the white men with black women is more rare for numerous reasons, not least of all it does nothing to prevent a white womb having white sperm in it. the black woman white men relationship is also far less dysfunctional, cause usualy the black woman is thankful she managed to get one.

fkiblaze said:

The race mix push is white women with black men as that how u kill off the race and is also more degrading and dysfunctional. Pushing the white men with black women is more rare for numerous reasons, not least of all it does nothing to prevent a white womb having white sperm in it. the black woman white men relationship is also far less dysfunctional, cause usualy the black woman is thankful she managed to get one.

Lol, black women are fucking bitches. Interracial marriage doesn't work in most cases. Besides, like I said previously, mixed race people have more issues than ones that aren't. At least that's what I've noticed.
(Source: trust me)

fkiblaze said:

The race mix push is white women with black men as that how u kill off the race and is also more degrading and dysfunctional. Pushing the white men with black women is more rare for numerous reasons, not least of all it does nothing to prevent a white womb having white sperm in it. the black woman white men relationship is also far less dysfunctional, cause usualy the black woman is thankful she managed to get one.


fkiblaze said:

last time i checked, alabama still has higher house prices than japan though, which says a lot

Speaking of Alabama and it's stereotype being incestuous. Now imagine Alabama as a whole continent with an incestuous stereotype... now imagine Australia >_>

ZombiBoi said:

Speaking of Alabama and it's stereotype being incestuous. Now imagine Alabama as a whole continent with an incestuous stereotype... now imagine Australia >_>

I though Australia was the prison island people, not the incest island. or do you mean the abos?

ZombiBoi said:

Easy do what JAPAN is doing.

I mean japan does everything right except when it comes to birth rates (even tho they arent the lowest asian country for birth rates). If you want a good example of a first world country fixing birth rates, it would have to be israel since they have high birth rates. Or you could use nazi germany since they also fixed them after weimar, which is my go to example to prove it's not due to birth control (birth control also exists in israel, too obviously)

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