
Your Ideal Partner(s)?

Posted under General

Pretty simple forum discussion, basically describe who your ideal partner(s) would look like or be like, whether you’re a man or a woman, or anything other.

Get detailed too, talk about all the little things like hair length, eye colour, height, weight, body composition, and even personalities and the like. Maybe even reference irl people (or even fictional if you like) for comparison if need be.

I’ll tell mine after some deep contemplation of my own and after some of y’all have gone.

YellowFeverDream said:

Pretty simple forum discussion, basically describe who your ideal partner(s) would look like or be like, whether you’re a man or a woman, or anything other.

Get detailed too, talk about all the little things like hair length, eye colour, height, weight, body composition, and even personalities and the like. Maybe even reference irl people (or even fictional if you like) for comparison if need be.

I’ll tell mine after some deep contemplation of my own and after some of y’all have gone.

My ideal partner would a white woman with natural blonde hair (either long or short is fine) and beautiful light blue eyes (so an Aryan woman basically), frankly I don't mind the height though I'd probably prefer if she was shorter than me, but I'm okay with her being taller (when it comes to Aryan women, big tits and thighs, butt and all that stuff is optional, their beauty alone is enough to attract me)
Her personality would be that of a tomboy someone who can be both my bro and girl, and I'd like her to be trustworthy, like I can tell her my deepest darkest secrets and she'll stick with me to the end, someone I can fully trust and (metaphorically) take my mask off and fully be myself around, someone I could go for comfort and support
A man can dream :'(

HitlersTopcoomer said:

My ideal partner would a white woman with natural blonde hair (either long or short is fine) and beautiful light blue eyes (so an Aryan woman basically), frankly I don't mind the height though I'd probably prefer if she was shorter than me, but I'm okay with her being taller (when it comes to Aryan women, big tits and thighs, butt and all that stuff is optional, their beauty alone is enough to attract me)
Her personality would be that of a tomboy someone who can be both my bro and girl, and I'd like her to be trustworthy, like I can tell her my deepest darkest secrets and she'll stick with me to the end, someone I can fully trust and (metaphorically) take my mask off and fully be myself around, someone I could go for comfort and support
A man can dream :'(

Nice, wasn’t expecting a fellow tomboy enjoyer here!

Here is my ideal partner:
Either Aryan, or Asian, preferably East Asian or even Hapa ethnicity with their natural skin tone. A healthy yet feminine looking fitness to her body, no crazy big ass or tits, and certainly not overweight in any kind of way. I’m not entirely against a thicc girls btw this is just my ideal partner. Basically anywhere between fit but not too crazy shredded or muscular, but slim and not too underweight either. Casca’s physique or body is a decent example, there’s clear definition but it’s not detracting from the feminine form, and to get that body she would go to gym with me quite a lot and stick to a pretty healthy diet. Her weight can fluctuate, but it’d hover around the 55-63 kg range (roughly 121-139lbs)
I like it when a girls hair is short and messy, dunno why but it just brings out the caveman instincts in me, the desire to just take and hold what’s mine, but also it’s less hair in my mouth when we both sleep together (I hate when that shit happens)
Eye colour, well if she’s Aryan, blue eyes is a given, but well as an Asian (or hapa) she’d most likely have black/brown eyes obviously, as well as hair colour, but I do prefer that anyways, though if it were possible she’d have lovely green eyes, with her jet black hair. She can always dye her hair anyways, and I’m never against her trying out colours to surprise me with.
I’m not against makeup either, unlike a lot of guys, however again if this is the ideal partner, she would be a theoretical 10/10 even without makeup facially, so there’d be no point. Then again, light amounts of makeup is just fine by me, especially since for a lot of women it’s just a past-time hobby for them.
Height, she’s most definitely going to be shorter than me, as I’m already pretty tall myself, however I’d actually don’t mind how tall she is. The taller she ends up being, the more weight she puts on to compensate as well.
Personality wise, ideally she’d be essentially an upbeat tomboy but with some very obvious girlish tendencies, such as being afraid of random things (thunder, bugs, horror movies), being stubborn and irrational for no reason, being extra sociable for the two of us, which means she’s also extroverted as well.
She and I would also be completely monogamous as well, there’s no real reason why I shouldn’t/wouldn’t be polygamous myself with her just being my main girl, and she would have the IQ and reasoning to understand and be okay with it herself, I just think I would love her that much to stay completely faithful for her, so it’s just a personal thing.
She’d also be skilled at running a home, not necessarily leaning into being a homemaker, she’d just naturally be good at it, and she wouldn’t complain about doing her duties. I’d help out too, especially with the obvious husband duties. Speaking of home and family, we’d probably ideally have 3-5 kids (with room for more if need be), all while she’s at her most fertile yet safe age to bear children.
Due to her Aryan/Asian/Hapa genes, her healthy diet and exercise, and her fulfilling lifestyle, she’d age quite gracefully into her middle-age years.


Slim. Around 1.70m (5'7). Long silky straight brown or dark hair. Tanned skin. Oval face shape. Has to be Spanish or Latina. I'm a fair man so I won't demand huge knockers but I do like a plump ass. Takes care of herself. Is femenine and slightly timid. Now, this is my ideal, but there's all sorts of different women that have managed to catch my gaze.

I've already found my dream partner. A beautiful ukrainian girl. Brown hair, Allthough she likes to dye it red and blonde. She is really, really, really beauitful and just pretty. Even her personality is on point. We even share the same fucked humour. We have similare kinks, allthough she doesn't like my small raceplay kink but we have found many common things.
We are togheter since a year now, but secretly crushed on eachother for years now. We're so happy togheter and even my family approved her! She's atheist and im a catholic, but she doesn't mind going to church nearly every sunday with me and my family! After i finish my studies, and she finished hers, we plan to finally move togheter.
We have litteraly gone through everything that can happen in a releationship. From near-break ups to the honeymoon phases. We helped eachother mentaly. She always supported me throughout my dissasociation dissorder and my depression. I helped and support her to go to a therapisz with her eating disorder.
She is my perfect partner.
I don't want anybody else.

As a brown southeast asian mixed chinese boy, I am accepting boyfriend applications because holy shit I am so lonely
My ideal partner would be someone who is good looking and not a creep and can hold a interesting conversation while giving me the bare minimum

Send me a DM on here and I'll give my discord if I'm interested

the_polbwcV2 said:

I've already found my dream partner. A beautiful ukrainian girl. Brown hair, Allthough she likes to dye it red and blonde. She is really, really, really beauitful and just pretty. Even her personality is on point. We even share the same fucked humour. We have similare kinks, allthough she doesn't like my small raceplay kink but we have found many common things.
We are togheter since a year now, but secretly crushed on eachother for years now. We're so happy togheter and even my family approved her! She's atheist and im a catholic, but she doesn't mind going to church nearly every sunday with me and my family! After i finish my studies, and she finished hers, we plan to finally move togheter.
We have litteraly gone through everything that can happen in a releationship. From near-break ups to the honeymoon phases. We helped eachother mentaly. She always supported me throughout my dissasociation dissorder and my depression. I helped and support her to go to a therapisz with her eating disorder.
She is my perfect partner.
I don't want anybody else.

My man won in life. Good for you brother! Keep her happy, and most importantly, keep yourself happy. Don't give up at any moment, just make sure you become the best person you can become, and you'll achieve everything in life! Go forth and live together, and be happy together.

AryanSuperSoldier said:

Pretty simple forum discussion, basically describe who your ideal partner(s) would look like or be like, whether you’re a man or a woman, or anything other.

Get detailed too, talk about all the little things like hair length, eye colour, height, weight, body composition, and even personalities and the like. Maybe even reference irl people (or even fictional if you like) for comparison if need be.

I’ll tell mine after some deep contemplation of my own and after some of y’all have gone.

Since this is bleached booru i'll give my fantasy answer and my real answer

The Fantasy girl would be a 5'1 - 5'7 East Asian, Preferably Japanese with pale skin and short brown hair, and breasts that are on the smaller side compensated with large hips and a nice ass personality wise I'd like it if she was smart and patient but still bounced off me and found me charming while sharing a few interests.

The real answer is that it's hard to pin down, i'm not picky when it comes to variation in body-type ,ethnicity, hairstyle, eye colour, etc and personality wise I'm fine with anything as long as I don't think it's bitchy or toxic though I do value intelligent women, probably because i'm not the brightest myself. My wants aren't very demanding probably because when you're down at the bottom of the tier-list for looks you tak what you can get but my wants can be TLDR'd to :
Just be a woman that likes me, is willing to put up with my BS & Is fine with physical contact ( I'm a whore for hugs, you better give me physical affection >:( )

My ideal girlfriend would be Japanese or Native American (North or South, both are hot as fuck), she'd be a huge nerd for video games and TTRPGs/CCGs (Magic ideally)
She'd be a great cook, and keep the house clean. As a reward for her hard work, I'd treat her like my personal fleshlight and fuck several massive loads of my thick, potent, WHITE seed into her fertile womb.

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