
How do the likes of floox, truck kun, etc make their content?

Posted under General

While I don't know what AI they are using, I do know a way to replicate their style, StableDiffusion.

You need the the following checkpoint and LORA if you have or plan to use SD :
As far as I know the Automatic1111 web-ui can't run these checkpoint so you will probably have to use the Forge web-ui.

If you don't want to install StableDiffusion you could also use the "Create" Button on if you have an account (it's free).
To copy the generation data simply click remix.
This allows you to create a limited number on images per day using the resoucres on the site.
Of course given that the LORA in question was trained on floox, you will need to add "dark-skinnes male" to the negative promt or remove the "interracial" tag.