
People of Bleachbooru, what's your religion?

Posted under General

IvoryFuta-II said:

I'm too logicial to believe in any religions, and all theist religions rely on blind faith to spend so much time worshipping and praying to a god who might not even be there to begin with. There's no evidence of there being a god or anything from the bible or qu'ran happening and when a religious person says otherwise there's also a bunch of conflicting evidence ready to argue it and with no evidence to support your arguements how can you really say that your religion is the right one, there's nothing to the contrary saying that polythesitic religions aren't correct.

I don't hate religion as an outsider, it can give someone stability and structure in their life however I can't stand zealots ( mostly islamic ones ) trying to yammer on about how their religion is correct and the best and that all other religions are wrong when they're just as clueless as everybody else.

As an atheist I hope i'm wrong, that there is some sort of afterlife the thought of just being unconcious forever scares the shit out of me, I don't like the idea that I'll truly never get to see my loved ones again and it's kept up at night since i was a child and first had the idea maybe there is no heaven but as it stands there's a gaping lack of evidence or plausability to religion for me to give a signifgant part of my life to it

"I don't know a single thing about theology or philosophy"

I'm Catholic

Nominally muslim, had periods where I was really into it and I still follow some tenets due to social reasons and its the only way I know how to pray when I feel like it. Interested in reading the Bible though and taking it very seriously. Also, don't get the hate on Mormonism, sounds interesting to me.

QueenOfQueens said:

I was baptized Roman Catholic, but I lost my faith early after I was sexually assaulted by a church official and have been agnostic since.

I don't blame you, that's a valid reaction.

Agnostic most of my life. Quite recently turned to Catholicism. Falling short but trying,

Pigga said:
Also, don't get the hate on Mormonism, sounds interesting to me.

The Mormon thing has several bases, but a lot of it boils down to

1) The usual sectarian conflicts
2) The theology and origin story of the sect itself is objectively ludicrously stupid.

TallWhiteAndHung said:

I don't blame you, that's a valid reaction.

Agnostic most of my life. Quite recently turned to Catholicism. Falling short but trying,

That's the story of every single Catholic. Falling short, but always trying. When you stop trying, you start sinking.

Catholic. Devout and proud of it.
I try to help other catholics who lost track of their religion and turn back to god and open up to drugs and sin.
I plan to volunteer for my local church.
I'm really devout because catholicism is a part of the croatian identity.
Switzerland is turning more and more atheistic. So i'm also preaching my religion sometimes to those who want to listen.
I believe in fighting with my mouth and speech and never try to force people to it.
I go to church nearly every sunday and want to start and to read the bible completely.
I despise every christaian who tries to force people into the religion. Every pedo who became a priest will join satan in hell and every catholic who beats their children will also suffer in hell.

I have a orthodox Girlfriend but we plan to raise our kids catholic.

Catholicism runs deep into my family. The only time a non-catholic married into the family is the husband of one of my catholic aunts. He's muslim but a traditional bosnian one (aka really relaxed about islam). Their two children were raised catholic.

TL;DR Devout Catholic

Oriflamme said:

That's the story of every single Catholic. Falling short, but always trying. When you stop trying, you start sinking.

It's hard to ignore the faith that created the greatest civilization on Earth. All great thinkers, innovators and leaders benefited from a Christian theocracy.

Despite dabbling in prayer, Bible reading and church attendence, I don't really practice the religion all that much. But I came to realize a lot of my search for existentialism has inadvertently come from religious rhetoric, so that's why I'm now comfortable with embracing the label.

TallWhiteAndHung said:

It's hard to ignore the faith that created the greatest civilization on Earth. All great thinkers, innovators and leaders benefited from a Christian theocracy.

Despite dabbling in prayer, Bible reading and church attendence, I don't really practice the religion all that much. But I came to realize a lot of my search for existentialism has inadvertently come from religious rhetoric, so that's why I'm now comfortable with embracing the label.

Just keep going to Mass and say whatever prayer grabs you at any moment at least once a day. Everyone has to start somewhere, even the smallest things.

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