

Posted under General

SecretNazi said:

Oh boy. I'm gonna end up on a couple more lists...

Kink aside, my views are slightly extreme. First of all, there is no such thing as the human race. There are only 3 races in the world: Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid. Caucasoid exist in Europe, The Middle East, and Northern Africa . Negroid exists in sub Saharan Africa. Mongoloid is everywhere else.

Caucasoid is further sub divided into 3 sub races: Hamites in North Africa, Semites in the Middle East, and Aryan in Europe. Now before everyone jumps down my neck for saying that the (((they))) are white, let me add on to this. (((They))) are Khazars', they came from the Asian Steppe and invaded the Middle East thus stealing the name "Semite". Before their invasion , the Middle East was white. Jesus is white, Abraham is white, Muhammed is white. When (((they))) invaded, (((they))) rewrote history to make it fit their ends, so that (((they))) are "God's Chosen". Same with the Negroids invading North Africa. The whole "We Waz Kingz" is another rewriting of history. Egyptians were white.

Now that (((they))) took over (((they))) took the name as Jew. Remember, Jew is a racial term, not a religious one. Everything that modern Judaism practices is old practices from the Khazars.

Because of this, The Jew is the mortal enemy of the Caucasoid. Because The Jew wants to snuff us out. The Jew wants to kill every white man, rape every white woman, and consume every white baby. Everything that happens today is the result of The Jew trying to destroy us all.

So, we fight back. The goal is to exterminate every Jew, every Nigger, every Chink, every Redskin, every towel head. All of our racial enemies. And to purge elements inside white nations. Day of the Rope is the term. There we will kill every subservise element in white nations: race traitors, pedophiles, politicians, racial enemies, the disabled, the homosexual, the feminist, All of them will be hanging from every lamp post, every tree branch, every flag post. It will be the great cleansing.

And what we are doing now before that day is preparation. Gathering allies , forming white -only communities, turning away from the modern life and back to traditional values, turning women into trad wives, having large white families, bulking up and lifting weight to train for The Day. And we repeat our mantra: "Don't lose hope, for no one can escape the Day of the Rope"

So to answer your question: I am very racist.

Hot tho

I am literally only involved with bleached as a mechanism to demoralize non-indoeuropean descendant people or “non-white” men while creating sympathizers among their women and homosexuals.
While I am race realist I am also a common sense nationalist. That means being a real leader, not just blind hatred.
I firmly believe that ethno-states are the closest thing to world peace we will ever come to. It is also the natural flow of societies. As we are currently seeing the geopolitical situation for America's hedgemony globally thus international jewish power globally deteriorate we will be looking at what I am assuming and have assumed for a very long time will be a slide into multi-polarity on the world stage followed by the eventual rise of a new white empire.
Of course by the time the second one happens I will have likely been dead for around 80 to 100 or so years.
In conclusion to reply to your post in full I am a racist, but the deporting kind – very rarely the genocide kind.

AryanFemaleLover said:

Amen, brother. Amen. You hit the nail on the head there. I can't describe just how right you are. I feel the same way. I can't wait for Europe to be flooded with Christianity again once the Jews are gone.

When you found out the Nazi is a white traitor and subscriber to Middle East bullshit.

AryanFemaleLover said:

Keep coping, faggot. Just know that gay people like you will never be happy. Just keep telling yourself that you will, it'll keep you alive until we have the privilege to gas you for being a homosexual. You brought this upon yourself for asking what I thought about femboys, you wigger.


femboys are useless we can't have babies with them and girls don't tend to like them

racist has such a negative sound to it but that's just because of the anti-white spin the jew run liberal media puts on it. they are the real racists race swapping white history and white pop culture with niggers and always demonizing Hitler who was only trying to secure the future of his people, our people. they are the real racists but yes by the standard definition I am a racist and I'm glad I am. screw them and their social regulations.

swastikagirl1488 said:

racist has such a negative sound to it but that's just because of the anti-white spin the jew run liberal media puts on it. they are the real racists race swapping white history and white pop culture with niggers and always demonizing Hitler who was only trying to secure the future of his people, our people. they are the real racists but yes by the standard definition I am a racist and I'm glad I am. screw them and their social regulations.

Racism turns me on even though I know it is bad for me >.<

yarblharbl said:

I'm pretty careful about blending in and hiding my racism irl, it's important to not be detected by wrongthink patrol.

I literally just go outside wearing a hitlerstache on 4/20 and come up with some excuse like "It's because I don't like weed." and people go with it.

WWOBunny said:

Twinsies, luckily were girls so these guys just would rather fuck us then... yknow...

The girls will be bleached, barring the absolute most ugly bitches to be left to themselves and the jewesses… idc how hot they are (usually ugly anyways) Keep me away from them if you really want that Jewish pussy, because I cannot hold back my undying desire to rid the world of their scum. The early Europeans were foolhardy (if noble) to simply exile them and/or banish them from their lands, nothing short of completing Hadrian’s and Hitler’s genocide is best for them.

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