
Image Editing Requests

Posted under General

SumTannDood said:

Deadass seems like nobody does requests anymore, I'd love to do some but i've been lazy recently, plus I hate seeing black dudes in porn so much it damages my brain each time

Yep, it sucks, if I could figure out how to on the app I use I would be doing tons of skin edits but it's difficult

hi there i was looking for a QoH edit for my own OC.
Skin Edit: N/A
Add content: Change the shirt design to this bwc icon (post #72585) and add this tattoo (post #63202) onto one of her thighs. lastly, change the symbol on the pouch to this (post #26189) and if doable recolor the outfit tor red. dont worry about the braclets.

thank you very much!

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