
To the women of bleachbooru, what would you like to see more of on here?

Posted under General

Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

To the ladies here, what do you wish there was more of here?

What do you wish there was less of?

Haven't got much to say for the former, sure there's things I'd want to see more.
But the latter... Woo boy, I've given up hope on this place because of it, less of people genuinely supporting what they get off to
Never gonna happen, because that goes all the way up to the mods. Saying more would be as futile as resisting the Borg

More wholesome stuff would be nice tbh. The whole Nazi and WWO thing gets a bit old and weird and I just wanna see white men be wholesome with they’re cute asian, black, brown, or white wives :)

latina_dumb said:

A section to publish stories/stories/fic would be quite interesting and would attract a lot of people

I would love this too. as a guy that is, I would also want more wholesome stuff and less nazi stuff myself (though don't remove it, it has its place).
To be honest though pay attention to what women do in a vacuum, and not so much to what they say when prompted, on that light misogyny shit, cause I literally know a fair few of the girls here saying one thing here "less nazis, more wholesome/futa" but in literal nazi smut on this site I see the most unhinged comments usually from the same girls.


Cyporg618 said:

More wholesome stuff would be nice tbh. The whole Nazi and WWO thing gets a bit old and weird and I just wanna see white men be wholesome with they’re cute asian, black, brown, or white wives :)


QueenOfQueens said:

More sane people and less actual Nazis.

Cyporg618 said:

More wholesome stuff would be nice tbh. The whole Nazi and WWO thing gets a bit old and weird and I just wanna see white men be wholesome with they’re cute asian, black, brown, or white wives :)

I too am sick of Nazi stuff because it triggers my history autism in a bad way.

Cyporg618 said:

More wholesome stuff would be nice tbh. The whole Nazi and WWO thing gets a bit old and weird and I just wanna see white men be wholesome with they’re cute asian, black, brown, or white wives :)

I complement according to that~

Cyporg618 said:

More wholesome stuff would be nice tbh. The whole Nazi and WWO thing gets a bit old and weird and I just wanna see white men be wholesome with they’re cute asian, black, brown, or white wives :)

I do live me so wholesome sex, the Internet need way more of that and way less Nazis, like can I not have a chick with non white skin like me without hating and/or wanting to kill all non White men.

AryanSuperSoldier said:

I would love this too. as a guy that is, I would also want more wholesome stuff and less nazi stuff myself (though don't remove it, it has its place).
To be honest though pay attention to what women do in a vacuum, and not so much to what they say when prompted, on that light misogyny shit, cause I literally know a fair few of the girls here saying one thing here "less nazis, more wholesome/futa" but in literal nazi smut on this site I see the most unhinged comments usually from the same girls.

I'd love a writing section to share works of fiction / roleplays, but judging by the people here it wouldn't be the most comfortable place, I guess you're right there?
But it'd still be a great place for people who actually enjoy it, no matter the comment section.

Also, some more captions / wholesome content, yeah! In the other direction, more hardcore Nazi content, of course - but with a focus on men. I'd love to see more tattooed muscular guys, or even just shemales / queer people. And maybe some more gay content?

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