
Have you had bad experiences with other races?

Posted under General

Mostly a question for the whites on this site. Did you have any bad experiences with people of another race aka blacks/latinos/arabs?

question also counts for non-whites. (Blacks who had bad experiences with other blacks, etc.)

yes, mostly middle eastern people. I got robbed by a bunch of kurds.
(I know because they said they were turkish, and kurds and turks hate each other like cats and dogs)

also the school I went to was half migrants, mostly arabs and eastern-europeans
half of the school was literally retarded, and the arabs did great part in this
only 1~2/10 arabs were decent people, the rest did so much bullshit

and my school was actually ok, we didn't had fights every few weeks like other schools

I've seen many times arabic men heavily bother women in the street or in the bus, once 13-14 years old adolescents (!). It's something lots of women are complaining about in the region in which I live, being bothered by men, and they also complain that those men are overwhelmingly migrants from arabic countries. There also was a very aggressive guy in the train, insulting and threatening everybody, smashing things on the floor, I don't know where he was from although he didn't look like he was from Western Europe.

I've had mostly bad experiences with muslims (stealing, name calling, saying I should convert etc.) but I did get spat on in Texas by a white guy. He thought I was living there illegally or something? Which I wasn't, I was doing tourism (sex tourism, even)

Corma said:

I've seen many times arabic men heavily bother women in the street or in the bus, once 13-14 years old adolescents (!). It's something lots of women are complaining about in the region in which I live, being bothered by men, and they also complain that those men are overwhelmingly migrants from arabic countries. There also was a very aggressive guy in the train, insulting and threatening everybody, smashing things on the floor, I don't know where he was from although he didn't look like he was from Western Europe.

Pretty much what you said about women being bothered by migrant men. Almost every woman in my life who I have been close to either platonically or romantically have given me the whole "I am not racist but" spiel and then went into rants about how they notice that migrant men seem to harass women more. It's staggering and most of them seem afraid to even admit it due to fear of judgement.

And I know that white men also harass. Infact sexual harassment in general is something that is a recurring issue if you talk to women in general about their problems. Western society could be a lot better in how we teach male-female interactions. But from statistics and anecdotes it seems like non-white migrants commit acts of sexual harassment at a vastly disproportinate rate.

Women tend to be weary of large groups of men in general but when dealing with groups of non-white migrants there seem to be more of a direct concern ("Will happen" as opposed to "might happen") when it comes to harassment that simply isn't there as much when it comes to white men.

My personal experiences have been mostly good, actually a majority of my inner circle is not white. Of course, I've had plenty of bad interactions with people but it doesn't actually seem like it really varies that much in what they say/do, its mostly emotionally stunted bums who think every woman they see is emotional life support.

I agree with the other commenters about migrants from the middle east - I don't even really think its racist. Look at social media, news, etc - even people born and raised in a developed country have trouble acting correctly in society. Is it really so completely implausible that a bunch of war traumatized people from a society that operates like it's the year 1200 would not be able to act correctly after moving here? Make-believe that you can just mass resettle a bunch of people like that into new societies and somehow its all gonna work... have you ever tried to convince someone to quit drinking or smoking? Basically impossible, right? But somehow a bunch of welfare programs and government pamphlets is going to get these people to change their whole worldview about women and how to behave in public? L O L.

I grew up as a white minority in the UK ( certain cities are majority arab and I didn't live on the white side of my city ) so almost everyone I know outside of my family are arabs and I faced a lot of ignorance and lowkey racism as a teenager, if anything the thing that annoyed me more than the discrmination and bullying because I was the white kid were the ignorant questions I'd get asked like " Do you eat pork " , " oh my god do you have foreskin? " , " church on sunday? " etc
Because these questions aren't out of racism they're just geniune ignorance towards western/white culture ( in a western white country ) , I wouldn't constantly tax an arab with ignorant surface level questions about their culture & religion and it got very annoying very quickly.

- Inspite of this I don't hate arabs they have the same capacity for good and evil as anyone else but muslim ( arab ) culture is just so ignorant of everything that isn't muslim and I've noticed that they're very quick to violence if you say anything about THEIR religion despite the fact they'll make ignorant and false claims about anything from judaism & christanity to hindisum and buddism( I get that islam is a lot more of a way of life than christanity or judasim but these mfers have no chill ) and I wish they'd actually respect their women, no wonder the Qu'ran forbids outside marriage to non muslim men they're scared that if arab women realise europeans & orentials won't abuse them and control them the arab gene will die out although I suppose a lot of the bad behaviours are cultral rather than religious however because you see arabs descended from immigrant familes tending to mellow out as we roll onto 3rd - 4th & 5th gen immigrant familes that are much more homogenised with british values & attitudes even if their religion makes them very ignorant of certain topics.

That being said while I don't fault Arabs for certain negative behaviours ( it's simply what a lot of them were raised to be like ) I fault islam, I don't like Islam as a religion since all it seems to want to do is export arabian culture and replace everyone else's with it similar to how china assumilated the many ethnic groups there by forcing them to adopt Han-chinese culture and breed with Han Chinese - the qu'ran can only be read in arab, halal food signs on shops have to be in arab and they take a passage about " go fourth and multiply " very seriously having children even when they shouldn't leading to physical and mental health problems with the children - often times their families can have a 10 year gap between the oldest and youngest children - it's clear that the Qu'ran wants arab culture & arab people to be the ONLY culture & ONLY people which leads to rules like not allowing islamic women to date non-islamic men.
Sometimes I think if the middle east was entirely christian like lebanon or some other religion like Hindi Indians it wouldn't be such a toxic place because it's only as overly conservative as it is thanks to Islamic values


IvoryFuta-II said:

I grew up as a white minority in the UK ( certain cities are majority arab and I didn't live on the white side of my city ) so almost everyone I know outside of my family are arabs and I faced a lot of ignorance and lowkey racism as a teenager, if anything the thing that annoyed me more than the discrmination and bullying because I was the white kid were the ignorant questions I'd get asked like " Do you eat pork " , " oh my god do you have foreskin? " , " church on sunday? " etc
Because these questions aren't out of racism they're just geniune ignorance towards western/white culture ( in a western white country ) , I wouldn't constantly tax an arab with ignorant surface level questions about their culture & religion and it got very annoying very quickly.

- Inspite of this I don't hate arabs they have the same capacity for good and evil as anyone else but muslim ( arab ) culture is just so ignorant of everything that isn't muslim and I've noticed that they're very quick to violence if you say anything about THEIR religion despite the fact they'll make ignorant and false claims about anything from judaism & christanity to hindisum and buddism( I get that islam is a lot more of a way of life than christanity or judasim but these mfers have no chill ) and I wish they'd actually respect their women, no wonder the Qu'ran forbids outside marriage to non muslim men they're scared that if arab women realise europeans & orentials won't abuse them and control them the arab gene will die out although I suppose a lot of the bad behaviours are cultral rather than religious however because you see arabs descended from immigrant familes tending to mellow out as we roll onto 3rd - 4th & 5th gen immigrant familes that are much more homogenised with british values & attitudes even if their religion makes them very ignorant of certain topics.

That being said while I don't fault Arabs for certain negative behaviours ( it's simply what a lot of them were raised to be like ) I fault islam, I don't like Islam as a religion since all it seems to want to do is export arabian culture and replace everyone else's with it similar to how china assumilated the many ethnic groups there by forcing them to adopt Han-chinese culture and breed with Han Chinese - the qu'ran can only be read in arab, halal food signs on shops have to be in arab and they take a passage about " go fourth and multiply " very seriously having children even when they shouldn't leading to physical and mental health problems with the children - often times their families can have a 10 year gap between the oldest and youngest children - it's clear that the Qu'ran wants arab culture & arab people to be the ONLY culture & ONLY people which leads to rules like not allowing islamic women to date non-islamic men.
Sometimes I think if the middle east was entirely christian like lebanon or some other religion like Hindi Indians it wouldn't be such a toxic place because it's only as overly conservative as it is thanks to Islamic values

Nah bro hinduism is garbage gutter trash and there's not really anything wrong with your eldest and youngest having a 10 year gap unless you're just weirdly afraid of large families. I understand not want them to have large families in the West though, ship em all back.

IvoryFuta-II said:

I grew up as a white minority in the UK ( certain cities are majority arab and I didn't live on the white side of my city ) so almost everyone I know outside of my family are arabs and I faced a lot of ignorance and lowkey racism as a teenager, if anything the thing that annoyed me more than the discrmination and bullying because I was the white kid were the ignorant questions I'd get asked like " Do you eat pork " , " oh my god do you have foreskin? " , " church on sunday? " etc
Because these questions aren't out of racism they're just geniune ignorance towards western/white culture ( in a western white country ) , I wouldn't constantly tax an arab with ignorant surface level questions about their culture & religion and it got very annoying very quickly.

- Inspite of this I don't hate arabs they have the same capacity for good and evil as anyone else but muslim ( arab ) culture is just so ignorant of everything that isn't muslim and I've noticed that they're very quick to violence if you say anything about THEIR religion despite the fact they'll make ignorant and false claims about anything from judaism & christanity to hindisum and buddism( I get that islam is a lot more of a way of life than christanity or judasim but these mfers have no chill ) and I wish they'd actually respect their women, no wonder the Qu'ran forbids outside marriage to non muslim men they're scared that if arab women realise europeans & orentials won't abuse them and control them the arab gene will die out although I suppose a lot of the bad behaviours are cultral rather than religious however because you see arabs descended from immigrant familes tending to mellow out as we roll onto 3rd - 4th & 5th gen immigrant familes that are much more homogenised with british values & attitudes even if their religion makes them very ignorant of certain topics.

That being said while I don't fault Arabs for certain negative behaviours ( it's simply what a lot of them were raised to be like ) I fault islam, I don't like Islam as a religion since all it seems to want to do is export arabian culture and replace everyone else's with it similar to how china assumilated the many ethnic groups there by forcing them to adopt Han-chinese culture and breed with Han Chinese - the qu'ran can only be read in arab, halal food signs on shops have to be in arab and they take a passage about " go fourth and multiply " very seriously having children even when they shouldn't leading to physical and mental health problems with the children - often times their families can have a 10 year gap between the oldest and youngest children - it's clear that the Qu'ran wants arab culture & arab people to be the ONLY culture & ONLY people which leads to rules like not allowing islamic women to date non-islamic men.
Sometimes I think if the middle east was entirely christian like lebanon or some other religion like Hindi Indians it wouldn't be such a toxic place because it's only as overly conservative as it is thanks to Islamic values

In France, descendents of arabic immigrants tend to radicalize themselves, more and more put the sharia law above the laws of the Republic as seen by polls for example. More and more women put an islamic veil on their head. They also tend to vote homogeneously for the same candidate (the candidate totally submitted to Islamic revendications).

How do you think these people will assimilate just fine when they're literally living among themselves, as you said, as they are the majority ? That's pure fantasy.

Also, regardless of what I said, I don't want them to assimilate, I want to preserve my people from ceasing to exist, both as a race and a culture, a way of life, and an identity. Good luck with the situation you put yourselves in in the UK.

In all honesty? Yeah I have had bad experiences with people of all races. Even my own. But I don't let that color (heh) my perception, identity, opinions, or ideology. I really try my best to get along with everyone.

In character? Yeah, I have had bad experiences. But when it was with a white person, or a even a lady of color, I knew it was my fault.

Corma said:

In France, descendents of arabic immigrants tend to radicalize themselves, more and more put the sharia law above the laws of the Republic as seen by polls for example. More and more women put an islamic veil on their head. They also tend to vote homogeneously for the same candidate (the candidate totally submitted to Islamic revendications).

How do you think these people will assimilate just fine when they're literally living among themselves, as you said, as they are the majority ? That's pure fantasy.

Also, regardless of what I said, I don't want them to assimilate, I want to preserve my people from ceasing to exist, both as a race and a culture, a way of life, and an identity. Good luck with the situation you put yourselves in in the UK.

I know that they're very different in Europe & the EU because of the fact both the EU kind of enables this behaviour and doesn't punish it - I don't think these arabs would be acting like an american tourist in japan if they faced actual consequences for their misogyny, sexual assault/harassment and violence. Germany learned the hard way what happens when you invite muslim arabs into your house and let them walk all over you.

Oriflamme said:

Nah bro hinduism is garbage gutter trash and there's not really anything wrong with your eldest and youngest having a 10 year gap unless you're just weirdly afraid of large families. I understand not want them to have large families in the West though, ship em all back.

My issue with muslim arabs having big families is specifically because they're doing it to actively try to assimulate whatever culture they plant themselves in with muslim arab culture and it works. All of the pakistani immigrants that landed here in the 60s have taken about 60 years but they're starting to outnumber white british people in our most populated cities like London & Birmingham the, stratergy works.

Also regardless of your feelings towards religion my point was that I only think arabia is so toxic is because of Islam, Arab christians you'll find in places like lebanon are the nicest people you'll come across but their Islamic neighbours can be overheard beating their children and harassing the christian population

the_polbwcV2 said:

Mostly a question for the whites on this site. Did you have any bad experiences with people of another race aka blacks/latinos/arabs?

question also counts for non-whites. (Blacks who had bad experiences with other blacks, etc.)

yes i live in a mostly white neighbor hood but spics and niggers are moving in

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