
The case of Native Americans

Posted under General

I've had this question in my mind since a while now. Natives in north america have had a brutal history when the first europeans started to colonize the continent. They were genocided and pushed into reservations for centuries. Now we live in a time where natives in reservations are a lot poorer and have worse infrastructure than a average us-citizen outside of the reservations. The Native Population has recovered itself from centuries of massacres, but is this going to hold?

As of 2021, ther are rougly 9.7 million Native americans in the US and roughly 1.8 million Natives in Canada. 11.5 Million Natives combined. [Wikipedia]

Natives are dying younger. According to CBS [source: ] , White males live 14 years longer than native americans. There's also a larger alcoholism, drug abuse, poverty and infrastructure problem in native reservation.

Native americans also have the second lowest fertility rate out of all races in the US, at around 1.5 births per woman (1'477 births per 1'000 women, i rounded the number up at 1'500 births and shortend the number /100 to have 1.5 births per 1 woman) [ source: ].

In the case of canadian natives, kidnapping of women are wide-spread. The canadian police aren't doing much to help the natives. Natives also are poorer are more natives are jobless. The lack of perspectives cause drug-releated crime and wide-spread alcoholism.

Now after reading all those facts, will the native-race in north america survive for the next 100/200/300 years?

We could see a further drop in native birth rates as poverty could start to ravage through the reservations. Covid killed many natives due to the lack of healthcare and already worse health due to poverty in the reservations.

Now, could the natice american "race" dissapear? I don't think so, but it wouldn't strive either.
Natives who live outside of the reservations would be integrated with the local population. Natives themselves have a lower birth rate. The death rate is higher than the average in the reservations, so we might see a small grow but not for too long.

All this isn't considering what could happen in the future. Maybe there would be another economic crash and an increase in crime. Maybe there would be wide-spread working anti-drug programs. Maybe WW3 would happen and the human race itself will dissapear. There are many variables that can influence.

This is just a overview of the case for Native Americans in the US and Canada. I did not consider south american/mexcan natives.

I know we have some natives here on the booru. This whole post isn't releated to my kink, nor to bleaching at all. It's just a question i had for a while and just wanted to share what i foudn. I know many of you like stats (NERDS LMAO) and numbers (NERDS LMAO) just like me (NERD LOL). I know there are some weirdos who would get off to this post...

Any opinions?

All of my kink racism aside, I do find it sad and disheartening to see. This could’ve been prevented if the leftists in both America and Canada stopped supporting the native Americans with welfare. Welfare quite literally destroys and retards people, I’m not going to argue or explain in detail about the how’s and why’s welfare states do these thing, they just do. We could all be prospering and to a certain extent progressing in the right direction (in relative segregation and limited race mixing ideally) were it not for socialists and Jews. Similar thing is happening to the aboriginals of Australia where I live. I won’t hold back, they are pretty much still cave men, and we do them the reverse of service by gifting them all kinds of gibsmedats through welfare and socialist like programs. Despite what I may say about them, I still would like to preserve their true unique qualities and that includes their racial identity and cultural identity (of course not at the expense of whites).

Idk.. it’s all so blackpilling to me knowing that we could be in much better shape, yet we continue to pray to the God known as government to solve everything. Every welfare dependent race is a burden on not just the state but themselves. Welfare independence is the key to solving all kinds of problems, but that’s not a politically viable solution because free stuff is too good to pass up..

I think they could end up dying out. They're doing extremely harmful drugs (fent, alcohol, meth etc) choosing not to have kids, getting in debt, rejecting white people, acting like dicks just cause they're the indigenous population etc. This is the same story that's happening in South America. For instance, anti-native sentiment has grown in Colombia after Petro (the president) allowed a bunch of natives to live in a park and they completely trashed it and lived like pigs and then had the nerve to be mad that the authorities kicked them out (the people wanted the park back to themselves). Or something like that I'm not totally sure.
People are not allowing this shitty behavior to continue and they're not going to help people that don't want to be helped. Same thing might be coming to the blacks and us Latinos if we don't straighten up and stop with the niggarism soon.

Eh. 'Native American' is a broad label, and one that is if anything even less accurate than 'white'. They're often called First Nations, and that's a more useful label to view them through, because they're not organized around racial lines. They're organized around clans, tribes, and territories, because their family groups and cultural heritage had to recoil and reform from the successive waves of Western expansion.

Now all that said, are the stats wrong? No. They're abused, shoved aside, and suffering from a wide variety of social maladies. As it is, they can perpetuate themselves, assimilate into the broader population around their enclaves, or...well, none of them have really shown any signs of actual expansion, which would be what they need tothrive instead of just surviving. In order for the various tribes to actually grow meaningfully larger, they would have to absorb the populations and local governments, and I...frankly just don't see that happening at either end of the interaction.

As it is, they'll take advantage of Indian gaming laws, build casinos, increase revenue, and try to give themselves a better standard of living. I can't see much future for them as an actual polity, much less a collection of polities.

Also, lol, lmao, blaming welfare for their problems is perhaps the stupidest thing possible.

All of the problems the natives have could just be solved if they actually asked for independence instead of just wanting to live off handouts like the other guy said. They should just get a part of USA and canada and create their own nation. Also the native americans were never genocided. That idea comes from ridiculously huge estimates of native populations, when in reality there was only around 3 million total in the entire of the usa when the white man came. Their population did decrease a lot in the past, but it was a decrease over several hundred years, mostly due to the fact native Americans are the only race that are more likely to marry outside their race than in it. That isnt to say there werent natives ever getting killed and stuff, but literally the largest massacre was like only 200 natives, compare this to battles that are whites against whites that have thousands or tens of thousands of killed. Even the more conservative idea that it was a smallpox genocide doesnt necessarily hold up all that much with modern genetics, that is to say there wasnt much lineage destruction. So for that to be true, the smallpox would have to have essentially just killed the men and leave the women alive, which smallpox doesnt work that way. Based on that genetic data it just seems like their women married white men. So literally bleached.

Colonizer_God said:

Also, lol, lmao, blaming welfare for their problems is perhaps the stupidest thing possible.

Got an answer for they have similar IQs comparatively to whites (which is supposed to affect muh life outcomes), yet experience even worse life outcomes than blacks and the only discernible link between how/why this could be the case is the enormous dependence on welfare they are in comparison to blacks? Nothing short of a well reasoned and informed argument will suffice to even begin to change my mind. So lol, lmao yourself retard.

AryanSuperSoldier said:

Got an answer for they have similar IQs comparatively to whites (which is supposed to affect muh life outcomes), yet experience even worse life outcomes than blacks and the only discernible link between how/why this could be the case is the enormous dependence on welfare they are in comparison to blacks? Nothing short of a well reasoned and informed argument will suffice to even begin to change my mind. So lol, lmao yourself retard.

There's also the fact the fact the tribes that dont get welfare dont have the same problems as the ones that do get it, cause not every tribe has those benefits, only mainly the commonly know ones.

fkiblaze said:

There's also the fact the fact the tribes that dont get welfare dont have the same problems as the ones that do get it, cause not every tribe has those benefits, only mainly the commonly know ones.

Exactly, but bringing this up to someone like Coloniser God who if I had to guess, would simply deny the reality of that situation without any possible alternative explanation, and reee like a retard. If I had to guess he’s just gonna ignore it, or argue semantics. Like how I said Natives have similar IQs comparatively to whites, yes they aren’t as high, yes they’ve probably gone down (I wonder how…. Couldn’t be the dysgenic reliance on welfare..) but no, they are still higher than blacks and have worse outcomes than blacks. Make it make sense.

Last time I saw studies on them that bothered to mention them they had IQs hovering around 95. That’s really not that far from the white avg in America at around 100. Of course this was at that time, they probably degenerated over a generation or two due to… well who can say really? /s

If the latin race ( south & central americans ) are anything to go by either they end up interbreeding with white americans so much they're hard to distinguish ( like with native south / central americans ) or just completely die out due to copying african american culture ( only with 2X the self victimising ) though I won't act like i'm an expert , I don't live on the american continent nor do I know much about modern native americans we were only ever taught about the Sioux tribe - the surviving natives appear to all be Navajo