
Bleached Discord Servers

Posted under General

lovecrown21 said:

For a more laid back and casual Bleached server, come check out Bleachtopia.

We offer:

  • Disorganized WOTM run by yours truly
  • Gated server with a small but active community
  • Workshop for aspiring editors and existing editors to solicit feedback on their edits. Bleachtopia is home to many different editors in Bleached with some you've probably seen before - Entry requirement of an account with the booru that is at least 2 months old and somewhat active.

Just reposting since it's been a minute

swastikagirl1488 said:

Not allowed to have ideas or beliefs outside of "nigger good, Nazi bad" this is the most pussified puke of a generation. Remember kids you can hate on hard working white folks all you want but if you say one bad thing about the precious basketball Americans it's the boot for you. It's ironic the same people who like to point at us and shout "Fascist" are usually the ones who play that role in our society.

Just need to push back harder I guess.


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