
Site issues [FEEDBACK]

Posted under Bugs & Features

HungNaziFemboy said:

We seriously need to crack down on the pedo stuff I've been reporting it and nothing is being done about it why are we letting this stay???

depend on what you call pedo lolicon/shotacon isnt banned (and shouldnt thats stupid and useless) but toddlercon is

randomed said:

depend on what you call pedo lolicon/shotacon isnt banned (and shouldnt thats stupid and useless) but toddlercon is

The people saying shit like "do you want my child pussy" in the comments and the dozens of people upvoting it.

Aenglisc_OverKing said:

I think a lot of gay captions just got removed. Anyone know what’s happening?

Trans female ones as well, along with bleached feminization, it seems. Works with that content exclusively seem to be denied approval.

Aenglisc_OverKing said:

I think a lot of gay captions just got removed. Anyone know what’s happening?

Salik said:

Trans female ones as well, along with bleached feminization, it seems. Works with that content exclusively seem to be denied approval.

I've had to appeal some Captions recently that were deleted for little to no reason, and every time it's been 'da_comrade' that did it, and also went out of their way to delete each comment, which is odd. Quite a few were gay/trans/etc, from what I recall.

I mean they don't get it wrong *every* time, but each time I notice a post deleted with reasons that look kinda like 'just because' it seems to be the same person. So uh, kinda weird.

The ones I refer to being:
for proof.

The latter two being gay/trans/etc., but you can see the comments being deleted on all of them, which just makes the whole thing look sus when other deleted posts still have their comments.

It kinda comes off as one person having specific kinds of captions they hates/dislikes, and finding any reason to get rid of them, since IIRC one of the reasons given for them was 'bad caption' which is basically "I dislike this kind of caption" when the caption doesn't have any pure quality issues like bad text, fragmented textboxes, shitty grammar, small size, etc.

As an example of it being weird, here:

You can see da_comrade deleted it because "bad caption" with no further reason/explanation. I mean it's not some incredibly perfect come-back-to-it-repeatedly caption, but there's nothing actually wrong with it. And they deleted it and every comment.

Honestly it's at the point that when I check for captions every so often, I always check the deleted pool because there's more often than not a totally fine one that's been deleted.

Sure, there's plenty of stuff that deserves to be deleted, like the low effort and low quality stuff, and Real Life Person stuff in there, but then you see a bunch of totally fine ones and it's like "Wait, what?"

VB_01 said:

I've had to appeal some Captions recently that were deleted for little to no reason, and every time it's been 'da_comrade' that did it, and also went out of their way to delete each comment, which is odd. Quite a few were gay/trans/etc, from what I recall.

I mean they don't get it wrong *every* time, but each time I notice a post deleted with reasons that look kinda like 'just because' it seems to be the same person. So uh, kinda weird.

The ones I refer to being:
for proof.

The latter two being gay/trans/etc., but you can see the comments being deleted on all of them, which just makes the whole thing look sus when other deleted posts still have their comments.

It kinda comes off as one person having specific kinds of captions they hates/dislikes, and finding any reason to get rid of them, since IIRC one of the reasons given for them was 'bad caption' which is basically "I dislike this kind of caption" when the caption doesn't have any pure quality issues like bad text, fragmented textboxes, shitty grammar, small size, etc.

As an example of it being weird, here:

You can see da_comrade deleted it because "bad caption" with no further reason/explanation. I mean it's not some incredibly perfect come-back-to-it-repeatedly caption, but there's nothing actually wrong with it. And they deleted it and every comment.

Honestly it's at the point that when I check for captions every so often, I always check the deleted pool because there's more often than not a totally fine one that's been deleted.

Sure, there's plenty of stuff that deserves to be deleted, like the low effort and low quality stuff, and Real Life Person stuff in there, but then you see a bunch of totally fine ones and it's like "Wait, what?"

theres a big problem with moderation here theres too much post who get deleted for stupid reason
they should allow all post who dont break the rule (rule like irl person) because having your post deleted because of "QC" wich litteraly mean nothing we should at least get a reason
or "disinterest" (sometime caption get deleted for that) is stupid and even stupidier when the comment are full of people saying that the edit is good and that it shouldnt have been banned

Wiki pages don't fucking exist for me and never did. When I go to upload an image there's a link to the "upload rules" but when I click on the rules it's not there, because of course the page is missing or never existed.

This wiki page does not exist. Create new wiki page.
This wiki page does not exist. Create new wiki page.
This wiki page does not exist. Create new wiki page.
This wiki page does not exist. Create new wiki page.

Did some fag decide it's his mission to vandalize the wiki and delete all of the wiki pages he could?
Just lock the wiki pages that are important/necessary so it's actually possible to attain basic site knowledge like the rules and culture.

UnEpicRoachy said:

post #78019

Don't know if this goes here, but a takedown request happened the instant it was uploaded, so can you like deny the request or sum happened again lol, I swear there's an automated system for these, and last time this happened it ruined my potential score on the post big sadge

UnEpicRoachy said: happened again lol, I swear there's an automated system for these, and last time this happened it ruined my potential score on the post big sadge

This is because of the tag “paid_reward”, which causes the automatic filter to flare up. We’ll be looking into it but in the future, do not use this tag when uploading.

'Deleted' searches aren't showing up for me. I have the settings for 'show deleted posts' set to Yes, but I don't see any, ever.

Specifically, in

Is mostly one I check a bit often, if only because plenty of them time out on approval (or get deleted for ridiculous reasons), but searching shows no results. It shows multiple pages, in the tags I check, so there's obviously results that *exist* it just doesn't *show* me any. Just a page with no results.

Only really happened since this last site-going-down, but still something a bit annoying, since now I don't know if that one mod goes on a deletion spree before I check to see if there's any new captions added.

Other examples of ones that show nothing despite there clearly being pages and pages of them:

Is this just on my end, have I missed a setting, or is it an actual issue? Or can users just not view deleted posts anymore?

VB_01 said:

'Deleted' searches aren't showing up for me. I have the settings for 'show deleted posts' set to Yes, but I don't see any, ever.

Is this just on my end, have I missed a setting, or is it an actual issue? Or can users just not view deleted posts anymore?

Can't see shit either. Also doesn't show status:pending.

domike1 said:

I think that's due to this forum #5441

Aw. Definitely sucks that the feature got axed because of stupid shit.

I know a bunch of really good captions that would've been gone if not for me doing the report/contest deletion thing, due to da_comrade going out and deleting not just captions that are against the rule's but literally going through captions that they just simply *dislike* and deleting not only the caption but also all the comments individually.

Definitely going to be some captions that just vanish/disappear without ever seeing them now. Not sure if there's other tags with mods like that, but definitely rough that we can't see what's been removed. I kinda get why they did it though, just sucks that we lost access, is all.

Danbooru is really the only other image site that will still show deleted posts. I am of the mind that deleted posts should remain deleted and not visible (which they are to anyone who is not a contributor or above).

This goes double for this website, which often has malicious, baiting, or otherwise terrible content uploaded too often via both raids and poor users.
I have personally gone through the deleted captions page and undeleted everything I believe does pass quality control rules, but honestly, a lot of captions that people make are simply bad. They have either poor formatting for their text (as is the case with most), are pure text walls, or are very lazily constructed.

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