

Posted under General

fkiblaze said:

yea the whole furry trend in hentai in general doesnt have good filters regardless imo. furry tags can include everything from just monster girls to literal bestiality with pokemons and stuff. i doubt any site has a good system in place there.

True, even with the best system, some guy will mistag them or it's going to be a grey area of what's furry or not.
But monster girls are humanoid in my opinion, good chunk of them tend to have human characteristics and it's a grey area depending on how it passes as one species or the next. The tagging systems are weird and people like to abuse it: When I tried to look up BWC, I get the correct things I want, some white guy and some ethnic guy BOTH plowing a guy/girl of any race but the more I go, there's some moron mistagging something as "BWC" even though the guy's less whiter than a Slav, mods are retarded or they're too busy jerking off to some Twitch bathtub streamer instead of coming after idiots. Let's not forget someone out there uploaded worksafe stuff on a porn site but I'm not even suprised at this point.
When I looked for BWC on r34, I saw dudes with the same tone as coal or soil, it's either trolls, a mistake, or some people unironically thought they were white..

somebleacheduser said:

True, even with the best system, some guy will mistag them or it's going to be a grey area of what's furry or not.
But monster girls are humanoid in my opinion, good chunk of them tend to have human characteristics and it's a grey area depending on how it passes as one species or the next.

Yea that's my general opinion too. animal humanoids and monster girls arent furry. I think the most solid distinction comes down to the head. Furries have like animal heads and those long snouts and stuff, even if the rest of their body is entirely human just different colors. animal girls can have tails or ears or so on but they have human heads along with their humanoid shape.

fkiblaze said:

Yea that's my general opinion too. animal humanoids and monster girls arent furry. I think the most solid distinction comes down to the head. Furries have like animal heads and those long snouts and stuff, even if the rest of their body is entirely human just different colors. animal girls can have tails or ears or so on but they have human heads along with their humanoid shape.

That's what differantes from monster girls from furry girls: It's certain features that stand out and what they pass as mostly. At this point: If it's a humanoid species like monster girls or alien/imp/demon girls with human features it should be tagged as humanoid and vice versa. Maybe make a separate tag for humanoid if that doesn't exist but here's the rule: If it passes as human, it's a humanoid.

SumTannDood said:

I bet my left lung that these kinds of commenters probs want to touch real kids ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

Also am I allowed to mass downvote these kinds of comments? :D
Had a bad day today, feel like reliving stress this way
Sometimes logging into this site makes me feel like I got registered on a FBI watchlist


SumTannDood said:

Also am I allowed to mass downvote these kinds of comments? :D
Had a bad day today, feel like reliving stress this way
Sometimes logging into this site makes me feel like I got registered on a FBI watchlist

Yes and rightfully so. When I looked at the comments at one of the posts: Good chunk of them were deleted (some were still there) and good chunk of users got banned for pedoRP, look at the bans and you'll see users who got banned for that stuff. And there's some posts that got deleted for pedo reasons too (Ironic because on this site and several others, there's lolishota on here and good chunk of the characters look like toddlers or children. They can say, it's "stylized" but the artists used the likeliness of actual minors, iirc Shad got in trouble for drawing real life minors in lewd situations and drew someone's daughter who was an actual child).

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