AryanSuperSoldier said:
I made my edits in GiMP which is why the colour edits are so iffy. It’s also hard for me to lighten up the skin tone of the guy because of the way Pit draws his Niggers and shading, if I lightened them either of them anymore than I already have them then the dude being edited would’ve lost all shading and it would’ve just looked like a weird pale thing pounding a Bimbo.
I could probably try and make it better, but again idk if there’s a point considering the mods are so slow to respond, and I still have no answers for the main question. Where the hell is the “Upload Feedback Thread”? Also I’m tan, like as tan as the first edit which is why I thought it was good enough, because other edits and posts on Bleachbooru also have white guys with tans like that, so I figured I could make the guy as light as this whilst still retaining the cell shading and contrasts/textures etc. idk, apparently mods know better yet none of them have responded personally or publicly here.
I mean, I do see some relatively tan dudes on here, even tans a bit darker than the average surfer dude, still don't see why it's not accepted when it's true that dudes will darken up more under the sun than girls. White dudes are pretty darker than their female counterpants because of more T than women's, skin thickness, and whatnot so I see why.
Also his art style from what I've seen isn't even stylized, looks pretty realistic (not like full blown realism but proportions are kind of realistic like anime's proportions but I'm no art critic) either so I understand why it's a risky move so I suggest you make the second guy more like the first one though you don't have to: it's your edit so go wild, I think the only time actual paleness will work in art is if the art style is more stylized like it has a cartoony/simple art style to it or maybe the dude's a vampire or he's in the cold for so long.
Closest thing I found to a Upload Feedback Thread is this one: topic #219. It's dead but I guess it could help or you can make one.
Like I said before, I'm not a mod or critic so take it with grains of salt.
Accidentally put forum instead of topic, also idk about Krita but you could try that. My advice: Mess with art programs until you find one that works good enough.