fkiblaze said:
What you are doing is looking at anecdotes of exceptional men, ie Galileo or isaac newton, and then saying this is the general or the trend. If you look at the actual average of trend, education correlates with more likely to believe the establishment in USA, and uneducated people are more likely to be against the establishment. This is one of the many fallacies liberal do. They believe because some smart men in the past went to college, college makes you smarter, but it's the reverse. Smart people went to college in the past because they were smart. The scientists that didn't go still invented things, too. Thus the mass education of people into college hasn't actual made society smarter, it just made college more dumber. That is why college has so many idiots now as opposed to the past where only smart people went to college so the university system had prestige. That is also why republicans now say college is mostly propaganda. Obviously all this talk about propaganda is just the general simple picture, in reality there is no such thing as just "one propaganda" and there are different kinds that different people are more or less susceptible to, ie using sexy women in ads is another form, and one person who is susceptible to that form might not be susceptible to another or so on, but in general as an aggregate, more educated people tend to be more indoctrinated in the west. Alt-hype has a good article going over the studies on this.
I literally predicted and addressed your point in the parragraph you're responding to. Also, yes, in the USA education correlates to believing in the establishment, but that's because your education system comes with a heavy dose of indoctrination (to be fair, most education systems nowadays do), which works because at the start of your education journey, you are uneducated (for obvious reasons), and by giving you both education and indoctrination it makes it hard to separate one from the other. Still, those educated, are overwhelmingly more unlikely to fall for outside propaganda (even propaganda that doesn't conflict with the indoctrination)
fkiblaze said:
Ants dont care for others in their society due to the unique nature of their genetics. Ants in a colony are all clones of eachother, so if one dies, from a genetic standpoint they dont die because they still have thousands of clones. I only used them as an example for complex society, not care. (also, it's worth pointing out ants do care for eachother, it's just appears they dont because ants fully embody complete altruism and self-sacrifice, because they live in a society composed of identical twins and thus don't compete against eachother in their society. The ants thus devotes their entire life and body to the society, so much so that their own life is meaningless, all that matters is what is best for the collective, and if the collective is better off eating them they will do that. The evolutionary competition between ants is colony vs colony, not individual ant vs ant, they are perfect communists)
This doesn't address my point at all, the points is that humans protect individuals that could never survive alone, completely changing the dynamics of evorlution.
fkiblaze said:
And you are missing the point, not everyone cares for eachother in the same degree, as i used an example of, thus it is under the effects of evolution
This is word soup, "not everyone cares for eachother in the same degree, as i used an example of, thus it is under the effects of evolution", what does that even mean? Because not everyone cares for others in the same degree, that's evolution? Is that what you're trying to say? If so, ???? That doesn't make any sense. If you argument is since some people care less about others that allows people to die and evolution to exist, then you've completely missed the point I made about societies, doesn't matter if you care zero for others if someone else picks up the slack.
fkiblaze said:
. For example, a bleeding heart liberal that chooses to be an idiot and wants to simp and worship blackpeople, will be out selected by the conservative white that isnt a xenophiliac.
Ah, I see, your understanding of genetics begins and ends with looks, that explains a lot. I'm sorry I'm the one who breaks this to you, but mixed-race children still carry your genes. In fact, if we were actually still fully under traditional evolution, having children with multiple partners of multiple different races would be the the most benefitial from the point of evlution, since it increases genetic diversity and thus the chances of someone carrying on your bloodline.