im 18 went to school in america for a year. im european. im pretty anti social and dont talk much so i never really tried dating. im really good looking especially for american standards so that has never been a issue. just the actuall talking to the girl part.
i had spanish class and i didnt know any spanish. so i started talking to a hispanic girl because i was hoping she could teach me.
anyway we started dating and it turns out she was really really racist.
like i didnt mention anything just because i dont care that much about race and stuff but she went off on black people and especially hispanic men.
turns out she has a really big race and degredation kink where she tells me to colonize her and controll her.
she said that she only feels atraction to white men and that she would never date any other race.
im thinking what the fuck is the chanches of that. her randomly having the same extreme kink as me. that shit has to be comon.