It's more than likely I'll regret posting this because I predict it will just devolve into racism/nazism brainrott but what is people's perceptions of muslims/arabs on here?
Me personally , I'm a british citizen who's lived in the west midlands my whole life and grew up , around & with a majority population of Pakistani , Somalian & Bengali Muslims - very ocasionally meeting Indians or Afro-brits and I honestly haven't met another white british person my age since i was in year 7 ( when i was 12 ) - from experience growing up with muslim friends & being around them so long i've come to thus conclusion
while they're not as extreme as middle eastern arabs their religion makes them very ignorant to the world around them like being completely unaware how alchol tolerance works, constantly asking if i'm a Sikh just because I prefer to have longer hair & similar stupid shit you'd think they'd know and understand given that they've lived in a western society their entire lives - they are also extremely zealous due to Islam being incredibly cocky and arrogant in nature ( the qu'ran has many " challenges " and muslims are so sure that the Qu'ran is correct it's common to see them make fun of other religions like Hinduism or Buddhism ) , It also distills a lot of negative values in them like straight up misogony & intolerance towards people - which i've literally seen first hand. I tried explaining how Islam's idea of dating & marriage objectifies women by taking away their agency and reducing them to the object of their father only to have him keep looping with " but it's for the daughter's safety " - i tried explaining to him that the daughter is an adult who should be allowed to make her own decisions and have self agency but he just kept repeating this part in different ways. How you can be so ignorant is beyond me.
With the " Intolerance " I've literally been in GCs or VCs before where they start yapping on about jews and how they're evil and you should hate them - at first i thought this was just edgy jokes/memes because haha dark humour/taboo jokes ( normal guy stuff ) only to one day jokingly put " Shallom :) " into the GC and watch it explode as they all came down on me for about 5 minutes until i replied specifying i was just joking
In any-case , I thought i'd throw my perception of arabs/muslims in before posting because I'd wadger basically growing up what my dad sometimes jokingly calls " Little Pakistan " makes me the most experienced & educated on the topic - with that being said it's now your turn to give me your perspectives.