
Thoughts on Arabs/Muslims?

Posted under General

lovecrown21 said:

Let's not throw the desperation card around when you're the prime example. I just think Arab women are very beautiful to look at and there have been a good few Arab men I've met in my life that I would gladly share a bed with if given the chance.

I mean... I think it comes to a point where you're laying down and ruining your genes with the same women that would gladly allow your kids to be married off to their uncles/step uncles etc. that you HAVE to be desperate, I'm desperate but not THAT much.

LatinaOfHearts said:

I mean I guess I can begin with the fact that some fuckin muzzie kids stole 5 of my aunts sheep to bang and then they slid their throats and buried them on their side of the property so they wouldn't allow us to investigate. My dad found them after trespassing on their fence. Absolutely disgusting shit pigs

Sounds like less of a muslim problem and more of a people problem , though i am surprised to hear about muslims in Latin america given how extremely religious and deeply catholic it its - though as they aren't really culturally relevant like western europe , Asia or North America I know very little about that corner of the globe.

IvoryFuta-II said:

Sounds like less of a muslim problem and more of a people problem , though i am surprised to hear about muslims in Latin america given how extremely religious and deeply catholic it its - though as they aren't really culturally relevant like western europe , Asia or North America I know very little about that corner of the globe.

Pretty sure raping sheeps/goats is a muslim thing. I've heard of a white person having sex with a horse before, though. (not to the point where it's a trend like in muslims places though, it will be like some rare furry or zoophile that gets caught doing it on the internet, not knowing someone irl)

It reminds me of a story i heard from people that deployed to Afghanistan, where they would just see the muslims raping anything.

fkiblaze said:

Pretty sure raping sheeps/goats is a muslim thing. I've heard of a white person having sex with a horse before, though. (not to the point where it's a trend like in muslims places though, it will be like some rare furry or zoophile that gets caught doing it on the internet, not knowing someone irl)

It reminds me of a story i heard from people that deployed to Afghanistan, where they would just see the muslims raping anything.

I mean it's not really muslim specific, a common joke/slur over here in the UK for Welsh people is to call them " Sheep shaggers " - slitting of the throat is very barbaric muslim though and while I'm not unaware of how muslim immigrants can act ths seems rather specific though I do wonder if south amereica has a muslim problem given the " Muzzie " slur she used, a phrase I've certaintly never heard before.

Though I'm not unaware of how middle easterners can act - the 2015 Munich incident shows exactly what happens when you let these fuckers invade your western liberal democracy ( I forget what the event was named but someone here will be familiar to what i'm refering to )

IvoryFuta-II said:

I mean it's not really muslim specific, a common joke/slur over here in the UK for Welsh people is to call them " Sheep shaggers " - slitting of the throat is very barbaric muslim though

That's pretty much the other group, though, since I've heard that too, but in the end, it just means it's a welsh and Muslim problem then, lmao. Not saying it never happens besides that, just that it happens enough to be a cultural phrase for those groups.

IvoryFuta-II said:

Sounds like less of a muslim problem and more of a people problem , though i am surprised to hear about muslims in Latin america given how extremely religious and deeply catholic it its - though as they aren't really culturally relevant like western europe , Asia or North America I know very little about that corner of the globe.

I mean.. while I would be inclined to admit that yes it might be a "people" problem I probably should've added that once I went to the police to report the trespassing and theft I got 2 imams on my front door screaming about how I was going to "destroy their (the kids) lives because of my racism".. after I asked them what the genuine fuck they were talking about they told me that it was normal for them to aliviate their urges with sheep and goat and that "you should've not let them grass by our property line because you tempted them (the boys)" I would've added this part but it would've been a long ass post and I thought the initial context was enough.

So .. it's definitely not a "people thing"

IvoryFuta-II said:

I mean it's not really muslim specific, a common joke/slur over here in the UK for Welsh people is to call them " Sheep shaggers " - slitting of the throat is very barbaric muslim though and while I'm not unaware of how muslim immigrants can act ths seems rather specific though I do wonder if south amereica has a muslim problem given the " Muzzie " slur she used, a phrase I've certaintly never heard before.

I mean yeah.. we have a big Muslim problem. Especially in Venezuela since our disgusting pig of a president (and his predecessor) were huge Iran, Iraq, Afganistan and Syrian cocksuckers and cum gobblers (the latest horse in the chavist breeding-and-slurp-and-burp farm are the palestinian troglodytes) they allowed all the muzzies who ever wanted to enter and take our resources and minimal welfare. But still, this isn't only a Venezuela specific problem since a similar thing happened in Colombia (my family has two ranches, one in vnzla one in colombia) but These time they let the goats live and just stole them and tried to claim them as theirs (we got them back tho)

Oh I just remembered that they took a shit in our front porch once (because I told them I wouldn't hire their muzzie son as a farmhand because he FUCKED MY SHEEP)

^^Okay yeah I take it back, actual non westernised Arabs are horrendous. Side tangent; I remember watching a JRE about a war vet who was in the Syrian and Iraq war talk about a (Muslim random Arab culture) specific tradition of dressing BOYS like GIRLS and using them as sex objects, there are even harems of these boywives. And it’s so ingrained in their culture that it’s essentially their ‘normal’ ie they think we’re weird for NOT RAPING BOYS. Many of the adult Muslim men were also these sexslaves when growing up so it’s a cycle of abuse.

Look we have a lot of fucked up shit in our western cultures but that is beyond all that is and could be beyond.

Yeah btw, Muzzies genuinely believe that naked little boys will feed them grapes during everyday orgies with 72 virgins that are also probably their own cousins.. read about it, it's genuinely demonic and disgusting and they deserve nothing short of hell.

LatinaOfHearts said:

Yeah btw, Muzzies genuinely believe that naked little boys will feed them grapes during everyday orgies with 72 virgins that are also probably their own cousins.. read about it, it's genuinely demonic and disgusting and they deserve nothing short of hell.

There's a lot of common shit like this that gets said about the Qu'ran and the Islamic religion as a whole but literally anytime i bring this up to my super zealous muslim friend ( it's what pushed me to write the inital post, he's trippled down on Islam and like every other conversation we have is arguing over it ) even if I have a source to reference within the Qu'ran he just tells me that it's not there and shows me an identical passage that's much more tame

I don't know if he's straight up lying whenever he does this but given how he literally couldn't wrap his head around how the islamic idea of dating/marriage is sexist ( basically takes away all the woman's agency and gives it to their father/brothers ) when i tried explaining it to him I very much doubt it especially given the recent push towards absolute zealousy.

It's also just hard to talk about the religion in general because for some reason it's uncontroversial to mock / dissect christanity all you want but it's considered absolute social taboo to even talk about Islam or Judasim in a negative light even amongst GAYS - like something I didn't get was when I made an off-hand comment about the religion while we were out drinking and my LESBIAN friend started glaring at me - it's like bitch even westernised muslims would gladly STONE YOU DEATH if they knew what went on in your bedroom

fkiblaze said:

That's pretty much the other group, though, since I've heard that too, but in the end, it just means it's a welsh and Muslim problem then, lmao. Not saying it never happens besides that, just that it happens enough to be a cultural phrase for those groups.

I'm 90% sure it's literally just degenerate farming culture because rural americans ( hicks, hill-folk, hillbillies , whatever you wanna call them ) would also get called sheep fuckers and even before then it was a common insult to sling towards scots , it's just not as heavily associated with scots because unlike the Welsh if a Scot will literally beat you to death over it , there are for sure MANY reasons to not like muslims but I can't really just go along with baseless claims like " they rape little boys! " & " they fuck animals! " because that's either a cultral or personal issue , there are a lot of gay preists & a lot of preists are in jail for pedofeila - does that mean christians are all heretics & pedos?

I don't really like defending Islam, it's sexist, xenophobic, encourages ignorance and is extremely zealous and arrogant - It's an ugly religion with ugly values and if I didn't have a moral compass i'd be calling for the modern crusades to erase this heathenous religon from Europe but making generalisations and sweeping statments like this doesn't help combat a religion that's already overprotected

IvoryFuta-II said:

I'm 90% sure it's literally just degenerate farming culture because rural americans ( hicks, hill-folk, hillbillies , whatever you wanna call them ) would also get called sheep fuckers and even before then it was a common insult to sling towards scots , it's just not as heavily associated with scots because unlike the Welsh if a Scot will literally beat you to death over it , there are for sure MANY reasons to not like muslims but I can't really just go along with baseless claims like " they rape little boys! " & " they fuck animals! " because that's either a cultural or personal issue , there are a lot of gay preists & a lot of preists are in jail for pedofeila - does that mean christians are all heretics & pedos?

I don't really like defending Islam, it's sexist, xenophobic, encourages ignorance and is extremely zealous and arrogant - It's an ugly religion with ugly values and if I didn't have a moral compass i'd be calling for the modern crusades to erase this heathenous religon from Europe but making generalisations and sweeping statments like this doesn't help combat a religion that's already overprotected

There isn't "a lot of priests" there are some gay priests that use it as a way to take advantage, but it's less than public schools, and importantly, we as a culture know it's wrong so put them in jail, meanwhile it's acceptable in Afghanistan and Pakistan. I'm not saying it's every country, like the UAE, because i personally think it has more to do with ethnicity than religion. Just like how African Christians behave differently than a Christian in Sweden.

IvoryFuta-II said:

I'm 90% sure it's literally just degenerate farming culture because rural americans ( hicks, hill-folk, hillbillies , whatever you wanna call them ) would also get called sheep fuckers and even before then it was a common insult to sling towards scots , it's just not as heavily associated with scots because unlike the Welsh if a Scot will literally beat you to death over it , there are for sure MANY reasons to not like muslims but I can't really just go along with baseless claims like " they rape little boys! " & " they fuck animals! " because that's either a cultral or personal issue , there are a lot of gay preists & a lot of preists are in jail for pedofeila - does that mean christians are all heretics & pedos?

I don't really like defending Islam, it's sexist, xenophobic, encourages ignorance and is extremely zealous and arrogant - It's an ugly religion with ugly values and if I didn't have a moral compass i'd be calling for the modern crusades to erase this heathenous religon from Europe but making generalisations and sweeping statments like this doesn't help combat a religion that's already overprotected

The difference is in Christian countries it follows the usual pattern of people/professions that have access to unatended children like priests, teachers and nannies. Family members and close friends of the family also. So overall it is an exception. Meanwhile this sort of behaviour is encoded in islam. Like for example them not having age of cosent laws. Supposedly you need to be married to consumate, but the average age difference is quite substancial, around 10 - 20 years, and child marriages aren't prohibited. It's the same thing with murders. Whites don't blow themselves up and stab people randomly to curry favour to their God.

And I've gotten along with muslims, but this sort of things are hard to ignore.

TallWhiteAndHung said:

The difference is in Christian countries it follows the usual pattern of people/professions that have access to unatended children like priests, teachers and nannies. Family members and close friends of the family also. So overall it is an exception. Meanwhile this sort of behaviour is encoded in islam. Like for example them not having age of cosent laws. Supposedly you need to be married to consumate, but the average age difference is quite substancial, around 10 - 20 years, and child marriages aren't prohibited. It's the same thing with murders. Whites don't blow themselves up and stab people randomly to curry favour to their God.

And I've gotten along with muslims, but this sort of things are hard to ignore.

Just to be fair, america does also allow child marriage in the law, even tho it still has age of consent, so i think a muslim with knowledge of the law could counter with that. What we dont do though is sell off children to be married. Not unless you count midevil kings in europe, which is clearly a political thing, but regardless doesnt happen anymore.

"america has age of consent laws but no age of marriage laws!" "All religions are bad!" I literally dare anyone to find any passage in the bible (or even Torah for the cuck Jews out there) where it says that it's acceptable to rip a little girl off some swings, force her to marry a degenerate old pervert with a shriveled up plum dick and a disgusting half rotting brain later stick your fingers IN HER VAGINA to show she has menstruated and throw her to the pervert so he can fornicate her.
There will be criminals of all religions.. Javed Iqbal for instance was Muslim, Gary Ridgway a Christian, David Berkowitz a Jew etc. I could keep going on and on and on but the issue isn't on the crime here, the issue is that the RELIGIOUS SCRIPTURE ADVOCATES FOR THE CRIME

IvoryFuta-II said:

There's a lot of common shit like this that gets said about the Qu'ran and the Islamic religion as a whole but literally anytime i bring this up to my super zealous muslim friend ( it's what pushed me to write the inital post, he's trippled down on Islam and like every other conversation we have is arguing over it ) even if I have a source to reference within the Qu'ran he just tells me that it's not there and shows me an identical passage that's much more tame

The reasons for this are two
1) they have something called the Taqiyya, in extremely simple terms they're allowed to LIE TO YOUR FACE if they feel "violented" or "persecuted" (mind you, this could mean you not allowing them to fuck your goats or marry your 3 year old niece.
2) they have multiple versions of the Quran (7 are mentioned usually but scholars believe there are 10) and these versions are (and especially were) so dramatically different that UTHMAN HAD TO BURN THEM ALL because people were fighting over which one was correct. The Quran that the Muslims learn now was meant to be this "higher form of scripture that is incorrupt" yet it's still missing verses in some places, changing places and times, verses disappear, context is changed etc. it's a utter satanic and purely disgusting fuckfest.,agreed%20that%20it%20was%20correct.

I'd like to just solve this question using my dick. If it's guy I'm not really interested and usually because of whole ISIS I have bad impression about Arab males. Though if it comes to Arab woman I think they can be quite hot and arousing. I can't deny possibility of Arab woman being terrorist, but well if someone would ask me if I would be able to date and marry Arab woman sure I could do it if she would be arousing enough for me. Though I think Arab woman I would like to date or fuck would be way out of my league anyway.

LatinaOfHearts said:

"america has age of consent laws but no age of marriage laws!" "All religions are bad!" I literally dare anyone to find any passage in the bible (or even Torah for the cuck Jews out there) where it says that it's acceptable to rip a little girl off some swings, force her to marry a degenerate old pervert with a shriveled up plum dick and a disgusting half rotting brain later stick your fingers IN HER VAGINA to show she has menstruated and throw her to the pervert so he can fornicate her.
There will be criminals of all religions.. Javed Iqbal for instance was Muslim, Gary Ridgway a Christian, David Berkowitz a Jew etc. I could keep going on and on and on but the issue isn't on the crime here, the issue is that the RELIGIOUS SCRIPTURE ADVOCATES FOR THE CRIME

i hear the talmud is pretty bad, too.

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