
Ashkenazi Jewish Girls and a new bleached Idea.

Posted under General

So i know a lot of dudes on the right meme things like khazar milkers, and sometimes share hot israeli girls, as well as anime characters like negev, but it got me thinking, maybe we can actually come up with a meme about how ashkenazi girls belong to white men, due to the specific genetic and historical circumstances. Ashkenazis are semites that mixed with europeans, so they are allready part white, on top of that, the reason why they have higher IQs unlike their other jewish brethrens is due to the selection pressures of european laws that forced them into certain roles. Europeans therefore im some sense partly created them, so we could legitametly meme about how "bleached will reclaim jewish girls by breeding more white into them" plus their men tend to be ugly goblins, so plenty of memeable material of the hot ashkenazi girl with white men and the ugly soyjack jew malding. Not only all that, but jews have one of the highest rate of marrying outside their race, too.

fkiblaze said:

So i know a lot of dudes on the right meme things like khazar milkers, and sometimes share hot israeli girls, as well as anime characters like negev, but it got me thinking, maybe we can actually come up with a meme about how ashkenazi girls belong to white men, due to the specific genetic and historical circumstances. Ashkenazis are semites that mixed with europeans, so they are allready part white, on top of that, the reason why they have higher IQs unlike their other jewish brethrens is due to the selection pressures of european laws that forced them into certain roles. Europeans therefore im some sense partly created them, so we could legitametly meme about how "bleached will reclaim jewish girls by breeding more white into them" plus their men tend to be ugly goblins, so plenty of memeable material of the hot ashkenazi girl with white men and the ugly soyjack jew malding. Not only all that, but jews have one of the highest rate of marrying outside their race, too.

what they want is to continue what they ancestors started, to bleach until there is only white genetic inside them
also, intelligent slaves are useful for thinking works you know;)

fkiblaze said:

So i know a lot of dudes on the right meme things like khazar milkers, and sometimes share hot israeli girls, as well as anime characters like negev, but it got me thinking, maybe we can actually come up with a meme about how ashkenazi girls belong to white men, due to the specific genetic and historical circumstances. Ashkenazis are semites that mixed with europeans, so they are allready part white, on top of that, the reason why they have higher IQs unlike their other jewish brethrens is due to the selection pressures of european laws that forced them into certain roles. Europeans therefore im some sense partly created them, so we could legitametly meme about how "bleached will reclaim jewish girls by breeding more white into them" plus their men tend to be ugly goblins, so plenty of memeable material of the hot ashkenazi girl with white men and the ugly soyjack jew malding. Not only all that, but jews have one of the highest rate of marrying outside their race, too.

Jewish iq garbage has been debunked ad-nauseum. They are below 100 iq on average, and use fake data to claim otherwise.

doe33860 said:

Jewish iq garbage has been debunked ad-nauseum. They are below 100 iq on average, and use fake data to claim otherwise.

That's not true. This video is probably the most in depth video on jewish IQ, even though it has one or two points i disagree with at the end that are unrelated to the IQ.

Ashkenazi are above average, although the other jews are not. The main mistake people make is they either say "jews got their position through nepotism!!!" or "jews got their position through merit because of IQ", when the reality is it is both nepotism and IQ. Blacks are also highly ethnocentric and bias towards blacks, but they dont have the IQ to do nepotism that well for example.


fkiblaze said:

That's not true. This video is probably the most in depth video on jewish IQ, even though it has one or two points i disagree with at the end that are unrelated to the IQ.

Ashkenazi are above average, although the other jews are not. The main mistake people make is they either say "jews got their position through nepotism!!!" or "jews got their position through merit because of IQ", when the reality is it is both nepotism and IQ. Blacks are also highly ethnocentric and bias towards blacks, but they dont have the IQ to do nepotism that well for example.

No, you're wrong. Ive dug through all of the data on the topic. Its easily debunked with basic math.

Look at average iq in israel. Crossreference with iq claims vs ethnic population percentages.

Also, all data accumulated on the topic using "studies" in america have been done on children, not adults. Usually children in private schools are abnormally wealthy. This fails to represent the truth. We know that fluid iq changes. We especially know its common for wealthy children to have a high iq during childhood, and then upon adulthood have it regress to the ethnic mean. (Which in this case is below 100)

doe33860 said:

No, you're wrong. Ive dug through all of the data on the topic. Its easily debunked with basic math.

Look at average iq in israel. Crossreference with iq claims vs ethnic population percentages.

You didn't watch the video then because they did just that. The error some people made there was assuming "european jews" means Ashkenazi, when it included Sephardic (the jews from spain) which dont have above average IQ, so if you separate european jews into Sephardic and Ashkenazi the numbers show the Ashkenazi in israel also have above average IQ.

Also, all data accumulated on the topic using "studies" in america have been done on children, not adults. Usually children in private schools are abnormally wealthy. This fails to represent the truth. We know that fluid iq changes. We especially know its common for wealthy children to have a high iq during childhood, and then upon adulthood have it regress to the ethnic mean. (Which in this case is below 100)

No, they have adult data, they also showed it was the same for UK data. While a lot of IQ tests did children, they specifically showed adult IQs too in the video. Just watch the video dude, it addresses every point plus some you havent thought of like the comparison to the Anglicans which have a slighter higher IQ than jews in USA, but a smaller standard deviation.

LatinaOfHearts said:

Can I just say that I find it funny that apparently only "wealthy" children are smart in their youth according the the user above?

Tbf he didnt say "only" he just said common. While the video shows adult IQ data, too, his point about children is actually right because Childhood IQ is more fluid/environmental, where as adult IQ isn't, this is due to Wilson effect, aka as you get older you effectively grow into your "genetic limit" ie your genes are expressed more. You see this with most traits, including height (the kid who is small or average compared to other kids but then when is fully grown as an adult is tall)

LatinaOfHearts said:

A meme? It's the reality...


fkiblaze said:

You didn't watch the video then because they did just that. The error some people made there was assuming "european jews" means Ashkenazi, when it included Sephardic (the jews from spain) which dont have above average IQ, so if you separate european jews into Sephardic and Ashkenazi the numbers show the Ashkenazi in israel also have above average IQ.

No, they have adult data, they also showed it was the same for UK data. While a lot of IQ tests did children, they specifically showed adult IQs too in the video. Just watch the video dude, it addresses every point plus some you havent thought of like the comparison to the Anglicans which have a slighter higher IQ than jews in USA, but a smaller standard deviation.

After watching the video, it's pretty clear you're shilling.

Every single comment on that video is disagreeing with the creator and many go into great detail about how he's wrong. He's also *literally jewish*

His arguments are atrocious and make no sense.

There's intense bias on display within the opening minutes just from how he describes the "JQ"

doe33860 said:

After watching the video, it's pretty clear you're shilling.

Every single comment on that video is disagreeing with the creator and many go into great detail about how he's wrong. He's also *literally jewish*

His arguments are atrocious and make no sense.

There's intense bias on display within the opening minutes just from how he describes the "JQ"

Which comment/argument debunks the jewish IQ part, because i didnt see anything convincing. Once again there is a difference between IQ and saying overrepresentation is solely down to IQ, which is not my claim. My claim is merely that video shows LAC was lying about the studies, and shows that jewish IQ is above average, not "jews dindu nothin"

fkiblaze said:

Which comment/argument debunks the jewish IQ part, because i didnt see anything convincing. Once again there is a difference between IQ and saying overrepresentation is solely down to IQ, which is not my claim. My claim is merely that video shows LAC was lying about the studies, and shows that jewish IQ is above average, not "jews dindu nothin"

Watch this video, its infinitely better than the one you linked and way more unbiased then the one of the jew.

prokletstvo said:

they were promised a cute germanic boy 5000 years ago by the prophet

>happily eating dinner with my white wife in our home
>jewess barges in holding up her holy book
>"Well Hello there goym woman I will be taking your husband as he was promised to me 5000
Years ago in my book
>everytime I even do the slightest bit of resistance she goes "oy vey i am being attacked by anti semites

TallWhiteAndHung said:

the video i sent is in response to that, if you watch my video.

doe33860 said:

Watch this video, its infinitely better than the one you linked and way more unbiased then the one of the jew.

First point: they make the same mistake as LAC on the backman study. The jews did in fact score higher in the IQ parts of the test, just lower on the practical skills, which included things like hunting. No one says jews dont suck at hunting. They also dont go over the modern studies unrelated to lynn, most notably the one with Anglicans and other groups.
Essentially they admit jews are higher on verbal and math, but lower on other things like visua-spacial, which no one contests. The fact is though verbal and math are just what is gauge and "useful" in getting into jobs and influence. The SAT for example is just math and reading/writing.


fkiblaze said:

the video i sent is in response to that, if you watch my video.

Yeah, didn’t read the whole thread, mb. Still don’t think Jews have higher IQ. Might give the video a watch, I’ve had it suggested before.

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