So i know a lot of dudes on the right meme things like khazar milkers, and sometimes share hot israeli girls, as well as anime characters like negev, but it got me thinking, maybe we can actually come up with a meme about how ashkenazi girls belong to white men, due to the specific genetic and historical circumstances. Ashkenazis are semites that mixed with europeans, so they are allready part white, on top of that, the reason why they have higher IQs unlike their other jewish brethrens is due to the selection pressures of european laws that forced them into certain roles. Europeans therefore im some sense partly created them, so we could legitametly meme about how "bleached will reclaim jewish girls by breeding more white into them" plus their men tend to be ugly goblins, so plenty of memeable material of the hot ashkenazi girl with white men and the ugly soyjack jew malding. Not only all that, but jews have one of the highest rate of marrying outside their race, too.