
Trump's Inaguration

Posted under General

moonlit_fool said:

I think what you need to consider is the cultural shift that normalising anti-immigrant viewpoints will have. In fact I think that any direct action by Trump would be harmful in the short-term to the cause. Most people know the truth to some level, ie they do not feel safe around certain "peoples", but have been conditioned to ignoring the issue, that addressing it makes them "racist" which they have been taught they're entire life is bad. I do not think that remigration should even be mentioned in pubic for at least 10 years, as the average person is still so against such topics but the ground these parties can make, especially among the youth, means that I can easily imagine a future where such topics become mainstream discussion.

However I don't think that forced remigration is the solution, rather as ezr000 says the solution will be to create financial and social incentives for those things to leave. In fact even just removing the current incentives to bring them here will make a big difference, to then remove second and third generation immigrants will be harder and more gradual, but entirely possible when they realise that they are no longer welcome by the populace. The main issue with this is both a blessing and a curse, the subhuman's nature to gather together, which will make it harder to reduce their day to day experience. But how to remove them is a problem I would like to have, rather than having to convince people that the scum should not be here.

Trump has allready normalized deportations, you dont have to wait 10 years. The issue is not deportations, the issue is the sheer numbers of them. Sure trump is deporting them, but it's still a drop in the bucket compared to the amount that come in. Same with in europe, they are finally deport some, but they will deport like 1000 people, and be like "look how much we did, 1000 people deported!!!" Meanwhile 500,000 will have come in.

fkiblaze said:

It is rather blackpilling to think about how unlikely reimigration of nonwhites in europe is, considering even the nazis, who are seen as the most extreme right wingers only had to deport like 2% of germany's population, meanwhile modern europe is over 10% nonwhite or something, so litteraly over 5 times as extreme as the nazis is required. Not going to happen.

Then it depends by country. A third of births in continental France is non-white so it's evident to say this country is lost, as well as the UK, Belgium and probably Germany. However, Central European and Eastern European countries don't have these problems and with AI, there won’t be as much need for unqualified workers as there has been in the past years.

moonlit_fool said:

I think what you need to consider is the cultural shift that normalising anti-immigrant viewpoints will have. In fact I think that any direct action by Trump would be harmful in the short-term to the cause. Most people know the truth to some level, ie they do not feel safe around certain "peoples", but have been conditioned to ignoring the issue, that addressing it makes them "racist" which they have been taught they're entire life is bad. I do not think that remigration should even be mentioned in pubic for at least 10 years, as the average person is still so against such topics but the ground these parties can make, especially among the youth, means that I can easily imagine a future where such topics become mainstream discussion.

However I don't think that forced remigration is the solution, rather as ezr000 says the solution will be to create financial and social incentives for those things to leave. In fact even just removing the current incentives to bring them here will make a big difference, to then remove second and third generation immigrants will be harder and more gradual, but entirely possible when they realise that they are no longer welcome by the populace. The main issue with this is both a blessing and a curse, the subhuman's nature to gather together, which will make it harder to reduce their day to day experience. But how to remove them is a problem I would like to have, rather than having to convince people that the scum should not be here.

The youth is very much left-wing in Europe, contrarily to what the mainstream media says. They think and vote even more to the left than their parents and grand-parents. The only difference is that among the minority that is right-wing, they are nationalists with harsher lines on identity and not conservatives. But they are less numerous than previous generations.

Imo it's delusional to think we can save every country and that you can change quickly enough that radically people's mentality. Specially French people's. The Western part of Europe has gone into an irreversible state.

EVerde said:

Then it depends by country. A third of births in continental France is non-white so it's evident to say this country is lost, as well as the UK, Belgium and probably Germany. However, Central European and Eastern European countries don't have these problems and with AI, there won’t be as much need for unqualified workers as there has been in the past years.

Yes, my comment was about West Europe, not central or east. I've already state in another comment the central euros are still like 90%+ white.

EVerde said:

The youth is very much left-wing in Europe, contrarily to what the mainstream media says. They think and vote even more to the left than their parents and grand-parents. The only difference is that among the minority that is right-wing, they are nationalists with harsher lines on identity and not conservatives. But they are less numerous than previous generations.

Imo it's delusional to think we can save every country and that you can change quickly enough that radically people's mentality. Specially French people's. The Western part of Europe has gone into an irreversible state.

Only one that could probably be saved is switzerland because it has the canton system/confederacy, and they still have their guns, so if things get bad they can balkanize/secede from certain other regions. Same with USA, in the future some states can secede, and even if there was another civil war (there wouldn't be because no one will fight a war to keep states in modern west, especially when they dont even have slavery) right wingers would win anyway because we have all the guns, farms, and so on (plus most of the nukes are in the republican states if i recall)

That said, for the rest of west europe, the youth in germany support AFD a lot, and the nigel farage party in UK. It's not that i dont think they wont vote for parties that will start banning illegal immigrants and do some deportations, it's the fact of the numbers is all. They will show how they are "deporting thousands of people!!!" meanwhile hundreds of thousands come in, so it doesn't really make any impactful change. It's up to Trump to prove me wrong, in one years time, look back and check how many people were deported, if it is even just as many that came in under biden last year ill admit to being wrong.


fkiblaze said:

Yes, my comment was about West Europe, not central or east. I've already state in another comment the central euros are still like 90%+ white.

Only one that could probably be saved is switzerland because it has the canton system/confederacy, and they still have their guns, so if things get bad they can balkanize/secede from certain other regions. Same with USA, in the future some states can secede, and even if there was another civil war (there wouldn't be because no one will fight a war to keep states in modern west, especially when they dont even have slavery) right wingers would win anyway because we have all the guns, farms, and so on (plus most of the nukes are in the republican states if i recall)

That said, for the rest of west europe, the youth in germany support AFD a lot, and the nigel farage party in UK. It's not that i dont think they wont vote for parties that will start banning illegal immigrants and do some deportations, it's the fact of the numbers is all. They will show how they are "deporting thousands of people!!!" meanwhile hundreds of thousands come in, so it doesn't really make any impactful change. It's up to Trump to prove me wrong, in one years time, look back and check how many people were deported, if it is even just as many that came in under biden last year ill admit to being wrong.

Eastern and Central Europe are like 98-99% white so yeah you're right.

Switzerland is part of the lost countries; I live in a very rural part, close to a small city and there is already a visible portion of immigrants from outside Europe, a certain part naturalized. And the left is particularly strong in young people's mind here. My village is **way** more replaced in proportion compared to major Polish cities. Also, the army is way stronger than any minoritarian group of citizens with guns, trust me. It's a fantasy to think otherwise.

The youth vote AfD but the AfD is a center-right party against illegal immigration and not legal immigration, and still is minoritarian among the youth nonetheless. It's very unlikely they ever get to direct the country. The same can be said for Reform in the UK, it's a populist group that is unlikely to every be in power and even if they do, they will just slow down on illegal immigration. You're right for the numbers lol.

EVerde said:

Switzerland is part of the lost countries; I live in a very rural part, close to a small city and there is already a visible portion of immigrants from outside Europe, a certain part naturalized. And the left is particularly strong in young people's mind here. My village is **way** more replaced in proportion compared to major Polish cities. Also, the army is way stronger than any minoritarian group of citizens with guns, trust me. It's a fantasy to think otherwise.

My point isn't "you will save all of Switzerland" my point is because it is a confederacy, when things get bad enough people can get together and balkanize/secede, just like what happened with Czechoslovakia. My statement essentially is just Switzerland can still survive because it has the ability to copy what Czechoslovakia did.

As for the army thing, people don't understand what the army is. First of all, the army is composed of citizens, most of the frontline fighters are whites. In a civil war for white secessionism they would just mutany and take over large parts of the army, but secondly, even if you dont want to count on that happening, people forget how things like planes and bombers work. They don't just exist in the air or spawn like in battlefield, they fly for a few hours then have to land at an airbase. They then have to refuel and rearm. Yes, im not saying, "rednecks will shoot those planes out of the sky with ar15s!!! (although some people have .50 cals that can be used as anti-aircraft guns)" im saying they would just march onto the airbases and either just hold the pilots at gunpoint, or just light the fuel depots on fire. No jetfuel and the plane just becomes a paperweight. The same is true of everything else. The power grid in America is woefully unguarded, some guy took down the entire power for a part of California because he shot up a substation, and that was just 1 edgy teen guy, not some civil war militia. No fuel depots, no power, and the military is essentially useless and the city liberals starve, too.

EVerde said:

The youth is very much left-wing in Europe, contrarily to what the mainstream media says. They think and vote even more to the left than their parents and grand-parents. The only difference is that among the minority that is right-wing, they are nationalists with harsher lines on identity and not conservatives. But they are less numerous than previous generations.

Imo it's delusional to think we can save every country and that you can change quickly enough that radically people's mentality. Specially French people's. The Western part of Europe has gone into an irreversible state.

I think you underestimate how few incidents with migrants doing shit can turn people anti-imigraion, and we don't lack them.
There is small but growing up left wing anti imigration group, they slowly realize that muslims would take their gay rights away so they step back from "diversity is our streight", Geert Wilders anyone? ( btw I love how he's "far right" due to opossing imigration, lol )

Plus we can notice slow normalization of behaviors that would get you nazi label in 2010, like outrage caused by another race swap or more media covering migrants crimes, honestly first time in years I see mainstream media talking about migrants related crimes was November 2015 Paris attacks and only due to it victim count.

And form what I could caught up from my very left leaning friends even they got more sceptical to migration issues.

Poesix69 said:

I think you underestimate how few incidents with migrants doing shit can turn people anti-imigraion, and we don't lack them.
There is small but growing up left wing anti imigration group, they slowly realize that muslims would take their gay rights away so they step back from "diversity is our streight", Geert Wilders anyone? ( btw I love how he's "far right" due to opossing imigration, lol )

Plus we can notice slow normalization of behaviors that would get you nazi label in 2010, like outrage caused by another race swap or more media covering migrants crimes, honestly first time in years I see mainstream media talking about migrants related crimes was November 2015 Paris attacks and only due to it victim count.

And form what I could caught up from my very left leaning friends even they got more sceptical to migration issues.

yes, though the main change is not due to migrant crimes, as that always happened in the past, and the worse case was long before, with the grooming gang scandals, the main change is due to the shift in the Overton window. Specifically Elon and the elites around him along with him buying twitter. The elite is starting to accept more right wing points and as such the Overton window isn't policed on as many right wing issues. There will be a change, however i think the change is more towards "meritocracy" than anything racial, which of course is still an improvement.

fkiblaze said:

My point isn't "you will save all of Switzerland" my point is because it is a confederacy, when things get bad enough people can get together and balkanize/secede, just like what happened with Czechoslovakia. My statement essentially is just Switzerland can still survive because it has the ability to copy what Czechoslovakia did.

As for the army thing, people don't understand what the army is. First of all, the army is composed of citizens, most of the frontline fighters are whites. In a civil war for white secessionism they would just mutany and take over large parts of the army, but secondly, even if you dont want to count on that happening, people forget how things like planes and bombers work. They don't just exist in the air or spawn like in battlefield, they fly for a few hours then have to land at an airbase. They then have to refuel and rearm. Yes, im not saying, "rednecks will shoot those planes out of the sky with ar15s!!! (although some people have .50 cals that can be used as anti-aircraft guns)" im saying they would just march onto the airbases and either just hold the pilots at gunpoint, or just light the fuel depots on fire. No jetfuel and the plane just becomes a paperweight. The same is true of everything else. The power grid in America is woefully unguarded, some guy took down the entire power for a part of California because he shot up a substation, and that was just 1 edgy teen guy, not some civil war militia. No fuel depots, no power, and the military is essentially useless and the city liberals starve, too.

There are non-European naturalized immigrants in a sizable proportion in basically every canton, so what the heck would change if there was a secession? Furthermore, a secession that will basically never happen, no one wants independence in Switzerland. And poorer cantons need richer ones. Never heard i. E. Geneva separatists. Because it doesn't exist. And Swiss individuals are already a minority in most cantons in younger age groups lol.

I read your entire paragraph about the army. So for what you describe to happen, you have to have a vast majority of white individuals, including elite whites that went to university, supporting a white separatist movement. Then once it is coordinated, you have to hope UN troops and other countries from the rest of the world won’t implicate themselves in the war, and you have to hope that somehow it all works out in the end without any sanction or rebellion, nor a shift in people's mentality. All the while you have to protect non-white individuals from crossing the border. Good luck if you think that will happen.

Poesix69 said:

I think you underestimate how few incidents with migrants doing shit can turn people anti-imigraion, and we don't lack them.
There is small but growing up left wing anti imigration group, they slowly realize that muslims would take their gay rights away so they step back from "diversity is our streight", Geert Wilders anyone? ( btw I love how he's "far right" due to opossing imigration, lol )

Plus we can notice slow normalization of behaviors that would get you nazi label in 2010, like outrage caused by another race swap or more media covering migrants crimes, honestly first time in years I see mainstream media talking about migrants related crimes was November 2015 Paris attacks and only due to it victim count.

And form what I could caught up from my very left leaning friends even they got more sceptical to migration issues.

Left-wing anti-immigration parties are in favour of slowing down migration a lot and assimilating migrants, so once again they will just normalize and render more peaceful a multiethnic society, but you still have a multiethnic society, which will homogeneize in the very long-term, so if you have 20% of the youth that isn't white and you just assimilate them and stop mass migration, if you come back in 10 centuries, the genetical patrimony of your population is 20% non-white. So no more white individuals. These are the countries I am speaking about as being lost.

EVerde said:

Left-wing anti-immigration parties are in favour of slowing down migration a lot and assimilating migrants, so once again they will just normalize and render more peaceful a multiethnic society, but you still have a multiethnic society, which will homogeneize in the very long-term, so if you have 20% of the youth that isn't white and you just assimilate them and stop mass migration, if you come back in 10 centuries, the genetical patrimony of your population is 20% non-white. So no more white individuals. These are the countries I am speaking about as being lost.

In real life races rarley mix, if it's happens it's mostly white man and other race woman so kids will be cultulary white and mostly likely have white partners, basically turning white around 4th generation.

My bigger concern, and sadly very real one, would been non whites producing more kids that whites and overpopulating us in around three generations

EVerde said:

There are non-European naturalized immigrants in a sizable proportion in basically every canton, so what the heck would change if there was a secession? Furthermore, a secession that will basically never happen, no one wants independence in Switzerland. And poorer cantons need richer ones. Never heard i. E. Geneva separatists. Because it doesn't exist. And Swiss individuals are already a minority in most cantons in younger age groups lol.

I read your entire paragraph about the army. So for what you describe to happen, you have to have a vast majority of white individuals, including elite whites that went to university, supporting a white separatist movement. Then once it is coordinated, you have to hope UN troops and other countries from the rest of the world won’t implicate themselves in the war, and you have to hope that somehow it all works out in the end without any sanction or rebellion, nor a shift in people's mentality. All the while you have to protect non-white individuals from crossing the border. Good luck if you think that will happen.

I highly doubt the ratio of nonwhites is the same in evrry canton since none of the other white countries are like that. Furthermore ethnic groups self segregate over time as demographics change so naturally one canton will be the one that becomes the white one

UN troops are never an issue. The UN has never stopped anything, and white people wont get unnationalist as things get worse, they will get more. Lastly regardless of you thinking it cant happen, it allready has. Once again, czech republic, slovenia, slovakia, these are all countries created by exactly what i said, not too long ago.

ezr000 said:

In real life races rarley mix, if it's happens it's mostly white man and other race woman so kids will be cultulary white and mostly likely have white partners, basically turning white around 4th generation.

My bigger concern, and sadly very real one, would been non whites producing more kids that whites and overpopulating us in around three generations

Let's do the math together here :

1st generation, ~50% non-white
2nd generation, ~25% non-white
3rd generation, ~12.5% non-white
4th generation, ~6.25% non-white

We're still far from the current 100% white ancestry of Europeans after 4 generations, all this is doing is the exact phenomenon I am describing that will make whites disappear for some sort of latino-like population. You can't expect this not to happen, because of race-mixing. Once again, in metropolitan France, a third of births are non-white. If you stop immigration and you come back in 10 centuries, the average French inhabitant will only have 2/3 European ancestry.

fkiblaze said:

I highly doubt the ratio of nonwhites is the same in evrry canton since none of the other white countries are like that. Furthermore ethnic groups self segregate over time as demographics change so naturally one canton will be the one that becomes the white one

UN troops are never an issue. The UN has never stopped anything, and white people wont get unnationalist as things get worse, they will get more. Lastly regardless of you thinking it cant happen, it allready has. Once again, czech republic, slovenia, slovakia, these are all countries created by exactly what i said, not too long ago.

You really are expecting people to self-segregate and not race-mix? Even during segregation in the US with laws against race-mixing and mentalities overwhelmingly against this, there was race-mixing. And I do not see any self-segregation in my rural area, on the contrary, lots of white individuals, whether male or female, have non-white partners. Maybe it's just my rural area that's different ? I don't think so though.

The big difference between Czechoslovachia and Switzerland is that in Czechoslovakia, there was one territory encompassing two people. The Czech and the Slovaks. Maybe very marginally German and Hungarian minorities. But it was basically one part of Czechoslovakia that was Czech, another part Slovak. This is the reason why, alongside with the past mentalities and form of government, that it was possible for it to separate. We are absolutely not in the same situation in Switzerland. Because poorer cantons depend on richer ones, they will never accept and vote yes in case there was a proposition of separation. And more importantly than anything, we are absolutely not a homogenous population sharing a territory. Switzerland is very heterogenous, with most cantons having Swiss individuals as a minority among the youth. Switzerland is a country composed of many different minorities sharing one same territory, with Swiss individuals being a minority like any other among the youth. The conditions are absolutely not the same as Czechoslovakia that was just a country encompassing two people. Switzerland is a country encompassing many different people in every single canton. Good luck with your fantasy of independence.

EVerde said:

Let's do the math together here :

1st generation, ~50% non-white
2nd generation, ~25% non-white
3rd generation, ~12.5% non-white
4th generation, ~6.25% non-white

We're still far from the current 100% white ancestry of Europeans after 4 generations, all this is doing is the exact phenomenon I am describing that will make whites disappear for some sort of latino-like population. You can't expect this not to happen, because of race-mixing. Once again, in metropolitan France, a third of births are non-white. If you stop immigration and you come back in 10 centuries, the average French inhabitant will only have 2/3 European ancestry.

yea race mixxing always happens, even the caste system in india that was made to prevent it didnt help. Yes it will always be a minority, but that just means the white genes will more slowly go away rather than after just after 3 generations or something. The only way is if you make it illegal like periods in usa history but that is less likely to happen than just deportation.

EVerde said:

You really are expecting people to self-segregate and not race-mix? Even during segregation in the US with laws against race-mixing and mentalities overwhelmingly against this, there was race-mixing. And I do not see any self-segregation in my rural area, on the contrary, lots of white individuals, whether male or female, have non-white partners. Maybe it's just my rural area that's different ? I don't think so though.

The big difference between Czechoslovachia and Switzerland is that in Czechoslovakia, there was one territory encompassing two people. The Czech and the Slovaks. Maybe very marginally German and Hungarian minorities. But it was basically one part of Czechoslovakia that was Czech, another part Slovak. This is the reason why, alongside with the past mentalities and form of government, that it was possible for it to separate. We are absolutely not in the same situation in Switzerland. Because poorer cantons depend on richer ones, they will never accept and vote yes in case there was a proposition of separation. And more importantly than anything, we are absolutely not a homogenous population sharing a territory. Switzerland is very heterogenous, with most cantons having Swiss individuals as a minority among the youth. Switzerland is a country composed of many different minorities sharing one same territory, with Swiss individuals being a minority like any other among the youth. The conditions are absolutely not the same as Czechoslovakia that was just a country encompassing two people. Switzerland is a country encompassing many different people in every single canton. Good luck with your fantasy of independence.

Where did i say i dont think race mixing will happen, i said the opposite.

As for switzerland it doesnt depends on poor ones or richer ones, that is the case for any nation or people, one always is poorer than the other it doesnt stop anything. For one certainly the poorer ones wont wana go to war to stop the richer ones. As for the canton, from what i understand they are infact different ethnicities. Zurich is german, geneva is french, etc.

EVerde said:

Let's do the math together here :

1st generation, ~50% non-white
2nd generation, ~25% non-white
3rd generation, ~12.5% non-white
4th generation, ~6.25% non-white

We're still far from the current 100% white ancestry of Europeans after 4 generations, all this is doing is the exact phenomenon I am describing that will make whites disappear for some sort of latino-like population. You can't expect this not to happen, because of race-mixing. Once again, in metropolitan France, a third of births are non-white. If you stop immigration and you come back in 10 centuries, the average French inhabitant will only have 2/3 European ancestry.

Again, you forget one think I even pointed out; race mixing is rare, most keeps it in their group, in US it's only 19% of marriages ( and it included white men with white latins, if we didn't counted them it could been even lower )

In Germany and France it's even lower and included marriages bettewen two white people from different nations

Bigger concern that we turn into latin America is that we can be outnumbered: if avarange European has 1 or 2 kids and Muslim migrant has 3-4 you can see trend here.

fkiblaze said:

Where did i say i dont think race mixing will happen, i said the opposite.

As for switzerland it doesnt depends on poor ones or richer ones, that is the case for any nation or people, one always is poorer than the other it doesnt stop anything. For one certainly the poorer ones wont wana go to war to stop the richer ones. As for the canton, from what i understand they are infact different ethnicities. Zurich is german, geneva is french, etc.

Geneva is French but it

ezr000 said:

Again, you forget one think I even pointed out; race mixing is rare, most keeps it in their group, in US it's only 19% of marriages ( and it included white men with white latins, if we didn't counted them it could been even lower )

In Germany and France it's even lower and included marriages bettewen two white people from different nations

Bigger concern that we turn into latin America is that we can be outnumbered: if avarange European has 1 or 2 kids and Muslim migrant has 3-4 you can see trend here.

Latinos aren't white. And 19% of marriages is way enough to have the slow phenomenon I described.

EVerde said:

Geneva is French but it

Latinos aren't white. And 19% of marriages is way enough to have the slow phenomenon I described.

Sorry but there is multiple latins who have white ( spanish ) and only white DNA

Do most is mixed to a point they shouldn't been considered one race? Yea, I agree, but still assuming all are like this is just begin ignorant on purose

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