I've made a similar post but muslim ignorance really gets under my skin, I'm from England and have grown up around muslims all my life ( the west midlands might as well be pakistan 2) and it really gets under my skin how ignorant they are and afraid of change they happen to be.
It obviously depends on what generation of immigrant their family is, how rebelious they are ( a few of my muslim friends have girlfriends and are very liberal about certain viewpoints, the ceritifed good boys however will double and tripple down on religion )
Like I talk to my one friend who's just decided " youtube is for religious videos now " and it's made him 100x worse - he holds very sexist views towards women and when challenged on them will just say " Haram! " and show me some scripture then when I break that down and explain to him how it's sexist and or retarded he just keeps arguing with circular logic until i get pissed off enough to just stop talking to him for a bit because it's not worth wasting anymore time on him being a retard.
But this doesn't just stop at women, he can't fathom the holy trinity from christanity, tries to defend the worst parts of Islam ( their holy prophet muhammed marrying a child, the promise of 72 full breasted virgins if they get to heaven, slavery, blasphemy laws, etc ) with some of the weakest arguements and most stupid reaches of all time.
It honestly pisses me off that he refuses to grow or change because he can just hide behind a religion that allows for and even promotes men to act like incel virgins - which is precisely what he could be described as - he's a skinny nerd with glasses that is too scared to raise his voice to a normal level outside who lacks social skills and is too afraid to talk to new people let alone specifically WOMEN , why wouldn't he benefit from a system that treats women like pets?
It honestly pisses me off knowing that it's likely he will actually end up going on to have children of his own just because of arranged marriages while other men are good people that put effort into their personality and apperance are failing to get dates.
Really this forum was just for me to rant about my bitch ass muslim friend acting like a complete incel but anyone else who hates islam or has gripes about it can post there stuff here - I really didn't think about it much growing up until i accidentally stumbled across " the aspothate prophet " on youtube and to my horror found a lot of the things he said about islam as an ex-muslim to be true.
For the most part they aren't all this die hard and the girls are usually a lot more liberal on the rules mainly because their own religion treats them as property, I've flirted with quite a few hijabis and a lot of the more rebelious muslim girls will 100% give you sloppy toppy under the counter even as a white guy ( they're not meant to have romance with non-muslims ) If they won't be seen but the ignorance of some muslim men makes me want to nuke arab countries