

Posted under General

I've made a similar post but muslim ignorance really gets under my skin, I'm from England and have grown up around muslims all my life ( the west midlands might as well be pakistan 2) and it really gets under my skin how ignorant they are and afraid of change they happen to be.
It obviously depends on what generation of immigrant their family is, how rebelious they are ( a few of my muslim friends have girlfriends and are very liberal about certain viewpoints, the ceritifed good boys however will double and tripple down on religion )

Like I talk to my one friend who's just decided " youtube is for religious videos now " and it's made him 100x worse - he holds very sexist views towards women and when challenged on them will just say " Haram! " and show me some scripture then when I break that down and explain to him how it's sexist and or retarded he just keeps arguing with circular logic until i get pissed off enough to just stop talking to him for a bit because it's not worth wasting anymore time on him being a retard.
But this doesn't just stop at women, he can't fathom the holy trinity from christanity, tries to defend the worst parts of Islam ( their holy prophet muhammed marrying a child, the promise of 72 full breasted virgins if they get to heaven, slavery, blasphemy laws, etc ) with some of the weakest arguements and most stupid reaches of all time.
It honestly pisses me off that he refuses to grow or change because he can just hide behind a religion that allows for and even promotes men to act like incel virgins - which is precisely what he could be described as - he's a skinny nerd with glasses that is too scared to raise his voice to a normal level outside who lacks social skills and is too afraid to talk to new people let alone specifically WOMEN , why wouldn't he benefit from a system that treats women like pets?
It honestly pisses me off knowing that it's likely he will actually end up going on to have children of his own just because of arranged marriages while other men are good people that put effort into their personality and apperance are failing to get dates.

Really this forum was just for me to rant about my bitch ass muslim friend acting like a complete incel but anyone else who hates islam or has gripes about it can post there stuff here - I really didn't think about it much growing up until i accidentally stumbled across " the aspothate prophet " on youtube and to my horror found a lot of the things he said about islam as an ex-muslim to be true.

For the most part they aren't all this die hard and the girls are usually a lot more liberal on the rules mainly because their own religion treats them as property, I've flirted with quite a few hijabis and a lot of the more rebelious muslim girls will 100% give you sloppy toppy under the counter even as a white guy ( they're not meant to have romance with non-muslims ) If they won't be seen but the ignorance of some muslim men makes me want to nuke arab countries

IvoryFutaIII said:

I've made a similar post but muslim ignorance really gets under my skin, I'm from England and have grown up around muslims all my life ( the west midlands might as well be pakistan 2) and it really gets under my skin how ignorant they are and afraid of change they happen to be.
It obviously depends on what generation of immigrant their family is, how rebelious they are ( a few of my muslim friends have girlfriends and are very liberal about certain viewpoints, the ceritifed good boys however will double and tripple down on religion )

Like I talk to my one friend who's just decided " youtube is for religious videos now " and it's made him 100x worse - he holds very sexist views towards women and when challenged on them will just say " Haram! " and show me some scripture then when I break that down and explain to him how it's sexist and or retarded he just keeps arguing with circular logic until i get pissed off enough to just stop talking to him for a bit because it's not worth wasting anymore time on him being a retard.
But this doesn't just stop at women, he can't fathom the holy trinity from christanity, tries to defend the worst parts of Islam ( their holy prophet muhammed marrying a child, the promise of 72 full breasted virgins if they get to heaven, slavery, blasphemy laws, etc ) with some of the weakest arguements and most stupid reaches of all time.
It honestly pisses me off that he refuses to grow or change because he can just hide behind a religion that allows for and even promotes men to act like incel virgins - which is precisely what he could be described as - he's a skinny nerd with glasses that is too scared to raise his voice to a normal level outside who lacks social skills and is too afraid to talk to new people let alone specifically WOMEN , why wouldn't he benefit from a system that treats women like pets?
It honestly pisses me off knowing that it's likely he will actually end up going on to have children of his own just because of arranged marriages while other men are good people that put effort into their personality and apperance are failing to get dates.

Really this forum was just for me to rant about my bitch ass muslim friend acting like a complete incel but anyone else who hates islam or has gripes about it can post there stuff here - I really didn't think about it much growing up until i accidentally stumbled across " the aspothate prophet " on youtube and to my horror found a lot of the things he said about islam as an ex-muslim to be true.

For the most part they aren't all this die hard and the girls are usually a lot more liberal on the rules mainly because their own religion treats them as property, I've flirted with quite a few hijabis and a lot of the more rebelious muslim girls will 100% give you sloppy toppy under the counter even as a white guy ( they're not meant to have romance with non-muslims ) If they won't be seen but the ignorance of some muslim men makes me want to nuke arab countries

Yea muslims are pretty zealous, though like i said before you can see the same thing with blacks talking about blackness or chinese defending china. Many people are too blindly tribalistic.

IvoryFutaIII said:
"It honestly pisses me off knowing that it's likely he will actually end up going on to have children of his own just because of arranged marriages while other men are good people that put effort into their personality and apperance are failing to get dates. "

That said like you said here, ultimately it works for them evolutionarily so it wont change anytime soon. Jews also have a similar system. The real question is why white people had to stop with matchmaking cultures.

I've posted this before, but here it goes again:

Anyone who thinks "defending Islam" is a leftist point of view has completely misunderstood the assignment. If you're a leftie, Islam is a religion that stands against everything you stand for, take the most conservative christian nutjob in Texas and you don't even begin to come close to the levels of bigotry some muslim men can showcase on their sleep.

I defend freedom of religion, but that doesn't mean you can use your religion as an excuse to your backwards views. I will not attack you because you pray facing Mecca, and if that's all you do, I will defend you from anyone who attacks you for it, but if you start spewing bigotry, I will treat you like any other bigot, be it muslim, christian, atheist, white, black, brown, man, woman, straight, gay, or whatever else.

And if you're one of the more liberal muslims and do like christians have been doing for centuries ignoring the most icky parts of your sacred texts (and I know you do exist out there, some of my friends are the same), I fucking respect you. I know your culture, and I know it's not easy to go against it, specially since it's common you're threatened with violence for expressing different views, and I commend you for having the balls to stand up for what you know is right.

Marcal91 said:

I've posted this before, but here it goes again:

Anyone who thinks "defending Islam" is a leftist point of view has completely misunderstood the assignment. If you're a leftie, Islam is a religion that stands against everything you stand for, take the most conservative christian nutjob in Texas and you don't even begin to come close to the levels of bigotry some muslim men can showcase on their sleep.

I defend freedom of religion, but that doesn't mean you can use your religion as an excuse to your backwards views. I will not attack you because you pray facing Mecca, and if that's all you do, I will defend you from anyone who attacks you for it, but if you start spewing bigotry, I will treat you like any other bigot, be it muslim, christian, atheist, white, black, brown, man, woman, straight, gay, or whatever else.

And if you're one of the more liberal muslims and do like christians have been doing for centuries ignoring the most icky parts of your sacred texts (and I know you do exist out there, some of my friends are the same), I fucking respect you. I know your culture, and I know it's not easy to go against it, specially since it's common you're threatened with violence for expressing different views, and I commend you for having the balls to stand up for what you know is right.

Islam and Christianity are not the same in terms of their doctrine, it's not a matter of ignoring text that makes Christians better. Jesus was completely different than Mohammed, who was just a typical warlord.

IvoryFutaIII said:

I've made a similar post but muslim ignorance really gets under my skin, I'm from England and have grown up around muslims all my life ( the west midlands might as well be pakistan 2) and it really gets under my skin how ignorant they are and afraid of change they happen to be.
It obviously depends on what generation of immigrant their family is, how rebelious they are ( a few of my muslim friends have girlfriends and are very liberal about certain viewpoints, the ceritifed good boys however will double and tripple down on religion )

Like I talk to my one friend who's just decided " youtube is for religious videos now " and it's made him 100x worse - he holds very sexist views towards women and when challenged on them will just say " Haram! " and show me some scripture then when I break that down and explain to him how it's sexist and or retarded he just keeps arguing with circular logic until i get pissed off enough to just stop talking to him for a bit because it's not worth wasting anymore time on him being a retard.
But this doesn't just stop at women, he can't fathom the holy trinity from christanity, tries to defend the worst parts of Islam ( their holy prophet muhammed marrying a child, the promise of 72 full breasted virgins if they get to heaven, slavery, blasphemy laws, etc ) with some of the weakest arguements and most stupid reaches of all time.
It honestly pisses me off that he refuses to grow or change because he can just hide behind a religion that allows for and even promotes men to act like incel virgins - which is precisely what he could be described as - he's a skinny nerd with glasses that is too scared to raise his voice to a normal level outside who lacks social skills and is too afraid to talk to new people let alone specifically WOMEN , why wouldn't he benefit from a system that treats women like pets?
It honestly pisses me off knowing that it's likely he will actually end up going on to have children of his own just because of arranged marriages while other men are good people that put effort into their personality and apperance are failing to get dates.

Really this forum was just for me to rant about my bitch ass muslim friend acting like a complete incel but anyone else who hates islam or has gripes about it can post there stuff here - I really didn't think about it much growing up until i accidentally stumbled across " the aspothate prophet " on youtube and to my horror found a lot of the things he said about islam as an ex-muslim to be true.

For the most part they aren't all this die hard and the girls are usually a lot more liberal on the rules mainly because their own religion treats them as property, I've flirted with quite a few hijabis and a lot of the more rebelious muslim girls will 100% give you sloppy toppy under the counter even as a white guy ( they're not meant to have romance with non-muslims ) If they won't be seen but the ignorance of some muslim men makes me want to nuke arab countries

words words words TLDR fuck islam pig lol

fkiblaze said:

Islam and Christianity are not the same in terms of their doctrine, it's not a matter of ignoring text that makes Christians better. Jesus was completely different than Mohammed, who was just a typical warlord.

Oh, no, I'm not saying they're the same except for that detail, obviously there are many other differences, I'm just saying chistians do ignore much of what the Bible says, and even more about tradition, and muslims should do the same.

IvoryFutaIII said:

I've made a similar post but muslim ignorance really gets under my skin, I'm from England and have grown up around muslims all my life ( the west midlands might as well be pakistan 2) and it really gets under my skin how ignorant they are and afraid of change they happen to be.
It obviously depends on what generation of immigrant their family is, how rebelious they are ( a few of my muslim friends have girlfriends and are very liberal about certain viewpoints, the ceritifed good boys however will double and tripple down on religion )

Like I talk to my one friend who's just decided " youtube is for religious videos now " and it's made him 100x worse - he holds very sexist views towards women and when challenged on them will just say " Haram! " and show me some scripture then when I break that down and explain to him how it's sexist and or retarded he just keeps arguing with circular logic until i get pissed off enough to just stop talking to him for a bit because it's not worth wasting anymore time on him being a retard.
But this doesn't just stop at women, he can't fathom the holy trinity from christanity, tries to defend the worst parts of Islam ( their holy prophet muhammed marrying a child, the promise of 72 full breasted virgins if they get to heaven, slavery, blasphemy laws, etc ) with some of the weakest arguements and most stupid reaches of all time.
It honestly pisses me off that he refuses to grow or change because he can just hide behind a religion that allows for and even promotes men to act like incel virgins - which is precisely what he could be described as - he's a skinny nerd with glasses that is too scared to raise his voice to a normal level outside who lacks social skills and is too afraid to talk to new people let alone specifically WOMEN , why wouldn't he benefit from a system that treats women like pets?
It honestly pisses me off knowing that it's likely he will actually end up going on to have children of his own just because of arranged marriages while other men are good people that put effort into their personality and apperance are failing to get dates.

Really this forum was just for me to rant about my bitch ass muslim friend acting like a complete incel but anyone else who hates islam or has gripes about it can post there stuff here - I really didn't think about it much growing up until i accidentally stumbled across " the aspothate prophet " on youtube and to my horror found a lot of the things he said about islam as an ex-muslim to be true.

For the most part they aren't all this die hard and the girls are usually a lot more liberal on the rules mainly because their own religion treats them as property, I've flirted with quite a few hijabis and a lot of the more rebelious muslim girls will 100% give you sloppy toppy under the counter even as a white guy ( they're not meant to have romance with non-muslims ) If they won't be seen but the ignorance of some muslim men makes me want to nuke arab countries

It’s not uncommon for the majority of religious people to not be knowledgeable about their own religion. It’s particularly grievous for Islam though since it’s so intertwined with politics. All the hate Christianity got over the past decade and a half from Reddit Atheists would have been better spent on Islam. Not that it would’ve made a difference.

TheWhiteMan said:

It’s not uncommon for the majority of religious people to not be knowledgeable about their own religion. It’s particularly grievous for Islam though since it’s so intertwined with politics. All the hate Christianity got over the past decade and a half from Reddit Atheists would have been better spent on Islam. Not that it would’ve made a difference.

Because they are cowards, they even admit as such. They are afraid of the backlash, being called racists by leftists and they are afraid of being victims of the barbarity of muslims.

So long these so called intellectuals have crusaded against Christianity only to lament the state their country has become without it, like for example Richard Dawkins. Atheism is purposeless and vapid anyways. It’s nihilism for pompous people.

Iranians, Afghanis, Iraqis. If they kept to themselves they could keep up with their barbaric shit forever. But they don't. They chimp out. They lash out against the west.
They attack us, we attack them. But we're better at war. We could slaughter them like pigs. What is a goatherder going to do against an F-15? A B-52? Nothing, that's what.
But for two generations now western boys, europeans, have gone to go die in a fucking sandpit. All because governments want to avoid bad PR. "Don't you feel bad for Mohammed? Don't you want him, his two underage wives, his 39 children, and his goat-wife to live on your tax money in your country? Since we had to invade him because we're evil." We could give them an ultimatum, now couldn't we? "Stop being barbarians or we will bomb you." Why are Americans, Englishmen, Frenchmen, and all manner of other europeans dying to teach them how to act like normal fucking people? They don't want to. Unless given the option of that or death, they always refuse. Twenty fucking years of nationbuilding in Afghanistan, and they've got less of a nation than they did before! All because a bunch of Saudis led by American ex-CIA asset Tim Osman decided to chimp out. It's mindnumbing. I have no sympathy for any of it. I do not want the children of the aggressor on my street. He attacked us, we blew up his home. If he wanted a home, he shouldn't have attacked us. And it shouldn't be on fucking westerners to deal with irresponsible leadership from Jihadistan. Okay, whatever, rant over.

TheWhiteMan said:

It’s not uncommon for the majority of religious people to not be knowledgeable about their own religion. It’s particularly grievous for Islam though since it’s so intertwined with politics. All the hate Christianity got over the past decade and a half from Reddit Atheists would have been better spent on Islam. Not that it would’ve made a difference.

Muslims aren't ignorant towards their own religion they just tend to be ignorant of the world OUTSIDE of their religion, they have 0 concept of how alcohol effects you and seem to think 1 drop will make you a stumbling idiot, don't understand how relationships work outside of an islamic context and make baseless or stupid claims out of their sheer ignorance like " valentines day is a catholic holiday and it is evil because it pressures people into cheating!! " ( everything in that quote being retarded ) and it's baffling that people living in a western society can be so ignorant of it

the fact they think their religion is so supreme while also knowing nothing of others really just shows them as ignorant zealots, they'll try to make fun of hindus for " worshopping cows " yet literally idolise a pedo who owned numerous sex slaves

As for leftists not attacking Islam, while I'm wililng to bet some of it is fear and the left eating it's self ( you are not allowed to have cultural/political opinons that don't conform ) I'm also willing to bet it's ignorance.
I didn't know about Aisha (Prophet Muhammed's child-bride who's supposedly the " mother of the believers " until I watched youtube videos from ex-muslims, I didn't know Islam was pro-slavery until I watched videos from ex-muslims, I didn't know about their blasphemy laws until I watched videos.
So on and so fourth - to the average person Islam just seems like an eastern religion that people are xenophobic towards but the more you look into the religion the more you see it's flaws, it's sexist, promotes xenophobia , makes people ignorant and rewards incel behaviour

A woke leftist would never see this though because they're (ironically) too bigoted to hear out an informed opinon from what they see as an "islamaphobe" and will immediately ignore or dismiss anything you tell them and that's assuming they don't try to shut down the conversation before it begins in the first place.


Some religions, like Islam and Christianity, expect parents to enroll their children in their religion. A newborn can't express belonging to a particular faith or understand the concept of God or divinity.

If a religion asks parents to influence their children based on religious rather than their own logical principles, it's for several reasons. Now, I'm not saying all religions do this, but those that do have a specific political purpose.

1) Spiritual manipulation from childhood can lead to behavioral issues in adulthood. When the child grows up and can be spiritually honest with themselves, they may find themselves in conflict with their parents. This conflict can be suppressed by pretending to belong to the imposed religion or openly rejecting it, which can cause a painful but honest conflict with their parents.

2) A politician supporting Islam in Islamic countries or Christianity in Christian countries likely seeks religious power over that population. Such a politician doesn't need to demonstrate real skills or competencies in human society (like an internationally renowned scientist or researcher); they only need to protect the dominant religion and accuse others of being atheists or followers of opposing religions. Examples include politicians subservient to the imam in Iran or servant president Trump in the US. Politicians controlled by religions are often ridiculed internationally and only find religious support nationally; unsurprisingly, they are typically nationalists.

3) Pathetic and insignificant trolls supporting Putin might promote Christianity while denouncing Islam here, then go to Islamic forums to insult Christianity and resist the West. The truth is that human religion or spirituality belongs to no one; it's up to humanity to evolve and develop its own spirituality. You can copy/paste this in forums that follows any religion, and the value of this will be the same all across aboard (contrary to Putin's trash trolls, that need to adap their text in order to provoke emotive reactions)

Aakord said:

Some religions, like Islam and Christianity, expect parents to enroll their children in their religion. A newborn can't express belonging to a particular faith or understand the concept of God or divinity.

If a religion asks parents to influence their children based on religious rather than their own logical principles, it's for several reasons. Now, I'm not saying all religions do this, but those that do have a specific political purpose.

1) Spiritual manipulation from childhood can lead to behavioral issues in adulthood. When the child grows up and can be spiritually honest with themselves, they may find themselves in conflict with their parents. This conflict can be suppressed by pretending to belong to the imposed religion or openly rejecting it, which can cause a painful but honest conflict with their parents.

2) A politician supporting Islam in Islamic countries or Christianity in Christian countries likely seeks religious power over that population. Such a politician doesn't need to demonstrate real skills or competencies in human society (like an internationally renowned scientist or researcher); they only need to protect the dominant religion and accuse others of being atheists or followers of opposing religions. Examples include politicians subservient to the imam in Iran or servant president Trump in the US. Politicians controlled by religions are often ridiculed internationally and only find religious support nationally; unsurprisingly, they are typically nationalists.

3) Pathetic and insignificant trolls supporting Putin might promote Christianity while denouncing Islam here, then go to Islamic forums to insult Christianity and resist the West. The truth is that human religion or spirituality belongs to no one; it's up to humanity to evolve and develop its own spirituality. You can copy/paste this in forums that follows any religion, and the value of this will be the same all across aboard (contrary to Putin's trash trolls, that need to adap their text in order to provoke emotive reactions)

People teach their children religion because you literally have to teach your child some moral and culture thing, or they will just adopt some one else's and be manipulated against you and likely that is an even dumber ideology. Most parents dont really teach their kids these days so they learn from the woke public school teacher or tiktok.

the other point isn't really anything historic because it doesn't make any difference when you live in a society where everyone is the same religion. A politician cant just say "vote for me im Christian" because every politician would be Christian. It's only more of a thing now in modern society due to the massive increase in diversity, but for most of history up until now it's not relevant.

IvoryFutaIII said:

A woke leftist would never see this though because they're (ironically) too bigoted to hear out an informed opinon from what they see as an "islamaphobe" and will immediately ignore or dismiss anything you tell them and that's assuming they don't try to shut down the conversation before it begins in the first place.

Hello, woke leftist here, I was literally the second reply here, and my words towards muslim fundamentalism were anything but kind, and I expressed my disagreement at the idea that leftism and defending muslim fundamentalism are in any way compatible. I am very far from being the only leftist sharing that opinion. Do not put us all in the same box.

Of course there are braindead individuals in any group, including leftism, that will just repeat the words of the others without really knowing where those words don't apply, and sadly those people are often non-stop shouting into the biggest megaphones, but most of us ain't gonna defend the people that literally wants us dead.

IvoryFutaIII said:

I've made a similar post but muslim ignorance really gets under my skin, I'm from England and have grown up around muslims all my life ( the west midlands might as well be pakistan 2) and it really gets under my skin how ignorant they are and afraid of change they happen to be.
It obviously depends on what generation of immigrant their family is, how rebelious they are ( a few of my muslim friends have girlfriends and are very liberal about certain viewpoints, the ceritifed good boys however will double and tripple down on religion )

Like I talk to my one friend who's just decided " youtube is for religious videos now " and it's made him 100x worse - he holds very sexist views towards women and when challenged on them will just say " Haram! " and show me some scripture then when I break that down and explain to him how it's sexist and or retarded he just keeps arguing with circular logic until i get pissed off enough to just stop talking to him for a bit because it's not worth wasting anymore time on him being a retard.
But this doesn't just stop at women, he can't fathom the holy trinity from christanity, tries to defend the worst parts of Islam ( their holy prophet muhammed marrying a child, the promise of 72 full breasted virgins if they get to heaven, slavery, blasphemy laws, etc ) with some of the weakest arguements and most stupid reaches of all time.
It honestly pisses me off that he refuses to grow or change because he can just hide behind a religion that allows for and even promotes men to act like incel virgins - which is precisely what he could be described as - he's a skinny nerd with glasses that is too scared to raise his voice to a normal level outside who lacks social skills and is too afraid to talk to new people let alone specifically WOMEN , why wouldn't he benefit from a system that treats women like pets?
It honestly pisses me off knowing that it's likely he will actually end up going on to have children of his own just because of arranged marriages while other men are good people that put effort into their personality and apperance are failing to get dates.

Really this forum was just for me to rant about my bitch ass muslim friend acting like a complete incel but anyone else who hates islam or has gripes about it can post there stuff here - I really didn't think about it much growing up until i accidentally stumbled across " the aspothate prophet " on youtube and to my horror found a lot of the things he said about islam as an ex-muslim to be true.

For the most part they aren't all this die hard and the girls are usually a lot more liberal on the rules mainly because their own religion treats them as property, I've flirted with quite a few hijabis and a lot of the more rebelious muslim girls will 100% give you sloppy toppy under the counter even as a white guy ( they're not meant to have romance with non-muslims ) If they won't be seen but the ignorance of some muslim men makes me want to nuke arab countries

Total Muslim Death

From the stuff I've causally learned over time. Its a pretty strict religion which can make pretty devout followers. From what i've learned alot of Muslims tend to be incompatible with other social groups. East asians like china or korea hating them alot in particular. As for Europe I find that their governments have put themselves in a position semi independent of social groups. because yes they need voters but do they actually care about them? Thusly countries like Brittan tend to pull PR stunts such as giving passes to muslums and helping out immigrants then helping their own peoples. And the funny thing is some of the more modern islamic nations have protections against religious extremism such as grooming gangs which Western Europe has largely ignored. If you are white, your country doesnt care about you, but you know this.

Flamberge said:
And the funny thing is some of the more modern islamic nations have protections against religious extremism such as grooming gangs which Western Europe has largely ignored.

Can you give specific examples and sources about those countries and their protections, or at least how to look it up? It will be infinitely useful for arguments against some acquaintances.

I don’t really care about Islam or Muslims, as long as they don’t come to my country, or any more western countries. I don’t mind Arabs coming into these countries as long as they aren’t Muslim fundamentalists (they pretty much all are though). My joke is that we should wall off the Mediterranean, Balkans and Asia Minor and leave ALL those people to themselves. Wall off the borders along France to block Spain, continue it along Swiss Czech and Slovenian borders to block off Italy, continue it along Hungary and Ukraine’s borders to the Black Sea to ward off the Balkans, and then close off with Russia’s border to obviously block off Turkey, we can maybe include Georgia Armenia and the Caucasus Mountains but the goal is to keep problem people out of Europe. Yes that means walling off a lot of ‘white’ countries, but idc, you Meds and Balkans and whatever deserve it or something, idk lol. this is all a joke so don’t get your knickers in a knot, or your hopes up

Marcal91 said:

Can you give specific examples and sources about those countries and their protections, or at least how to look it up? It will be infinitely useful for arguments against some acquaintances.

Sure, but you'll have to give me some time im kinda busy with stuff and winning internet clout isnt at the top of my bucket list.

IvoryFutaIII said:

I've made a similar post but muslim ignorance really gets under my skin, I'm from England and have grown up around muslims all my life ( the west midlands might as well be pakistan 2) and it really gets under my skin how ignorant they are and afraid of change they happen to be.
It obviously depends on what generation of immigrant their family is, how rebelious they are ( a few of my muslim friends have girlfriends and are very liberal about certain viewpoints, the ceritifed good boys however will double and tripple down on religion )

Like I talk to my one friend who's just decided " youtube is for religious videos now " and it's made him 100x worse - he holds very sexist views towards women and when challenged on them will just say " Haram! " and show me some scripture then when I break that down and explain to him how it's sexist and or retarded he just keeps arguing with circular logic until i get pissed off enough to just stop talking to him for a bit because it's not worth wasting anymore time on him being a retard.
But this doesn't just stop at women, he can't fathom the holy trinity from christanity, tries to defend the worst parts of Islam ( their holy prophet muhammed marrying a child, the promise of 72 full breasted virgins if they get to heaven, slavery, blasphemy laws, etc ) with some of the weakest arguements and most stupid reaches of all time.
It honestly pisses me off that he refuses to grow or change because he can just hide behind a religion that allows for and even promotes men to act like incel virgins - which is precisely what he could be described as - he's a skinny nerd with glasses that is too scared to raise his voice to a normal level outside who lacks social skills and is too afraid to talk to new people let alone specifically WOMEN , why wouldn't he benefit from a system that treats women like pets?
It honestly pisses me off knowing that it's likely he will actually end up going on to have children of his own just because of arranged marriages while other men are good people that put effort into their personality and apperance are failing to get dates.

Really this forum was just for me to rant about my bitch ass muslim friend acting like a complete incel but anyone else who hates islam or has gripes about it can post there stuff here - I really didn't think about it much growing up until i accidentally stumbled across " the aspothate prophet " on youtube and to my horror found a lot of the things he said about islam as an ex-muslim to be true.

For the most part they aren't all this die hard and the girls are usually a lot more liberal on the rules mainly because their own religion treats them as property, I've flirted with quite a few hijabis and a lot of the more rebelious muslim girls will 100% give you sloppy toppy under the counter even as a white guy ( they're not meant to have romance with non-muslims ) If they won't be seen but the ignorance of some muslim men makes me want to nuke arab countries

Frankly, considering the current political climate and state of UK, I think I'd be best for everyone if these guys were all Deported

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