
Site issues [FEEDBACK]

Posted under Bugs & Features

yomihara-exec said:

Danbooru is really the only other image site that will still show deleted posts. I am of the mind that deleted posts should remain deleted and not visible (which they are to anyone who is not a contributor or above).

This goes double for this website, which often has malicious, baiting, or otherwise terrible content uploaded too often via both raids and poor users.
I have personally gone through the deleted captions page and undeleted everything I believe does pass quality control rules, but honestly, a lot of captions that people make are simply bad. They have either poor formatting for their text (as is the case with most), are pure text walls, or are very lazily constructed.

Oh, I agree on the captions, there's loads of them that are low-effort and super low-quality. A majority of what gets deleted really deserves to be there. The main issue was one dude taking issue to otherwise fine ones, that then vanish, that happened a bunch of times I remember.

I can understand why they're hidden, on the whole, just slightly lamenting that I can't dig through the dumpster to find the secret nazi gold anymore. :v

I don't know why, but I can't see more than four posts per page, with the rest being missing. If I click on a post and then on the "next" or "previous" buttons, I can find the missing posts that way, but that's all.

LoveIvory said:

I don't know why, but I can't see more than four posts per page, with the rest being missing. If I click on a post and then on the "next" or "previous" buttons, I can find the missing posts that way, but that's all.

Deleted and unapproved posts are hidden from the view of a user but will not have their post data expunged, so they remain technically in the search, but just remain invisible until the unapproved post is approved or when the deleted post is removed entirely (which is only rarely done).

yomihara-exec said:

Deleted and unapproved posts are hidden from the view of a user but will not have their post data expunged, so they remain technically in the search, but just remain invisible until the unapproved post is approved or when the deleted post is removed entirely (which is only rarely done).

Oh, that's strange! I swear I used to be able to see deleted anc unapproved posts before. Was there an update that changed that recently?

Your website is experiencing a similar phenomena as e621 when approving Bulk Update Requests- The posts only update when touched by a user. I am unfamiliar with the why, but I know Danbooru doesn't experience this issue.
I suggest the owner or head programmer on this site look into this issue.

I can’t seem to log into my account on desktop. Mobile seems to work fine, but I cannot access my account on desktop. I can’t even make new accounts. Well, the accounts are presumably made, but I’m auto-logged out of them and can’t get back in. Please advise?

If it helps, I’m using a Dell Inspiron 3880. On Opera GX browser.

RikoShuz said:

I can’t seem to log into my account on desktop. Mobile seems to work fine, but I cannot access my account on desktop. I can’t even make new accounts. Well, the accounts are presumably made, but I’m auto-logged out of them and can’t get back in. Please advise?

If it helps, I’m using a Dell Inspiron 3880. On Opera GX browser.

Opera GX browser does not work on Bleachbooru.
Why? I have zero clue.

Hana said:

Post here about errors you encounter with the site, or about Danbooru copy (including mentions of Gold accounts) you find lying around the site.

This thread does not exist to make reports of posts/comments/messages. Use the report function.
This thread is not a general meta thread. Do not post about issues you have with the site culture in general.
This thread does not exist for you to dispute post deletions or ask where a post went. The appeal function exists for a reason.

Known issues:

  • No avatars.
  • Incomplete site branding.
  • Tag aliases and renamespaces are slow.

I don't remember when it started, but I am no longer able to see posts that are tagged as "status:deleted". I used to be able to, but now there's just empty pages. i.e. multiple empty pages where it seems like the site it is registering that there /are/ images, it's just that there's nothing there to see or click on.

I think it might be intentional, I just don't understand why it has been changed from being able to see them if you looked for them, into being unable to see them under any circumstances

domike1 said:

Which of these comments warranted a ban? I see no RP in the comments, which is already a dumb rule imo but at least enforce it right

They used to be more loosey goosey with comment rule enforcement but they seem to be clamping down as of late. Honestly, I think as long as you don't spam, advertise or are overly cringey/obnoxious you should be ok. But I do agree it's become quite excessive.

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