
Do you all even know what Bleaching truly is?

Posted under General

user_14829 said:

Hello. White man here trying to educate on what Bleaching is (at least, what my opinion is.)
In my eyes Bleaching is white superiority, not white supremacy. Go throw away the swastikas, calling them niggers and the disrespect. We white men should be better than that. We NEED to be better than that. White superiority shouldn't be forcing people to go along but being so good that nothing compares to it. What I mean is get a good suit, good hygiene, good body and a good job. Learn some class and etiquette. When you take a black, Asian or whatever type of woman out make sure that it is perfect. Pick her up at her home, open the door for her, give her flowers and compliments. If you go to a restaurant, make sure to seat her first and pay for her. If you go out for a midnight walk on the beach, let her hold your arm. So many times do I see men only thinking about the sex part of Bleaching but it should be a lifestyle. Make her night something she won't forget. Be such a perfect man that she cannot go for anyone else ever again.
Oh and if you ever have sex with her, make sure she cums before you fuck her. Makes it way better (don't be afraid to use your tongue).
In short, be better than the rest. Make her truly believe that white is right for everything.

the major problem with this community or " kink " as a whole is that no one can agree on what this kink is supposed to be or even what constitutes as " white " , also for most people this is just a dumb taboo kink that gets left behind the second the computer screen goes off or the second they leave the bedroom - anyone who legitimately thinks this kink should be a lifestyle needs professional help.

Haydricht said:

I mean he tolerated Ernst Roehm for a long, long time, and executing him was a reluctant move.

Bro u are soo fucking political i stalk all your socials u just fucking love politics dont you goodness me althought i wouldbe lying if i didint say i enjoyed reading ur takes and tantrums

Kinya_Femboy said:

Bro u are soo fucking political i stalk all your socials u just fucking love politics dont you goodness me althought i wouldbe lying if i didint say i enjoyed reading ur takes and tantrums

liking politics is based. I like politics too.

fkiblaze said:
WW2 is like one of the few things they actually teach in history and kids still end up not knowing anything about it cause they just leave out so much context. It's not just neo-nazi groups but even the original nazi army had numerous different ethnic armies. Everything from arab legions to ukrainians. And people dont know how many times the nazis offered peace treaties, too. Though it seems more and more mainstream for this info to get out now, though. just recently we had that British politician spark a debate cause he said britian should have accepted Hitlers neutrality deal, and Tucker had that interview when they made a comment on how stupid it was to fight in ww2.

Harry Truman literally said that the US should intervene to support whoever is weaker in the war between Germany and Russia (note: Britain, having lost most of its empire before US intervention and kept its island solely due to the Channel, was no longer considered a serious power.) because it would kill more people.

That just about sums up why the US got into the war: To kill more people. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was even obsessed with genociding Germans and that's why "Europe First" became the US strategy, despite the official casus belli being Pearl Harbor. That's why he implemented the Morgenthau Plan in US-occupied territories while Churchill, Stalin, et al refused.

IvoryFuta-II said:

the major problem with this community or " kink " as a whole is that no one can agree on what this kink is supposed to be or even what constitutes as " white " , also for most people this is just a dumb taboo kink that gets left behind the second the computer screen goes off or the second they leave the bedroom - anyone who legitimately thinks this kink should be a lifestyle needs professional help.

If you think about it, it's a spectrum: You got those who like to see WMXF porn, you got those who like anime/video game girls (or boys)with Nazi tattoos, those who like the white supremacy/racism/nazi aspect of it, if gay, those who like to see white men dominate ethnic men, and theres the political aspect of it but the who is considered white aspect is something interesting: post #67530 explains it well it seems
The whole theme should be white cock good and white man sexy, bonus for the extra subgenres.

I do agree with the whole keeping the kink in bed and not a lifestyle because if we do make ourselves out there with our kink, people will get the wrong idea and think it's our personality or it's either cope/racist/weird yet worse happened.

I had to argue with a dude on Twitter about how bleaching doesn't have to be racist and that I told him that the white guy dominating the latino dude in OP's video isn't racist, the OP made a caption about how they wants white men to fuck them yet and say racist stuff and he still didn't get the memo at all. Either he's an autist or he's genuinely retarded as hell.
>But raceplay not okay!!! he said
While I see people with depraved and sick fetishes like those with pedophilic, zoophilic, and necrophiliac elements and way worse. Either people are extremely autistic or they're just extremely dumb and will take the fetishes they hate very seriously while taking the ones they like as "just a kink" or people's brains got too fried from porn that they stopped thinking logically.

somebleacheduser said:

>But raceplay not okay!!! he said
While I see people with depraved and sick fetishes like those with pedophilic, zoophilic, and necrophiliac elements and way worse. Either people are extremely autistic or they're just extremely dumb and will take the fetishes they hate very seriously while taking the ones they like as "just a kink" or people's brains got too fried from porn that they stopped thinking logically.

I hate the moral posturing people do when it comes to nazi porn on websites like r34. I used it when this site was down recently mostly sticking to the tags with "bleached" and "nazi" because I have a very big "women in nazi uniform fetish" and under images of just women in uniform you will often get comments proclaiming those images to be "fucked up" or even more extreme "worst most screwed up image of the site" next to like people writing out their rape fantasies

And we don't even have to go as far as pedophilia, zoophilia or necrophilia. Just the mere fact that porn featuring violence towards women or degradation against them is so common and accepted there yet a woman wearing a sexualized uniform is "too far" should tell you a lot about where those users morals lay.

But then again I feel its more brainwashing/being conditioned more than anything. Because I know those people must have stumbled across raceplay featuring blacked stuff too.

Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

I hate the moral posturing people do when it comes to nazi porn on websites like r34. I used it when this site was down recently mostly sticking to the tags with "bleached" and "nazi" because I have a very big "women in nazi uniform fetish" and under images of just women in uniform you will often get comments proclaiming those images to be "fucked up" or even more extreme "worst most screwed up image of the site" next to like people writing out their rape fantasies

And we don't even have to go as far as pedophilia, zoophilia or necrophilia. Just the mere fact that porn featuring violence towards women or degradation against them is so common and accepted there yet a woman wearing a sexualized uniform is "too far" should tell you a lot about where those users morals lay.

But then again I feel its more brainwashing/being conditioned more than anything. Because I know those people must have stumbled across raceplay featuring blacked stuff too.

So to them, woman in sexy nazi outfit is le bad yet zoophilia, guro/ryona(violence against women), pedophilia, necrophilia, rape is totally acceptable. Those who think all of that is okay but anime girl with nazi tattoo is the most fucked up thing on planet Earth need their drives checked. Not only that, some will even write pedo/zoo/necrophilic comments that feels like it's not even RP anymore, more like they actually want to do it in real life.
Why are they moralfags over something that's offensive yet more tamer than anything I've seen. There's EPI, gooning, blackmail, BNWO, rape, animal abuse, gore, and CSAM such lolishocon, AI, 3DCG, and porn of IRL minors on the site (drawn or not), they need to focus on real problems instead of hating on anime girls with nazi uniforms.

I believe so, I saw another dude commenting on a some latin sissy's bleached twitter account saying " thats sad" while under the same breath lurking through his feed, he reposted interracial cuck videos. Those people latched onto Bl**ked because it's the "socially acceptable" fetish out there along with other depraved things, they only do it because it's "socially" and "morally" "correct" even if it's wrong. That's why you'll see people not giving any shits over some dude like lolis/furries yet will whine over some white dude or even some black chick liking slaveplay where white master whips black slave chick

somebleacheduser said:

So to them, woman in sexy nazi outfit is le bad yet zoophilia, guro/ryona(violence against women), pedophilia, necrophilia, rape is totally acceptable. Those who think all of that is okay but anime girl with nazi tattoo is the most fucked up thing on planet Earth need their drives checked. Not only that, some will even write pedo/zoo/necrophilic comments that feels like it's not even RP anymore, more like they actually want to do it in real life.
Why are they moralfags over something that's offensive yet more tamer than anything I've seen. There's EPI, gooning, blackmail, BNWO, rape, animal abuse, gore, and CSAM such lolishocon, AI, 3DCG, and porn of IRL minors on the site (drawn or not), they need to focus on real problems instead of hating on anime girls with nazi uniforms.

I believe so, I saw another dude commenting on a some latin sissy's bleached twitter account saying " thats sad" while under the same breath lurking through his feed, he reposted interracial cuck videos. Those people latched onto Bl**ked because it's the "socially acceptable" fetish out there along with other depraved things, they only do it because it's "socially" and "morally" "correct" even if it's wrong. That's why you'll see people not giving any shits over some dude like lolis/furries yet will whine over some white dude or even some black chick liking slaveplay where white master whips black slave chick

The average shitlib's mind is truly an eldritch horror unlike others.

user_14829 said:

Hello. White man here trying to educate on what Bleaching is (at least, what my opinion is.)
In my eyes Bleaching is white superiority, not white supremacy. Go throw away the swastikas, calling them niggers and the disrespect. We white men should be better than that. We NEED to be better than that. White superiority shouldn't be forcing people to go along but being so good that nothing compares to it. What I mean is get a good suit, good hygiene, good body and a good job. Learn some class and etiquette. When you take a black, Asian or whatever type of woman out make sure that it is perfect. Pick her up at her home, open the door for her, give her flowers and compliments. If you go to a restaurant, make sure to seat her first and pay for her. If you go out for a midnight walk on the beach, let her hold your arm. So many times do I see men only thinking about the sex part of Bleaching but it should be a lifestyle. Make her night something she won't forget. Be such a perfect man that she cannot go for anyone else ever again.
Oh and if you ever have sex with her, make sure she cums before you fuck her. Makes it way better (don't be afraid to use your tongue).
In short, be better than the rest. Make her truly believe that white is right for everything.

I like both. What you said is right, but I also like being treated like a slut in bed

Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

somebleacheduser said:

Must be a day that ends with y, Bleachbooru’s soapboxing about people fetishizing… loli, rape and gore. Huh.

Well I’m just glad the average BB poster is smart enough to make all these very valid points about excessive degeneracy and the blurring of fantasy and reality without having done something as embarrassing - cringe you might say - as listing actual mass murder events of women and children in their favorites next to comics of white men sticking their dicks inside of burly buff black men. Muscular males getting cum all caught up in thick sheets of body hair. As a meme.

It’s just a meme bro.

fkiblaze said:

The average shitlib's mind is truly an eldritch horror unlike others.

There's that Vaush guy, that guy had a history of zoo/pedo apologetic behavior, when I read a Reddit archive of some guy dumping in some info about him, I saw that him and another guy literally said something about the difference between
"ethical" and regular CSAM (both are the same and are illegal. water wet). Let's not forget his hyperfixation with horses. Had a history of grooming a few people too. Kind of don't get why people still follow him, I guess "all jokes :/"

To be fair, most parties (regardless of what they believe) will always have a loud minority who does something nasty, it's just some will avoid holding them accountable, due to identity or position in power.

For the Dook guy:
As for the favorites part: Yes, I'm guilty of it: Tarrant-chan is cute and I know she's based off someone who murdered people in real time, it doesn't meant I could condone it or support what he did unless it's now implicitly supporting their actions if you draw fanart and make memes of it even if it mocks the event.
And I'm not denying that there's anthro, humanoid, lolishota on here, it's just less saturated than what I've seen on r34 and other places like Pixiv, but in short, most sites have their problems anyway.

The gay WMBM stuff, maybe it's because hahaha buck breaking funny or person could be bisexual, just couldn't find any gay black dudes who are decent people plus being black and gay can get you ostracized unless you have a white/jewish partner it seems (also that gets you killed in the hood too)

I'm probably taking all of this way too seriously, mostly because I'm on the spectrum and that my brain will see something that looks so close to be true and believe in it plus too much exposure to the internet. Pretty ironic because normally I'd believe autists were not fit for the nazi or white supremacist movements but that's not true: That Hans Asperger guy only saw autistic Jews who were high functioning enough as fit and better hence Asperger syndrome and there's some autists who believe in republican to alt-right stuff and possible white supremacists who are on the spectrum too. There's Dylann who is allegedly on the spectrum but didn't want to believe it because it made him less credible and would hurt his reputation despite the fact from medical reports: They all said he's visibly autistic or they're just lying so they can push the whole "white autistic guy bad and crazy" trope because doctors love to lie and push drugs onto others.

somebleacheduser said:

There's that Vaush guy, that guy had a history of zoo/pedo apologetic behavior, when I read a Reddit archive of some guy dumping in some info about him, I saw that him and another guy literally said something about the difference between
"ethical" and regular CSAM (both are the same and are illegal. water wet). Let's not forget his hyperfixation with horses. Had a history of grooming a few people too. Kind of don't get why people still follow him, I guess "all jokes :/"

Yea, back when breadtube use to interact and debate with right winger in the trump era id see him every so often. I havent really followed anything from breadtubers though so i assume they just died off when the cencorship went away and right wingers stopped constantly being banned. idk tho, maybe they still get viewer.

Yes, I'm guilty of it: Tarrant-chan is cute and I know she's based off someone who murdered people in real time, it doesn't meant I could condone it or support what he did unless it's now implicitly supporting their actions if you draw fanart and make memes of it even if it mocks the event.

Not that i support that either, and think it was incredibly stupid and just helps the leftist, but I do find it stupid how much of a big deal people make events like this. Immigrant's literally kill hundreds of people every year in western countries, and however many terrorist attacks blowing up kids in concerts, then one or two white men strike back as revenge, and it's the end of the world. They dont care about people getting murdered, or else they would make as much of a deal when the immigrants kill far more instead of suppressing it.

fkiblaze said:

Yea, back when breadtube use to interact and debate with right winger in the trump era id see him every so often. I havent really followed anything from breadtubers though so i assume they just died off when the cencorship went away and right wingers stopped constantly being banned. idk tho, maybe they still get viewer.

Not that i support that either, and think it was incredibly stupid and just helps the leftist, but I do find it stupid how much of a big deal people make events like this. Immigrant's literally kill hundreds of people every year in western countries, and however many terrorist attacks blowing up kids in concerts, then one or two white men strike back as revenge, and it's the end of the world. They dont care about people getting murdered, or else they would make as much of a deal when the immigrants kill far more instead of suppressing it.

As for Vaush, I think it's because they all understood those were "jokes" even though those are some barely disguised fetishes or porn addiction as a punchline (despite the subject matter being extreme vile) yet i remember hearing a story about 3 kids (2 white, 1 black/brown) made a few antisemitic jokes on social media and the school suspended them because I think two girls reported them or something and most people were focusing on the white kids while there was a brown/black kid who did the same thing as them (unless brown is now considered white) So hahaha jew dumb is bad while some guy makes jokes about horse peen and even said or advocated for CSAM (if it's "ethical", no matter what you say, it's still illegal and disgusting, "ethical" or not)

In a way, it did worsen the problem and I don't support his actions too, he should have went to a very conservative country and find himself a wife (take her home or just stay in her home country) over that, it basically made it worse: It got so bad that a bunch of sites had to be shut off temporarily due to the footage spreading like wildlife and possible hate speech laws increasing. There's countries that prosecute right-wingers, not sure if New Zealand is one of them yet allow radfems advocating for murder of all men (lets not forget that some radfems even admit to cheering about little boys getting abused because "revenge for the patricharchy") and similar.
Let's not forget that it seems like some people get lenient punishments due to identity or position of power, that's why you see criminals and scumbags out in the street despite what they did.
> I read a story about a girl who ran a zoophile network on Telegram and she was free and she even admits to continuing the same behavior she got arrested for in a different state where it's legal but when a man does the same thing, he gets a life sentence and more jail time.
> Uvalde police did nothing when Sal shot up those kids, all they did was laze around or not do their job and prosecute those who tried to rescue their kids while Sal kept shooting at them and police did nothing.
> Lets not forget a cop in the UK/Europe held down a guy defending himself from a scumbag and the cop got the wrong guy so the scumbag stabbed the cop and got away with it.

Yet a few white guys fighting back against their bully or defending himself and his gf from ethnic creeps and people lose their minds and believe they're humanity's greatest threats. If we were in a just society, everyone would get the same punishment regardless of identity or position in society but it seems like people prosecute people lightly because of the past, "system failing them", and stereotypes like "women are caregivers, nurturers" while I've seen some deranged women who shouldn't even be walking in the streets at all.

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