
Bleached dating

Posted under General

fkiblaze said:

well if you noticed the dates, it got necro'd after 3 months. I guess people werent that interested in the original post.

Ah, I did not look at the records. Still kinda funny though.

Bruh314 said:

Damn, thread for dating advice turned into a geopolitical discussion about the decline of the west within a page. That's gotta be a record.

If you really think about it, if you mix porn, white supremacy/nazism, raceplay, fucking ethnic chicks, politics, etc it's going to be a weird yet pretty funny combination; it's like you're jerking off to either white guys fucking black/brown chicks or Naziplay/WWO while you basically talk about geopolitics at the same time.

somebleacheduser said:

If you really think about it, if you mix porn, white supremacy/nazism, raceplay, fucking ethnic chicks, politics, etc it's going to be a weird yet pretty funny combination; it's like you're jerking off to either white guys fucking black/brown chicks or Naziplay/WWO while you basically talk about geopolitics at the same time.

Well, geopolitics is all about sex too; at least in a power dom/sub kinda way

brogameraccount69420 said:

I made a account just for this.

This is true. Got a new latina girlfiend like 3 weeks ago. We was looking trugh her snap. Bunch of guys. Not a hoe ,dudes are just fucking desperate and girls can get atention there whitout giving any back. Anyway some black guy kept sending her snaps while we were making out. And she was like: i dont know why this dude keeps trying he is not my type. And i asked What her type was. And she quickly and confidently answeared white boys.

My ex was half Hispanic and half Asian. She straight up told me she was interested in pasty lanky white guys but she said it kind of bothered her on a superficial level lol. Like she wishes she was interested in a more "masculine" kind of man. I was super lucky I found her but am glad we split. But regardless, JBW (just be white) is real. Incels might be idiotic 99% of the time, but when they champion JBW, there is some truth to that.

It's really simple.
Be clean, carry yourself well, dress reasonably well, go to the gym and take care of yourself, don't act like an idiot. Be approachable and hold an interesting conversation.
If you're interested in someone find a good lunch spot or coffee place or whatever and invite them to hang out. The more pressure and formality the more awkward it gets, don't be weird; nobody can teach you that.
The more complex you make it, the more trouble you're going to have, a simple plan has fewer failure points.

And I'm not some kind of super Chad with "be yourself" bullshit.
I just have more girls talk to me, or give me their number, etc. when Ive been taken, because Im not being a try hard.
If you can make friends with people, then you can also relate to members of the opposite sex assuming you find each other reasonably attractive and have something in common to start a conversation.
You're going to catch fish out of the water you put your line into, so if you want nerd girls do tabletop, if you want church girls go to church.
I hope this helps.

yarblharbl said:

And I'm not some kind of super Chad with "be yourself" bullshit.
I just have more girls talk to me, or give me their number, etc. when Ive been taken, because Im not being a try hard.

Honestly that is really the best rule for getting women. Just be in a relationship and not be a virgin and you will have more women come to you for some odd reason.

fkiblaze said:

Honestly that is really the best rule for getting women. Just be in a relationship and not be a virgin and you will have more women come to you for some odd reason.

Preselection bias, it’s part of female nature to rate men who are already spoken-for as higher than unspoken-for men. Especially if they’re high status already. In fact, many OG PUAs made use of this quirk by hiring escorts and taking them to bars/clubs etc and basically just flirting with other women whilst their escort girl just was there to affirm him and be near him. Men comically are easy to fool, but so are women.

AryanSuperSoldier said:

Preselection bias, it’s part of female nature to rate men who are already spoken-for as higher than unspoken-for men. Especially if they’re high status already. In fact, many OG PUAs made use of this quirk by hiring escorts and taking them to bars/clubs etc and basically just flirting with other women whilst their escort girl just was there to affirm him and be near him. Men comically are easy to fool, but so are women.

I mean, ive always considered men to be the opposite. i mean men make just as bad decisions when it comes to dating as women, but the men that do it know they are, where women tend to just make bad decisions and think they are good. For example, every man i know that dated a crazy women, he will be like "yea she is crazy, but she is hot/good in bed" or so on. I dont really know men that date a woman where they are like "i thought she had an amazing personality but then she constantly abused me!" It's always either, she is hot so idc or she is the best/only option i have. Men are also willing to accept lies from hotter women, too.

So some women will just do something bad and think they're good or popular because they dated some bad guy while getting hurt or get yelled then complain, if you think about it, it's like that in a way . Also I don't like how some guys will just fall head over heels over a mentally ill/abusive girl because she's hot, I have never seen any guy who falls head over heels over an ugly mentally ill/abusive girl unless he's a simp.

somebleacheduser said:

So some women will just do something bad and think they're good or popular because they dated some bad guy while getting hurt or get yelled then complain, if you think about it, it's like that in a way .

The general problem is women are far more socially influenced than men. When society was more healthy it wasn't as much of a problem because the norms were generally good things, so instead of having crazy blue haired women yell about racism to men, you instead just have like nuns yelling at men for drinking at the pub instead of going to work. Now that society is so messed up, women also follow that trend of being messed up.
The second issue is women never really evolved to pick their own mates, it was generally down the the father or so on. Now it's entirely up to the woman, of which she didnt evolve for, but that is combined with society being messed up and influencing them, so it creates the current mess with all the abuse and so on. You are going to have to fix one of those 2 issues if you want society to have healthy relationships. Either make it so the parents are picking who the daughter marries again or make society healthy and non-dysgenic, so the influence is twords more virtuous decisions.

Also I don't like how some guys will just fall head over heels over a mentally ill/abusive girl because she's hot, I have never seen any guy who falls head over heels over an ugly mentally ill/abusive girl unless he's a simp.

I dont really have an issue with this. Most men arent gigachad alphas, so mentally ill hot girls are about the best option many dudes have a chance to get, otherwise they are stuck with the mentally ill ugly girls, or just no one.

fkiblaze said:

The general problem is women are far more socially influenced than men. When society was more healthy it wasn't as much of a problem because the norms were generally good things, so instead of having crazy blue haired women yell about racism to men, you instead just have like nuns yelling at men for drinking at the pub instead of going to work. Now that society is so messed up, women also follow that trend of being messed up.
The second issue is women never really evolved to pick their own mates, it was generally down the the father or so on. Now it's entirely up to the woman, of which she didnt evolve for, but that is combined with society being messed up and influencing them, so it creates the current mess with all the abuse and so on. You are going to have to fix one of those 2 issues if you want society to have healthy relationships. Either make it so the parents are picking who the daughter marries again or make society healthy and non-dysgenic, so the influence is twords more virtuous decisions.

I dont really have an issue with this. Most men arent gigachad alphas, so mentally ill hot girls are about the best option many dudes have a chance to get, otherwise they are stuck with the mentally ill ugly girls, or just no one.

Women tend to get influenced by anything even if it's weird or morally wrong, that's why they'll do like the examples you provided as well as believe stereotypes like about how one autistic guy hurt someone and it's now where all autistic dudes are seen as creeps or crazy from women's WOV. I have a younger cousin who says all dads are all the same because of her biological dad and her step dad abandoned her and plus possible feminism and degen stuff getting to her brain.
Lets not forget that women have a higher chance of being on SSRIs plus abusing them than men, some guys will either cope by being a doomer or supress those feelings since society doesn't like seeing men feel. Then there's women who threaten men to not have sex with them when Roe v Wade happened despite them not looking the best or they're more plastic than a plastic water bottle, men didn't lose much since most of them will not have sex with them hence this joke [x] is fat and I will not have sex with them (not related but it had been a joke for a long time)
I believe that it should be both: Parents picking their boyfriends for them and if society gets cleaned from filth.

Yep, it seems to be that way, that's why I see dudes simping for those "4chanite femcels phenotype" girls because other options don't exist or are limited.

somebleacheduser said:

Then there's women who threaten men to not have sex with them when Roe v Wade happened despite them not looking the best or they're more plastic than a plastic water bottle, men didn't lose much since most of them will not have sex with them hence this joke [x] is fat and I will not have sex with them (not related but it had been a joke for a long time)

That was so silly when it happened because it's clearly was all talk as we obviously know. A slut isnt going to stop being a slut because of a political decision, and they werent having sex with the people they were threatening that with anyway as you said.

I believe that it should be both: Parents picking their boyfriends for them and if society gets cleaned from filth.

im fine with women making stupid choices, im just not fine with other men or society having to deal with the consequence of their decisions. If they want to have kids with some abusive man that leaves them as single moms and stuff, my issue is how the taxpayer has to be cucked and then pay to raise their offspring. Welfare for single moms is about the most morally disgusting policy you can think of because it's literally state enforced cuckouldry to an extreme degree. You are forcing men(many of which might even still be virgins) to pay for the children of other worse men that pump and dump or so on. And unlike normal cuckouldry, the man is forced to give the woman his resources without being able to refuse, and the woman doesnt even have to be in a relationship with him or have sex with him. It is literally the morally equivalent of if the government forced women to have sex with random men that cant get laid. Or like if your gf dumps you then government comes in and then makes some random woman provide for men's sexual needs.

Yep, it seems to be that way, that's why I see dudes simping for those "4chanite femcels phenotype" girls because other options don't exist or are limited.

well i think a lot of those men tend to like 4chanite femcel girls cause normie girls are kinda worse in theory. Like if you are a 4chan incel, you kinda think the female equivalent would be the right match for you, and also you think she would be more loyal cause more introverted. The reality from what i heard tho is the opposite, since the reality is you arent going to find a girl who isnt getting a bunch of opposite sex attention that way, either. She's going to have a lot of dudes hitting her up, it's just going to be a bunch of incel dudes instead of normie dudes, but the quantity is still likely the same if not more cause she would be more terminally online. Many men tend to like the introverted wierd girls because your primitive brain sees them as social outcasts, and if they are social outcasts that must mean they have a lot less men competing for them, and so you have a better chance and also they are more likely to stay loyal. That might have been true in the past when the woman would be like a witch living in the outskirts of town, but the internet changed that reality in the modern times so it's no longer true.

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