
Learning to be a good white girl

Posted under General

Hi, I'm kinda new to this but I like this site and I like a lot of stuff that I've found and learnt thanks to it. I've met a few men who've encouraged me to go further into the right I guess and to become a nice traditional white girl.
I've seen a lot of stuff that seems a bit extreme, but I'm trying to keep my mind open to new perspectives and any help is welcome.
I was wondering if there were any similar sites or communities I could find to learn more about it~

If you are talking about non-lewd White positivity, places that don't have much censorship usually lead towards it since its normal and rational. The accessible ones are twitter once you work the algorithm a bit, and I suppose 4chan which is a bit harder to navigate. .

If we are talking about lewd stuff, well, its the same tbh. Twitter and there is a bleached general on 4chans /trash/ board. ( the current thread is , if you visit it in time).

Usually people go to Discord for more close-knit communities, although Discord is VERY anti-bleached. You'll still stumble upon some nice gatekept places if you hang around enough.

I see, thank you for the reply
I've actually been on 4chan a few times but it's not really like this site, I found it difficult to find someone to chat and maybe help me in a more intimate way yk
Discord I'm not sure, it feels intimidating and I'm not really interested in opening an account and all that just to waste time looking for the right channels or whatever they're called

ShyAndBehaved said:

I see, thank you for the reply
I've actually been on 4chan a few times but it's not really like this site, I found it difficult to find someone to chat and maybe help me in a more intimate way yk
Discord I'm not sure, it feels intimidating and I'm not really interested in opening an account and all that just to waste time looking for the right channels or whatever they're called

What you are asking about is a little outside of this sites expertise as this is a fetish community and not an actual place for any serious white activism.

And I say this with the best intentions but I doubt the best places to learn about that sort of stuff is in an online space. Especially on this literal alternative porn site. Discord also counts for this as I don't think any serious traditional person would ever talk to randos on there to become more "trad". It might be a good starting point but you are best off graduating to the real world.

Develop your own virtues and stick to them based on your own moral code. Go outside to more traditionalist communities and hobbies (Check your local gardening group, knitting club, traditional folk dance club) where you will most likely meet people that actively live the lifestyle and not someone who larps on discord. Facebook is unronically goated for this as you can find almost anything and people tend to be really helpful to newcomers (I recently got into my local beekeeping community because of it, didn't even know there was one where I lived too)

The secret is to find things that are area specific to where you live. Folk dance is good generally as every culture has its own dancing, but more area specific ones are dutch shoemaking (if you live in the netherlands) or scandinavian rose painting (if you are nordoid). As you will find people with a genuine interest in your culture and traditions or in other words actual trad people who actually live the lifestyle. Sure they might not be "MRBASEDNIGGERKILLER88" but I doubt any of those guys are actually traditional.

Another good one is going to church or whatever your region or local area traditionally practices as you can look towards your local priest/community leadership figure for guidance

If you are looking for something that is more fetish oriented like this site I guess discord and twitter are your best bets, Either way I wish you the best of luck!

TLDR; Touch grass

ShyAndBehaved said:

Hi, I'm kinda new to this but I like this site and I like a lot of stuff that I've found and learnt thanks to it. I've met a few men who've encouraged me to go further into the right I guess and to become a nice traditional white girl.
I've seen a lot of stuff that seems a bit extreme, but I'm trying to keep my mind open to new perspectives and any help is welcome.
I was wondering if there were any similar sites or communities I could find to learn more about it~

In the other thread, you said you were raised Catholic. Start with being Catholic. Don't let your faith wither.

Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

What you are asking about is a little outside of this sites expertise as this is a fetish community and not an actual place for any serious white activism.

And I say this with the best intentions but I doubt the best places to learn about that sort of stuff is in an online space. Especially on this literal alternative porn site. Discord also counts for this as I don't think any serious traditional person would ever talk to randos on there to become more "trad". It might be a good starting point but you are best off graduating to the real world.

Develop your own virtues and stick to them based on your own moral code. Go outside to more traditionalist communities and hobbies (Check your local gardening group, knitting club, traditional folk dance club) where you will most likely meet people that actively live the lifestyle and not someone who larps on discord. Facebook is unronically goated for this as you can find almost anything and people tend to be really helpful to newcomers (I recently got into my local beekeeping community because of it, didn't even know there was one where I lived too)

The secret is to find things that are area specific to where you live. Folk dance is good generally as every culture has its own dancing, but more area specific ones are dutch shoemaking (if you live in the netherlands) or scandinavian rose painting (if you are nordoid). As you will find people with a genuine interest in your culture and traditions or in other words actual trad people who actually live the lifestyle. Sure they might not be "MRBASEDNIGGERKILLER88" but I doubt any of those guys are actually traditional.

Another good one is going to church or whatever your region or local area traditionally practices as you can look towards your local priest/community leadership figure for guidance

If you are looking for something that is more fetish oriented like this site I guess discord and twitter are your best bets, Either way I wish you the best of luck!

TLDR; Touch grass

Thank you for your reply sir, it's very detailed and extense~
While you're probably right, I'm just trying to test the waters. I'm actually pretty lost and I thought I could find out what I need here, as an introduction to the lifestyle yk
I was actually a regular feminist girl not too long ago. Pretty meek, but still nothing like how I am now. I learned to be more behaved online, and I learned my place thanks to guys online who taught me.
I know I should probably do what you told me, but I still want to try out what this and other sites offer.

Oriflamme said:

In the other thread, you said you were raised Catholic. Start with being Catholic. Don't let your faith wither.

Oh I'm trying to stay in touch with my religion sir, but it's a little difficult haha

First off, don't go to 4chan. If you do, you'll just end up a degenerate femcell that won't even come close to have a real life.
Second, get back in touch with catholicism. Of course i have a slight bias because i'm catholic myself but religion is one of the most important things in modern life.
In today's time, we often turn our back to morality when we don't believe in something. We came from a world obbesed with religion to a world obessed with sin, sex, drugs etc.
Both arent good. When people were too busy with religion, we were dumber, had plagues, didn't want to advance. Now we may cured nearly everything but now people are too obbesed with sin.
It's now that our religion is more important than ever. When people loose touch with our religion, it gets worse and worse. People are leaving because they love sin more than god. When people leave, those who stay in the church are the ones who profit off of it, pedos who ruin our image, those who turn their back to god and backstab god adn jesus christ.

We need to stay and to believe in our religion.
You can see what happend to the protestants in the US. More focused on politics than the lord. Those "Megachurches" are the same where those shopkeepers turned the temple of jesus into a market instead of a place of worship.

Stay in catholicism. Stay away from sin. Of course nobody is perfect and we can't be the perfect humans. We always will sin in some way. But when we repent and aknowledge our mistakes and are truely sorry, we will be saved.

It also just feels better to not sin. It feels beautiful to have a pure life. You will feel way better than any junky would with his drugs, a slut or manwhore will ever would with their changing partners or any alcoholic will ever would with his beer and whisky.

So, stay in catholicism. Read the bible and learn it. Understand it and think about it.

Third, Touch grass. Basically the same that the guys above me said.
Don't be on the internet 24/7/365.

You can follow some easy steps: to not be a degenerate fuck:

1) Stay in shape. Go jogging a few times a week, go to the gym (would be less recommended as sinners who only train their body to get bedpartners are there too and would want to use your body), have physical hobbies, etc.
2) Stay away from Junk and trashfood. (the same reason as above)
3) Be active in your community. Volunteer for your church like i'm going to do, join a club or do something else that fulfills your life.
4) Get a good education. Not just to get a job, but to know how to think critically and to stay smart. (math is important as it's very problem-solving oriented.)
5) Stay on the right path (No drugs, No alcohol)
6) STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM 4CHAN. Those are degenerates. Behind every "WHITEGOD88" or "N1GGERBR33D3R691941" is a pathethic fuck with 0 life.

Fourth, Learn your worth.
You only have one life. Don't give your body up to Nolife men who only want to fuck you.
Get a good man who knows your worth and is also, at best, catholic.
When you get your lifes togheter and are happy with your husband, get children. I know you said you wanted to get two children, and thats already a good amount.

Christian Men are the best to marry when youre catholic.

Atheist can lead you to the wrong path.

Muslims are self-centered and believe in a pedo who had hallucinations in the desert to be their prophet.

So yeah, thats my advice

the_polbwcV2 said:

First off, don't go to 4chan. If you do, you'll just end up a degenerate femcell that won't even come close to have a real life.
Second, get back in touch with catholicism. Of course i have a slight bias because i'm catholic myself but religion is one of the most important things in modern life.
In today's time, we often turn our back to morality when we don't believe in something. We came from a world obbesed with religion to a world obessed with sin, sex, drugs etc.
Both arent good. When people were too busy with religion, we were dumber, had plagues, didn't want to advance. Now we may cured nearly everything but now people are too obbesed with sin.
It's now that our religion is more important than ever. When people loose touch with our religion, it gets worse and worse. People are leaving because they love sin more than god. When people leave, those who stay in the church are the ones who profit off of it, pedos who ruin our image, those who turn their back to god and backstab god adn jesus christ.

We need to stay and to believe in our religion.
You can see what happend to the protestants in the US. More focused on politics than the lord. Those "Megachurches" are the same where those shopkeepers turned the temple of jesus into a market instead of a place of worship.

Stay in catholicism. Stay away from sin. Of course nobody is perfect and we can't be the perfect humans. We always will sin in some way. But when we repent and aknowledge our mistakes and are truely sorry, we will be saved.

It also just feels better to not sin. It feels beautiful to have a pure life. You will feel way better than any junky would with his drugs, a slut or manwhore will ever would with their changing partners or any alcoholic will ever would with his beer and whisky.

So, stay in catholicism. Read the bible and learn it. Understand it and think about it.

Third, Touch grass. Basically the same that the guys above me said.
Don't be on the internet 24/7/365.

You can follow some easy steps: to not be a degenerate fuck:

1) Stay in shape. Go jogging a few times a week, go to the gym (would be less recommended as sinners who only train their body to get bedpartners are there too and would want to use your body), have physical hobbies, etc.
2) Stay away from Junk and trashfood. (the same reason as above)
3) Be active in your community. Volunteer for your church like i'm going to do, join a club or do something else that fulfills your life.
4) Get a good education. Not just to get a job, but to know how to think critically and to stay smart. (math is important as it's very problem-solving oriented.)
5) Stay on the right path (No drugs, No alcohol)
6) STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM 4CHAN. Those are degenerates. Behind every "WHITEGOD88" or "N1GGERBR33D3R691941" is a pathethic fuck with 0 life.

Fourth, Learn your worth.
You only have one life. Don't give your body up to Nolife men who only want to fuck you.
Get a good man who knows your worth and is also, at best, catholic.
When you get your lifes togheter and are happy with your husband, get children. I know you said you wanted to get two children, and thats already a good amount.

Christian Men are the best to marry when youre catholic.

Atheist can lead you to the wrong path.

Muslims are self-centered and believe in a pedo who had hallucinations in the desert to be their prophet.

So yeah, thats my advice

you have great advice, listen to this man.

the_polbwcV2 said:

First off, don't go to 4chan. If you do, you'll just end up a degenerate femcell that won't even come close to have a real life.
Second, get back in touch with catholicism. Of course i have a slight bias because i'm catholic myself but religion is one of the most important things in modern life.
In today's time, we often turn our back to morality when we don't believe in something. We came from a world obbesed with religion to a world obessed with sin, sex, drugs etc.
Both arent good. When people were too busy with religion, we were dumber, had plagues, didn't want to advance. Now we may cured nearly everything but now people are too obbesed with sin.
It's now that our religion is more important than ever. When people loose touch with our religion, it gets worse and worse. People are leaving because they love sin more than god. When people leave, those who stay in the church are the ones who profit off of it, pedos who ruin our image, those who turn their back to god and backstab god adn jesus christ.

We need to stay and to believe in our religion.
You can see what happend to the protestants in the US. More focused on politics than the lord. Those "Megachurches" are the same where those shopkeepers turned the temple of jesus into a market instead of a place of worship.

Stay in catholicism. Stay away from sin. Of course nobody is perfect and we can't be the perfect humans. We always will sin in some way. But when we repent and aknowledge our mistakes and are truely sorry, we will be saved.

It also just feels better to not sin. It feels beautiful to have a pure life. You will feel way better than any junky would with his drugs, a slut or manwhore will ever would with their changing partners or any alcoholic will ever would with his beer and whisky.

So, stay in catholicism. Read the bible and learn it. Understand it and think about it.

Third, Touch grass. Basically the same that the guys above me said.
Don't be on the internet 24/7/365.

You can follow some easy steps: to not be a degenerate fuck:

1) Stay in shape. Go jogging a few times a week, go to the gym (would be less recommended as sinners who only train their body to get bedpartners are there too and would want to use your body), have physical hobbies, etc.
2) Stay away from Junk and trashfood. (the same reason as above)
3) Be active in your community. Volunteer for your church like i'm going to do, join a club or do something else that fulfills your life.
4) Get a good education. Not just to get a job, but to know how to think critically and to stay smart. (math is important as it's very problem-solving oriented.)
5) Stay on the right path (No drugs, No alcohol)
6) STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM 4CHAN. Those are degenerates. Behind every "WHITEGOD88" or "N1GGERBR33D3R691941" is a pathethic fuck with 0 life.

Fourth, Learn your worth.
You only have one life. Don't give your body up to Nolife men who only want to fuck you.
Get a good man who knows your worth and is also, at best, catholic.
When you get your lifes togheter and are happy with your husband, get children. I know you said you wanted to get two children, and thats already a good amount.

Christian Men are the best to marry when youre catholic.

Atheist can lead you to the wrong path.

Muslims are self-centered and believe in a pedo who had hallucinations in the desert to be their prophet.

So yeah, thats my advice

Thank you for the advice, I really appreciate it sir it's very insightful and I might try that in the future.
The truth is that this has been and still is a long journey to become a better woman, and at first I hadn't even considered this lifestyle, I was convinced to learn about it by men online and I'm happy I took their advice.
Since then I've improved a lot, although some of the progress I've made to better myself seems to contradict other stuff I've been learning so that got me confused. I thought this community would help me further and that I'd find a man who'd guide me either here or on 4chan.
In all honesty I'm not fully convinced or sure of where do I want this to lead me so the steps that I must take are also confusing so I hoped to take a more casual and slow approach.
And tbh I've thoroughly enjoyed learning from the men I've met online, even if my conduct has been "inappropriate". It has been a way to learn and still have some fun with men who deserve it.
Idk if it's bad to engage in those kinds of activities, some have said that I'm a good girl and that it's a good way to learn while others have called me a slut or worse, which is understandable but still, that has also been confusing.
Anyway thank you all again for your time and your help

Chinesenurseslut said:

I really wish I could be a white girl like you. I hate my race. I hope I can serve girls like you in the future if I have the chance

Why do you hate being east asian? it's not like they are uncivilized low IQ barbarians.

fkiblaze said:

Why do you hate being east asian? it's not like they are uncivilized low IQ barbarians.

It should be normal to want to be a more civilized race, but in the world of WWO we are always inferior to a pure white girl, aren't we

Chinesenurseslut said:

It should be normal to want to be a more civilized race, but in the world of WWO we are always inferior to a pure white girl, aren't we

Well being in second place doesnt really seem like it should be something you hate. that should be like the people in last place or close to the bottom. its a white nationlist forum i have an account on it its similar to this and has a active community without any non-white and has live meetups some time but its mostly older people but theres also young people who can relate to young white issues and also christian but going outside is better even though its very difficult to find a partner in modern times due to jews and niggers and communists


Reichist said: its a white nationlist forum i have an account on it its similar to this and has a active community without any non-white and has live meetups some time but its mostly older people but theres also young people who can relate to young white issues and also christian but going outside is better even though its very difficult to find a partner in modern times due to jews and niggers and communists

stormfront still exists? i thought it was just

Reichist said:

no it still exists pretty good website

I mean if it exists i expect it to just be the most spergy and insane site, especially now when they are so many other normal options for right wing dissidents.

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