
Are you racist because of your bleached kink?

Posted under General

I notice that there are mainly two groups of people with this bleached kink.
1) The group of people who only have this as a kink . IRL not racist or just a tiny bit racist.
2) The group of people who really have a racist mind. Bleached people who hate their own race (mostly indian cucks and asian women). People who really have a racist brain and where bleached isn't just a kink, but a expansion of their racist believes.

Im more of the first group. I am a tiny bit racist sometimes. I feel better around europeans/people of my own. But i'm not activly going in the other way when is see a non-european. Maybe some of you guys that are racist were just born with the wrong people around you. Non-whites who did bad stuff. I didn't really had any bad experiences with people of a different race but i still notice differences between european white, non european whites and other foreigners that aren't white.
I tend to be in a more white group of people. Excluding some caucasians sometimes but usually white. I am open to friendships with people outside of my race but at the most it only worked out with gals, not other guys.

Any similare experiences?

I would definitely be considered racist by todays standards even though I am perhaps the most likely to both interact with and have also mingled with the other races, perhaps more than I should. To the answer the question plainly and simply as I can, I believe I’m of both camps for their own reasons.

The truth is, I find great respect for most cultures around the world in some way or another, and simply recognising differences in European culture and non-European cultures is not a form of my disparaging opinion upon them. Not least of which my factual judgement on the very real physiological and ethnic differences between our peoples.

Initially I came to this kink specifically because I saw in my western culture that anti-white and anti-masculine sentiments were on the rise, and I desired to be around like-minded people who (albeit extreme in many ways) were earnest and passionate about their beliefs/kinks in that way. I came to this kink having already been primed for racism in that sense, as a reactionary effort to the increasingly hostile and pervasive anti-white male culture.

I have had surprisingly little bad experiences with any other peoples myself, barring those Jews.. in fact I have had many friends who were of such disparate descent that those unhinged extremists on the side I wish to protect might see me as an oddity. They are not bad people, just lost and (in my opinion) deliberately confused by a cabal of unseen parasites who seek to divide and conquer the world, through the means of undermining what they deem as the most dangerous opposition to their cause, and stoking animosity of all other peoples in a myriad of forms against that overarching resisting people they hate.

"It comes from the east out of the bosom of the priests,
It will breed so much mischief, that Earth will not be able to drink the blood of her slain children.
It will spread darkness over the minds of men,
Like storm clouds over the sunlight.

Everywhere; craft and deception shall contend with freedom and justice.
For our beloved ancestors' sake, and for the sake of our precious freedom.
A thousand times I beg you, dearest.. to never let the eyes of a monk go over these writings.
They speak sweet words, but unnoticed they meddle with all that concerns us Fryas.

They collaborate with foreign Kings who pay them well.
They know that we are their greatest enemies, because we dare speak about freedom, justice, and royal obligation.
Therefore they want to obliterate all traces of our ancestral heritage and what is left of our morals.
My dear ones, I have visited their palace, if Rolda allows it and we do not strengthen ourselves, they will exterminate us all."

the_polbwcV2 said:

I notice that there are mainly two groups of people with this bleached kink.
1) The group of people who only have this as a kink . IRL not racist or just a tiny bit racist.
2) The group of people who really have a racist mind. Bleached people who hate their own race (mostly indian cucks and asian women). People who really have a racist brain and where bleached isn't just a kink, but a expansion of their racist believes.

Im more of the first group. I am a tiny bit racist sometimes. I feel better around europeans/people of my own. But i'm not activly going in the other way when is see a non-european. Maybe some of you guys that are racist were just born with the wrong people around you. Non-whites who did bad stuff. I didn't really had any bad experiences with people of a different race but i still notice differences between european white, non european whites and other foreigners that aren't white.
I tend to be in a more white group of people. Excluding some caucasians sometimes but usually white. I am open to friendships with people outside of my race but at the most it only worked out with gals, not other guys.

Any similare experiences?

I've recently gotten into bleached, and I don't believe I'm racist, I interacts with lots of other minority, just that I really do love BWC I can't get it out of my head lol it's all I think about

Racism really is pattern recognition. Now, I won't deny that there are some people who are irrationally racist, but when you have racial groups who have been infantilized to the point that they can get away with anything due to being "oppressed", you can't push back against it without being called a racist. The word racist has lost all its meaning and is only an instrument to make sure we toe the line.

When I meet new people, I treat them as a blank slate, but it doesn't mean I'm impervious to the realities of the world. But really, I just think this kink is an extension of the sub/dom dynamic which is an intrinsic part of sexual relations. It's taboo because race is such a hot topic nowadays, which adds to the kinkiness of it.

I might be the guy who's in the farthest left possible of the spectrum for someone that uses this site even tho i don't see myself as really that far of the center.
I'm a straight white guy and i don't see myself as racist at all. I just want people to be free to do whatever they wanna do and life is already fucked enough without assholes being assholes for no good reason.

Btw if anything this kink might have made me more racist than before because now everytime i see a non-white girl my mind instantly goes to "ok how can i get to bleach her and get her addicted to raceplay?" Before acting like a regular brain should.

I was racist before ever getting into bleached. At first I was very against sex with inferiors due to the tainting of the bodies. But now, I've gotten more into the domination of the inferiors and their sexual oppression

1st group. I've grown up in diverse places and always had diverse friends that are male and female, so I feel comfortable around all races of people in my own country. I've had good and bad experiences with every race, and I'm not phased by surface-level interpretations of statistics. This kink does not change how I treat or act around people publicly or professionally, or how I vote. I prefer to judge people based on their conversational responses and behaviors.

I do find interracial relationships in general to be a little bit sexy, but nothing really special. Past the age of 16, I began desiring white partners. I'm confident that for me, this isn't just an innocent quirk or kink, but a result of brain damage from my home environment and upbringing.

Since I have these involuntary and unbreakable fetishes, I have to filter out people who can't tolerate and participate in them when looking for a SO: otherwise I'm going to end up hurting whoever I'm with when relapsing. For casual relations I don't have to discriminate racially. I sometimes wish I didn't have these weird kinks but this is how I am, it would be stupid of me to mislead others and not accept this as myself.

TLDR- I'm not racist at all in real life, but it does force a racist preference when I'm looking for steady commitment.

servileSissySpic said:

1st group. I've grown up in diverse places and always had diverse friends that are male and female, so I feel comfortable around all races of people in my own country. I've had good and bad experiences with every race, and I'm not phased by surface-level interpretations of statistics. This kink does not change how I treat or act around people publicly or professionally, or how I vote. I prefer to judge people based on their conversational responses and behaviors.

I do find interracial relationships in general to be a little bit sexy, but nothing really special. Past the age of 16, I began desiring white partners. I'm confident that for me, this isn't just an innocent quirk or kink, but a result of brain damage from my home environment and upbringing.

Since I have these involuntary and unbreakable fetishes, I have to filter out people who can't tolerate and participate in them when looking for a SO: otherwise I'm going to end up hurting whoever I'm with when relapsing. For casual relations I don't have to discriminate racially. I sometimes wish I didn't have these weird kinks but this is how I am, it would be stupid of me to mislead others and not accept this as myself.

TLDR- I'm not racist at all in real life, but it does force a racist preference when I'm looking for steady commitment.

Do you mean relationships with white women or white men? Cause i dont think most people think a non-white dating a white woman is because of racism...

I wouldn't say I'm too racist, sure, I clutch my purse when a black man passes by and refuse to interact at all with anyone Muslim. But that's about it. I'm (as much as I can) a law abiding Catholic, and one of the first teachings in catholicism is that we shouldn't be racist (Galatians 3:28) but i also have to think about what's best for my future kids. Is it to be abandoned by their black or latin american father and suffer all their life or have a great white family that loves them no matter what? (Plus, white/very select Ashkenazi Jewish men are hotter than anyone else)

LatinaOfHearts said:

I wouldn't say I'm too racist, sure, I clutch my purse when a black man passes by and refuse to interact at all with anyone Muslim. But that's about it. I'm (as much as I can) a law abiding Catholic, and one of the first teachings in catholicism is that we shouldn't be racist (Galatians 3:28) but i also have to think about what's best for my future kids. Is it to be abandoned by their black or latin american father and suffer all their life or have a great white family that loves them no matter what? (Plus, white/very select Ashkenazi Jewish men are hotter than anyone else)

galatians 3:28 has nothing to do with racism btw unless you think it's also saying men can be women and vice versa. it literally says at the end of the verse "one in christ". It's talking about salvation. Notice how it also says neither male or female, but then new testament goes on to also say women cant be priests or so on, so it clearly means spiritually not physically.

fkiblaze said:

Do you mean relationships with white women or white men? Cause i dont think most people think a non-white dating a white woman is because of racism...

Relationships with white women and white non-op trans. To me, having a racial requirement when choosing a partner is a racist thing, no exceptions.

IME most people, myself included, don't think white men dating other races of women is racist or has anything to do with racism; the ways most relationships start and end has nothing to do with race, including IR ones. I don't care about angry observers and commentators, in reality they're a cringeworthy minority among minorities and avoided by average people. Those are just my opinions, I'm not here to change minds or anything.

I judge people by character, that said, I don't like some ethinicities on average. Arabs and African(-American)s have just too many individuals that have straight up behavioral disorders. The level of brutality, stupidity and antisocial behavior that comes from these groups is alarming. I know good and smart people with these backgrounds as I live in a very diverse city. still, my social circles are overwhelmingly white.

servileSissySpic said:

Relationships with white women and white non-op trans. To me, having a racial requirement when choosing a partner is a racist thing, no exceptions.

IME most people, myself included, don't think white men dating other races of women is racist or has anything to do with racism; the ways most relationships start and end has nothing to do with race, including IR ones. I don't care about angry observers and commentators, in reality they're a cringeworthy minority among minorities and avoided by average people. Those are just my opinions, I'm not here to change minds or anything.

I think you missread what i said, or maybe i did. I said a non-white man dating a white women isnt something people usualy say as because the non-white man is racist.

the_polbwcV2 said:

I notice that there are mainly two groups of people with this bleached kink.
1) The group of people who only have this as a kink . IRL not racist or just a tiny bit racist.
2) The group of people who really have a racist mind. Bleached people who hate their own race (mostly indian cucks and asian women). People who really have a racist brain and where bleached isn't just a kink, but a expansion of their racist believes.

Im more of the first group. I am a tiny bit racist sometimes. I feel better around europeans/people of my own. But i'm not activly going in the other way when is see a non-european. Maybe some of you guys that are racist were just born with the wrong people around you. Non-whites who did bad stuff. I didn't really had any bad experiences with people of a different race but i still notice differences between european white, non european whites and other foreigners that aren't white.
I tend to be in a more white group of people. Excluding some caucasians sometimes but usually white. I am open to friendships with people outside of my race but at the most it only worked out with gals, not other guys.

Any similare experiences?

So, you got one option slightly xenophobic and another one extremely xenophobic.

Neither these two group are really in the kink. Racist people usually have no other space rather the hole they can sink into.

They are not in the kink itself, just want to be in a "free" space where they can yell the n-word and wank to porn.

Yes, there may be non Caucasian people interested in racist people, but their kink is not "bleached"; their kink is just bigotry. They have a bigotry fetish: a racist dude that say " hate nigger" but would love to stick their dick into. Yeah, hypocrite bigot, that's actually their fetish.

Now, there could be a bleached fetish? Absolutely. With all the load and perks of hate speech and stuff like that. It work exactly like in BDSM: if a maledom teacher spank a femsub dressed as schoolgirl... it's not because he's actually teaching grammar. He love her, she love him: the two are just pushing the bordering of their shared sensation.

The concept of "bleached" could only works through xenophilia (desire/love for foreign). And that's were you get the "third" group: the xenophile. It's a mutual kink where the white man come to play to conquer the non-whites. exactly as BDSM intended it: S.S.C.

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