
Are you racist because of your bleached kink?

Posted under General

AryanSuperSoldier said:
4. No not everything is the fault of the Jews, and not every Jew is bad. It’s the industrial society system and the consequences of the two World Wars that enabled this delusion that women are equal to men.

I'm curious to know how and why we aren't equal, I'm assuming you're saying that as a way to say "women are below me" but again, I'm just assuming so it could be that I'm entirely wrong. In recent decades we've been seeing that
1) women and men have fairly similar IQs, with women recently scoring higher
2) women have higher EQs, which is the basis of a proper and healthy work and general life
3) if you look at the religious aspect you'll see that God made Eve from Adams "tzela" , which means "side" or "half" thus making women equal to men. Or for instance on Galatians 3:28 where it says that there is " man or woman, for we're all made in the likeness of God"
I could keep going on and on and on but it's too early for me to go properly looking for resources and evidence.

LatinaOfHearts said:

I'm curious to know how and why we aren't equal, I'm assuming you're saying that as a way to say "women are below me" but again, I'm just assuming so it could be that I'm entirely wrong. In recent decades we've been seeing that
1) women and men have fairly similar IQs, with women recently scoring higher
2) women have higher EQs, which is the basis of a proper and healthy work and general life
3) if you look at the religious aspect you'll see that God made Eve from Adams "tzela" , which means "side" or "half" thus making women equal to men. Or for instance on Galatians 3:28 where it says that there is " man or woman, for we're all made in the likeness of God"
I could keep going on and on and on but it's too early for me to go properly looking for resources and evidence.



LatinaOfHearts said:

I'm curious to know how and why we aren't equal, I'm assuming you're saying that as a way to say "women are below me" but again, I'm just assuming so it could be that I'm entirely wrong. In recent decades we've been seeing that
1) women and men have fairly similar IQs, with women recently scoring higher
2) women have higher EQs, which is the basis of a proper and healthy work and general life
3) if you look at the religious aspect you'll see that God made Eve from Adams "tzela" , which means "side" or "half" thus making women equal to men. Or for instance on Galatians 3:28 where it says that there is " man or woman, for we're all made in the likeness of God"
I could keep going on and on and on but it's too early for me to go properly looking for resources and evidence.

1) the only time women have similar IQs is if you test children around the age of puberty, this is because women mature slightly faster. But if you test humans over the age of 16, then men always have higher IQs, however, the gap is smaller than the racial gaps, generally only around 5 points so that isnt really the issue.
2) EQ isnt a real thing, what women are higher in is the trait agreeableness, which is useful when you have to take orders, but not useful when you are the leader.
3) im not really going to get into religious stuff but there is a reason men are suppose to be the head of the house.

The problem with women is they lack proper agency. Women are essentially just children with the intelligence of an adult. Women are unable to make proper decisions, and you see this with tropes like them spending an hour to pick out a dress only to get home and not like it. Being extremely socially influenced by perceived peers/community and power enhances this issue. Essentially they are just constantly driven by their emotions or feelings at that specific time. Obviously this is an average though, there are some female engineers and stuff that behave like the average man. In generally women are perfectly fine if they are secretaries or have to follow orders. They adapted for that role, the issue is when you give them decision making roles.

fkiblaze said:

1) the only time women have similar IQs is if you test children around the age of puberty, this is because women mature slightly faster. But if you test humans over the age of 16, then men always have higher IQs, however, the gap is smaller than the racial gaps, generally only around 5 points so that isnt really the issue.
2) EQ isnt a real thing, what women are higher in is the trait agreeableness, which is useful when you have to take orders, but not useful when you are the leader.
3) im not really going to get into religious stuff but there is a reason men are suppose to be the head of the house.

The problem with women is they lack proper agency. Women are essentially just children with the intelligence of an adult. Women are unable to make proper decisions, and you see this with tropes like them spending an hour to pick out a dress only to get home and not like it. Being extremely socially influenced by perceived peers/community and power enhances this issue. Essentially they are just constantly driven by their emotions or feelings at that specific time. Obviously this is an average though, there are some female engineers and stuff that behave like the average man. In generally women are perfectly fine if they are secretaries or have to follow orders. They adapted for that role, the issue is when you give them decision making roles.

1) The gap is generally less than 5 points, you're exaggerating this in your favour. Also men are better in some areas and women in others. + Even if it was as much as 5 (it isn't) that doesn't make women less capable to work and study. It's like saying white people can't work and study because Japaneses have on average 105 IQ.
2) EQ is a real thing, it may not be a perfect indicator but IT IS definitely a real thing that diverges from person to person. Also, low agreeability make people more likely to be criminals.
3) The reason is because of previous circumstances that are not relevant anymore in our modern societies.

WTFFFF, women are of course capable of making proper decisions. How fucking mysoginistic are you, saying women are just children with the intelligence of an adult. You're obviously an obscurantist because scientists would've noticed that.

Cassidy said:

So true, the Jews who slaughter Christians, destroy parishes, beat priests, and perform animal sacrifice are "modern human beings" and "our natural allies."

Nothing says "I'm not a barbarian" like smashing holy sites for your pissant, tribal religion.

WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. It's now jews that are responsible of christianophobia in the West in 2024, it's mostly muslims and atheists. And I am the latter and don't like christianity (w/o being christianophobic though). It's like saying "Oh yeah I'm not going to ally with christian men raping young boys and girls" just because a small percentage of priests do that shit.

Helvitano said:

WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. It's now jews that are responsible of christianophobia in the West in 2024, it's mostly muslims and atheists. And I am the latter and don't like christianity (w/o being christianophobic though). It's like saying "Oh yeah I'm not going to ally with christian men raping young boys and girls" just because a small percentage of priests do that shit.

Bro muslims didnt even exist in the west untill very recently when jews brought them in, as for athiests, they were also a tiny percent of the population until (((mainstream media))) popularized all them with countless popular show debates. There is a reason the 90s and early 2000s were filled with debates having the old athiests on arguing against low IQ Christian preachers as opposed to high ranking orthodox philosophers or something, and also instead of debates of racial biology or even the holocaust or something. Yes you can say "that's offense", but so was debates blaspheming God in a high Christian country at the time. The media is perfectly fine offending the right group of people.

Helvitano said:

1) The gap is generally less than 5 points, you're exaggerating this in your favour. Also men are better in some areas and women in others. + Even if it was as much as 5 (it isn't) that doesn't make women less capable to work and study. It's like saying white people can't work and study because Japaneses have on average 105 IQ.
2) EQ is a real thing, it may not be a perfect indicator but IT IS definitely a real thing that diverges from person to person. Also, low agreeability make people more likely to be criminals.
3) The reason is because of previous circumstances that are not relevant anymore in our modern societies.

WTFFFF, women are of course capable of making proper decisions. How fucking mysoginistic are you, saying women are just children with the intelligence of an adult. You're obviously an obscurantist because scientists would've noticed that.

1) yea that's my point, the IQ gaps arent the main issue, even though they are lower. In fact they just counter the raical gaps. (japanese women have the same IQ and math scores as white men, etc) The main issue is the last point i made. But no, the only areas women are "better" than men at are like 3-4 niche stuff like seeing more shades of blue/green to pick berries and stuff, and fat distribution letting them swim using less energy. Not very practical stuff in modern society.
2) Both low agreeableness and high agreeableness are bad things. Being in the medium is general best. Like i said, it has some benefits to be high but not so much in decision making roles. And people that say EQ imply empathy, but like i said that is general just falls into a subset of agreeableness.
3) they are just as relevant, if not more, because we have "democracy". In the past most people didnt contribute as much to who the rulers controlling them were so it's not as important to have men be the head.

And scientists do know that. It's the same scientists that are shunned for the racial stuff. You going to deny the racial science too because it's not in your mainstream school? But yes, if you just think of women as more intelligent children (though with a developed sex drive), they are completely understandable and not "complex" like egalitarian men think.

Helvitano said:

WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. It's now jews that are responsible of christianophobia in the West in 2024, it's mostly muslims and atheists. And I am the latter and don't like christianity (w/o being christianophobic though). It's like saying "Oh yeah I'm not going to ally with christian men raping young boys and girls" just because a small percentage of priests do that shit.



My favorite way to detox After reading a long essay about how women lack a fundamental aspect of humanity is to go on a femcel forum, because the girlies there will make the exact same type of comments about men using the same level of argumentation.

I think there is a gap of understanding between the sexes due to how different the male/female experience is growing up. But in the we are all United by the fact that we are human.

fkiblaze said:

You going to deny the racial science too because it's not in your mainstream school? But yes, if you just think of women as more intelligent children (though with a developed sex drive), they are completely understandable and not "complex" like egalitarian men think.

Probably are. I don't know when the forums filled up with libtards who do faux-outrage about misogyny on a pornsite.

Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

My favorite way to detox After reading a long essay about how women lack a fundamental aspect of humanity is to go on a femcel forum, because the girlies there will make the exact same type of comments about men using the same level of argumentation.

I think there is a gap of understanding between the sexes due to how different the male/female experience is growing up. But in the we are all United by the fact that we are human.

Blaze never said they "lack a fundamental aspect of humanity." Why are you making shit up?

Cassidy said:
Also, it's not some small percentage of Jews who hate Christians. It's 90% of them, and the more religious a Jew gets, the more fervent the hatred is. In U.S. domestic politics, Judaism is the most liberal religion there is. Huge support for abortion, contraception, same-sex marriage, no fault divorce. Any issue you can be a massive faggot about, Jews are massive faggots about. There's no reason for someone on the right-wing, Christian or not, to like Jews.

Id like to point out, that despite Christians in surverys rating jews as second most liked religion behind other Christians, jews rate christians as lowest, even beloww muslims. Which is why whenever even in the middle ages they allied with Muslims over Christians (and same deal in modern society).

Cassidy said:

Blaze never said they "lack a fundamental aspect of humanity." Why are you making shit up?

"The problem with women is they lack proper agency. Women are essentially just children with the intelligence of an adult. Women are unable to make proper decisions, and you see this with tropes like them spending an hour to pick out a dress only to get home and not like it. Being extremely socially influenced by perceived peers/community and power enhances this issue. Essentially they are just constantly driven by their emotions or feelings at that specific time. Obviously this is an average though, there are some female engineers and stuff that behave like the average man. In generally women are perfectly fine if they are secretaries or have to follow orders. They adapted for that role, the issue is when you give them decision making roles."

I was speaking generally and maybe you can disagree with my wording but refering to women as "more intelligent children" and saying that they "lack proper agency" does strip them of a very humanizing agent. The stripping of a womans ability to reason and have agency has been such a recurring issue that it is basically feminism 101 at this point.

Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

My favorite way to detox After reading a long essay about how women lack a fundamental aspect of humanity is to go on a femcel forum, because the girlies there will make the exact same type of comments about men using the same level of argumentation.

I think there is a gap of understanding between the sexes due to how different the male/female experience is growing up. But in the we are all United by the fact that we are human.

The stripping of a womans ability to reason and have agency has been such a recurring issue that it is basically feminism 101 at this point.

As the other guy said, no one is talking about lacking humanity. Children dont lack humanity either. The word would be something like responsibility, or they should not be given authority. Also femcels dont exist, what you mean are feminists, and yes, that's just like saying black people think white people are uncivilized monkeys or whatever. One side is right, one side is wrong, and you use logic and facts to determine which. The facts and logic are against the feminists and the black supremacist.

They are capable of reason, women are capable of pathing math tests. Agency or responsibility is different. The issue is they shut down their ability to reason whenever any emotion becomes involved or it's related to real world decisions. That part of the brain is separate. It's clearly obvious even though they are capable of doing "if-then" logical propositions and so on in classwork, when they leave the class for whatever reason they leave that part of the brain behind. Everyone does this to a degree, but women constantly do it with most things. Once again, children. They can also think logically for schoolwork, too.


Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

"The problem with women is they lack proper agency. Women are essentially just children with the intelligence of an adult. Women are unable to make proper decisions, and you see this with tropes like them spending an hour to pick out a dress only to get home and not like it. Being extremely socially influenced by perceived peers/community and power enhances this issue. Essentially they are just constantly driven by their emotions or feelings at that specific time. Obviously this is an average though, there are some female engineers and stuff that behave like the average man. In generally women are perfectly fine if they are secretaries or have to follow orders. They adapted for that role, the issue is when you give them decision making roles."

I was speaking generally and maybe you can disagree with my wording but refering to women as "more intelligent children" and saying that they "lack proper agency" does strip them of a very humanizing agent. The stripping of a womans ability to reason and have agency has been such a recurring issue that it is basically feminism 101 at this point.



LatinaOfHearts said:

I'm curious to know how and why we aren't equal, I'm assuming you're saying that as a way to say "women are below me" but again, I'm just assuming so it could be that I'm entirely wrong. In recent decades we've been seeing that
1) women and men have fairly similar IQs, with women recently scoring higher
2) women have higher EQs, which is the basis of a proper and healthy work and general life
3) if you look at the religious aspect you'll see that God made Eve from Adams "tzela" , which means "side" or "half" thus making women equal to men. Or for instance on Galatians 3:28 where it says that there is " man or woman, for we're all made in the likeness of God"
I could keep going on and on and on but it's too early for me to go properly looking for resources and evidence.

Equality has to be defined. If you mean equality before the law, we are not equal, women have far more privileges over men to make up for the other inequalities that supposedly plague us physically/societally. Such as men being bigger, stronger, often more intelligent(which isn’t relevant but is still factual), but more violent/disagreeable, etc. These are things that are inextricably related to each other, the reason why boys/men are taught to not hit women or be careful with their strength for example, is because the difference is so large in so many different fields that an avg teenaged boy is already vastly superior to your avg adult woman in terms of physicality.
If you mean equality of spirituality, I’m sorry to say but many religions (not just abrahamic) have often built their principles off of the immutable differences between men and women. Often men are seen as higher or more noble in soul, and women are seen as lesser than, or to be controlled, or defective men. Much like how feminism sees women btw, as defective men that need to be socially and legally pushed up as they drag men down to ‘equalise’ the differences.
And no, I’m not saying women are unequal to insinuate that they are beneath me, it’s not about some kind of male supremacy, it’s about responsibility. Do women who are mothers, or teachers assume that they are ‘superior’ to their babies or children they care for simply because they have authority over them, because they have responsibility of care for them? This is a genuine question btw, because this applies societally to men’s general relationship to women. Men overwhelmingly take the jobs that maintain the core infrastructure of a nation, men overwhelmingly and obviously are the bulk of the military/police that both protects the nation and enforces the laws that safeguard society, men overwhelmingly pay the most in terms of net-taxes (that is, paying more in taxes than they receive in terms of government benefits), men overwhelmingly sacrifice themselves for the protection and provision of the whole nation across the board. And yes this is mostly because women are by and large INCAPABLE of performing most of these essential duties due to their gender. And they are duties, not privileges like feminist would have you believe, it’s about responsibility and it’s connection to authority, those who take on the most responsibility OUGHT to have a similar level of authority given to them to either reward or facilitate this process.

1. This is unfortunately the furthest from the truth. IQ tests done to prove women have similar to even higher IQs are always done on children, between the ages where girls start puberty before boys, a once in a lifetime advantage for them. Any IQ tests done after this to test adult male - female IQs always find men several standard deviations above women. But like I’ve said before IQ is not everything and not the only basis for why men ought to lead.
2. EQ might as well be women’s proper role if we were to actually look at this seriously. Women’s role for a long time in history was the cultural and societal integrity and strength of a nation, women (when they’re not being subverted by feminists and Jews lol) are quite adept at finding and rooting out societal and cultural weeds/issues that threaten the stability of a community as a whole.
3. I’ve already went over how religion, especially abrahamic religions actually reinforced a pretty firm patriarchal stance against the equality of the sexes. But it’s also just common sense, society if it’s to be done well, needs either a group or a central individual who is strong, responsible and committed to actually lead effectively. All other societies would in a vacuum be beaten out by tribes that viciously follow that kind of doctrine, which is why patriarchies quite literally dominated the majority of our species/societies. I don’t like religious debates, so I won’t try and correct you or anything about theological stuff that I don’t know fully about, but as others have mentioned, there are probably issues you’ve made.

Sorry about the extensive paragraphs of sheer text explaining my position, but it’s worth pointing out properly and not just resorting to “lol men are based and women are cringe”

AryanSuperSoldier said:

If you mean equality of spirituality, I’m sorry to say but many religions (not just abrahamic) have often built their principles off of the immutable differences between men and women. Often men are seen as higher or more noble in soul, and women are seen as lesser than, or to be controlled, or defective men. Much like how feminism sees women btw, as defective men that need to be socially and legally pushed up as they drag men down to ‘equalise’ the differences.



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