
Are you racist because of your bleached kink?

Posted under General

Admittingly for me, yes.
Aside from wanting to feel good about myself, and hating bbc which is most commonly associated with NTR (this site has it too but not nearly as bad), I never had any major problems with other races or faiths. At least not consciously. There’s always a part of the Id/reptile mind that has ill thoughts towards others for factors they can’t control. Still I try my hardest not to show it in public. That’d just be in bad form. And I agree with Captain Hook in that bad form is punishable by a blunderbuss shot to the head

Chinesenurseslut said:

I think I am, mainly based on our history and the length of cock of white men I have seen, I think asian men of the same race as me will gradually be eliminated in evolution, and this is also a future that can be seen

In all seriousness white people are more likely to go extinct than east asians. If there is one race id think are the least likely to go extinct it would be them because they are both really xenophobic and have higher IQ than the other non-whites. China, japan, korea, etc these are all really strong and wealthy ethnostates.

fkiblaze said:

In all seriousness white people are more likely to go extinct than east asians. If there is one race id think are the least likely to go extinct it would be them because they are both really xenophobic and have higher IQ than the other non-whites. China, japan, korea, etc these are all really strong and wealthy ethnostates.

Their fertilities are shitting the bed and their economies are on the verge of collapse due to the aging population. Western countries are similar, albeit with the mass importation of third worlders into cities but they at least have traditional/rural communities that are preparing for the eventual collapse of the government that hates them. Once the welfare ends and the lights go out, all these urban highly concentrated immigrant populations will leave, or eat each other. This kind of thing has happened before, we’ve dealt with it before. A lot of liberal whites will die out. Suffer not to mourn them as they wilfully tried to drag us into the fire with them.

AryanSuperSoldier said:

Their fertilities are shitting the bed and their economies are on the verge of collapse due to the aging population. Western countries are similar, albeit with the mass importation of third worlders into cities but they at least have traditional/rural communities that are preparing for the eventual collapse of the government that hates them. Once the welfare ends and the lights go out, all these urban highly concentrated immigrant populations will leave, or eat each other. This kind of thing has happened before, we’ve dealt with it before. A lot of liberal whites will die out. Suffer not to mourn them as they wilfully tried to drag us into the fire with them.

Asian countries also have conservatives with higher birth rates, that's a fact of any nation, birth rates rise and fall (which is happening in every country). You can go back to ancient roman republic where they were complaining about women having only 1 or 2 child. The birth rate scare people in the mainstream talk about is just nonsense and a complete lack of understand of evolution and cycles of civilization. Society changes, it causes a decrease in birth rates, the people who are maladapted to that change get replaced by the people with higher birth rates, and then it stabilizes again. That is how it always goes. The only threat from it is the mass immigration that the west faces which Asian countries do not. The pensions are not even an issue either as government have no problem continuing to print money to fund their deficits. Worse case scenario, inflation rate in china goes up by 1-2% and older people need to rely more on their own private investments as their pension will be worth less compared to inflation.

Admittedly not really. Oddly not even that racist. I don't find myself getting along with black people that often and I'm only prejudiced against Arabs and that's just because of their religion. Not really connected with my bleached fetish. Actually I find myself wanting to fuck women of other races because of this kink. Would still get called racist either way.

fkiblaze said:

Asian countries also have conservatives with higher birth rates, that's a fact of any nation, birth rates rise and fall (which is happening in every country). You can go back to ancient roman republic where they were complaining about women having only 1 or 2 child. The birth rate scare people in the mainstream talk about is just nonsense and a complete lack of understand of evolution and cycles of civilization. Society changes, it causes a decrease in birth rates, the people who are maladapted to that change get replaced by the people with higher birth rates, and then it stabilizes again. That is how it always goes. The only threat from it is the mass immigration that the west faces which Asian countries do not. The pensions are not even an issue either as government have no problem continuing to print money to fund their deficits. Worse case scenario, inflation rate in china goes up by 1-2% and older people need to rely more on their own private investments as their pension will be worth less compared to inflation.

The West can only print so much money until the bill comes due. They’ve been avoiding recessions so long to push this gay agenda bs that eventually hyperinflation will ensue, and then everyone will kill and eat each to survive because their wealth has been inflated to the moon. Except for the communities that are self sustainable, enclosed and keep to themselves/protect themselves. Whatever is left of the governments of the western countries involved will likely balkanise into fragmented states/territories divided between ethnic/cultural/political lines.

fkiblaze said:

In all seriousness white people are more likely to go extinct than east asians. If there is one race id think are the least likely to go extinct it would be them because they are both really xenophobic and have higher IQ than the other non-whites. China, japan, korea, etc these are all really strong and wealthy ethnostates.

Japan is already starting to take massive influx of immigrants, it's already starting to change. Every intelligent people is now threatend to disappear if their government doesn't act accordingly.

fkiblaze said:

Asian countries also have conservatives with higher birth rates, that's a fact of any nation, birth rates rise and fall (which is happening in every country). You can go back to ancient roman republic where they were complaining about women having only 1 or 2 child. The birth rate scare people in the mainstream talk about is just nonsense and a complete lack of understand of evolution and cycles of civilization. Society changes, it causes a decrease in birth rates, the people who are maladapted to that change get replaced by the people with higher birth rates, and then it stabilizes again. That is how it always goes. The only threat from it is the mass immigration that the west faces which Asian countries do not. The pensions are not even an issue either as government have no problem continuing to print money to fund their deficits. Worse case scenario, inflation rate in china goes up by 1-2% and older people need to rely more on their own private investments as their pension will be worth less compared to inflation.

The low fertility rates was a big problem in the Roman Empire and is a very plausible theory to explain partly why it collapsed.

A society CANNOT work properly without problem in 2024 (maybe with technology this will change in 1 century but NOT in 2024) with a pyramid of ages that is flipped upside-down. Even Eastern and Central European countries are starting to import immigrants from the third-world although they are very xenophobic, because the situation linked to birth rates is so bad. This is the fundament of a society : the youth. No youth, no future.

Also, I'd like to bring to your attention that the lower the IQ, the greater the number of children on average and the younger the parents are in the West. Which means that for every new generation in the West, people are more and more genetically predisposed to having lower IQs. This is also a serious problem that has to become mainstream. This is why we MUST, we have the DUTY be in favour of the genetical modification of newer generations of children, i.e. making it possible to increase their IQs thanks to genetic manipulations.

A country having an always higher debt is never a good thing. In every Western European countries, governments struggle more and more to pay pensions. The working class has to pay an always bigger part of their salary to pay the rents of old people, that is the reality in the West.

Once again, Japanese started importing migrants massively last year because of how few children the population has. How long until South Korea does the same ? The foreign population is ever increasing in South Korea. Kim Jong Un cried because North Koreans don't have enough children as well. He didn't do that for nothing, because without children, a society cannot function properly.

AryanSuperSoldier said:

The West can only print so much money until the bill comes due. They’ve been avoiding recessions so long to push this gay agenda bs that eventually hyperinflation will ensue, and then everyone will kill and eat each to survive because their wealth has been inflated to the moon. Except for the communities that are self sustainable, enclosed and keep to themselves/protect themselves. Whatever is left of the governments of the western countries involved will likely balkanise into fragmented states/territories divided between ethnic/cultural/political lines.

You can print money forever, what matters is how much you print compared to how much you produce. If you print 5% of your economic value and your economy grows by 5% you wouldn't even experience any inflation. Now obviously practically every country prints more than it adds in goods so they all experience inflation, but none of first world countries are on the level of printing multiple times it's value in production so they wont get hyper inflation. And regardless, even if the west someday gets to that point when whites are a minority or something, the topic was Asian countries and they all dont mass import people to put on welfare. For a long time japan was actually experiencing deflation if i recall.

Corma said:

Japan is already starting to take massive influx of immigrants, it's already starting to change. Every intelligent people is now threatend to disappear if their government doesn't act accordingly.

They have started taking some immigrants yes, but it's not anything comparable to the west and more importantly, so far they arent allowed to have citizenship. The way it's set up right now, it's like a serf class in certain sectors that can always be sent back when the job is done. They stay like 10 years then leave so it wont have a demographic impact. Now that can change and they could end up granting them citizenship and stuff, but based off the way they are doing it, i doubt that, because the immigration type they are doing is what you would see in the past. IE import workers to fill jobs you need to help your economy and when they are no longer needed they are gone, vs what the west does which is important a bunch of people to put them on welfare and social services so u can have a population to replace your current population.

Corma said:

The low fertility rates was a big problem in the Roman Empire and is a very plausible theory to explain partly why it collapsed.

A society CANNOT work properly without problem in 2024 (maybe with technology this will change in 1 century but NOT in 2024) with a pyramid of ages that is flipped upside-down. Even Eastern and Central European countries are starting to import immigrants from the third-world although they are very xenophobic, because the situation linked to birth rates is so bad. This is the fundament of a society : the youth. No youth, no future.

Also, I'd like to bring to your attention that the lower the IQ, the greater the number of children on average and the younger the parents are in the West. Which means that for every new generation in the West, people are more and more genetically predisposed to having lower IQs. This is also a serious problem that has to become mainstream. This is why we MUST, we have the DUTY be in favour of the genetical modification of newer generations of children, i.e. making it possible to increase their IQs thanks to genetic manipulations.

A country having an always higher debt is never a good thing. In every Western European countries, governments struggle more and more to pay pensions. The working class has to pay an always bigger part of their salary to pay the rents of old people, that is the reality in the West.

Once again, Japanese started importing migrants massively last year because of how few children the population has. How long until South Korea does the same ? The foreign population is ever increasing in South Korea. Kim Jong Un cried because North Koreans don't have enough children as well. He didn't do that for nothing, because without children, a society cannot function properly.

The ONLY reason more older people are a problem in modern society is because it impacts social security programs and this issue is solved easily in numerous ways. There is no "lack of youth", we all have more young people than 200 years ago. Worst case scenario populations go back down to literally what they use to be at in the industrial revolution.

There is no need for genetic modification, the whole lower IQ people having more children is literally a recent devolvement. it only started happening not even 100 years ago. It is entirely due the the creation of welfare systems in the post war era. Get rid of welfare and it goes back to normal with smarter people having more kids. Genetic engineering has many risks and all it's upsides can be done either by getting rid of dysgenic government policies or IVF(in the case of genetic diseases and stuff).

All this lack of kids stuff is just western cope because asian leaders aren't as subverted and insane as western leaders, so it's a way to pretend Asian countries will suffer, too, when in reality the west is just losing it's hegemony power because we have evil leaders that hate us. We are the only ones that have a risk of collapsing unless we do someting. Trying to point at Asians to cope will do nothing to save white people. It's our problem and we need to solve it.

fkiblaze said:

You can print money forever, what matters is how much you print compared to how much you produce. If you print 5% of your economic value and your economy grows by 5% you wouldn't even experience any inflation. Now obviously practically every country prints more than it adds in goods so they all experience inflation, but none of first world countries are on the level of printing multiple times it's value in production so they wont get hyper inflation. And regardless, even if the west someday gets to that point when whites are a minority or something, the topic was Asian countries and they all dont mass import people to put on welfare. For a long time japan was actually experiencing deflation if i recall.

They have started taking some immigrants yes, but it's not anything comparable to the west and more importantly, so far they arent allowed to have citizenship. The way it's set up right now, it's like a serf class in certain sectors that can always be sent back when the job is done. They stay like 10 years then leave so it wont have a demographic impact. Now that can change and they could end up granting them citizenship and stuff, but based off the way they are doing it, i doubt that, because the immigration type they are doing is what you would see in the past. IE import workers to fill jobs you need to help your economy and when they are no longer needed they are gone, vs what the west does which is important a bunch of people to put them on welfare and social services so u can have a population to replace your current population.

The ONLY reason more older people are a problem in modern society is because it impacts social security programs and this issue is solved easily in numerous ways. There is no "lack of youth", we all have more young people than 200 years ago. Worst case scenario populations go back down to literally what they use to be at in the industrial revolution.

There is no need for genetic modification, the whole lower IQ people having more children is literally a recent devolvement. it only started happening not even 100 years ago. It is entirely due the the creation of welfare systems in the post war era. Get rid of welfare and it goes back to normal with smarter people having more kids. Genetic engineering has many risks and all it's upsides can be done either by getting rid of dysgenic government policies or IVF(in the case of genetic diseases and stuff).

All this lack of kids stuff is just western cope because asian leaders aren't as subverted and insane as western leaders, so it's a way to pretend Asian countries will suffer, too, when in reality the west is just losing it's hegemony power because we have evil leaders that hate us. We are the only ones that have a risk of collapsing unless we do someting. Trying to point at Asians to cope will do nothing to save white people. It's our problem and we need to solve it.

Damn if countries can just magically print money forever, explain to me why citizens have to pay more for pensions ? You have a very simplistic view on how economy works.

Turkish were also only guest workers in Germany you know, they would have had to eventually go back to their homeland. Same for France. And people were a thousand light years away from imagining what France and Germany would look like today.

"we all have more young people than 200 years ago" totally irrelevant, what's relevant is the median age and how many youth there is TODAY in comparison to 10-20-30-40 years ago and in proportion of the total population of a given country.

"There is no need for genetic modification, the whole lower IQ people having more children is literally a recent devolvement. it only started happening not even 100 years ago. It is entirely due the the creation of welfare systems in the post war era." you really think it won't have any impact on the long term ? Oh so we have to wait for the average IQ to drop even more dramatically than it already is dropping in my generation (Z) to react ???

"Get rid of welfare and it goes back to normal with smarter people having more kids." yes but no. I, alongside with the majority of Europeans, would never accept to get rid of the welfare system. And I say that as someone that goes to university and will have 0 need for the welfare system.

"Genetic engineering has many risks and all it's upsides can be done either by getting rid of dysgenic government policies or IVF(in the case of genetic diseases and stuff)." Science is always progressing and I am happy to know it will be possible to genetically engineer in a century from now and want my descendants to absolutely use it on their children. Genetic engineering has many risks but once we experiment and find good ways to do it that are safe, everybody will eventually do it.
The majority will be opposed (and I am part of that majority) to getting rid of dysgenic government policies if they have a negative impact on natality or they will make some people not able to shelter themselves and have enough food.
I agree for IVF.

"All this lack of kids stuff is just western cope because asian leaders aren't as subverted and insane as western leaders, so it's a way to pretend Asian countries will suffer, too, when in reality the west is just losing it's hegemony power because we have evil leaders that hate us. We are the only ones that have a risk of collapsing unless we do someting. Trying to point at Asians to cope will do nothing to save white people. It's our problem and we need to solve it." Asian leaders aren't as subverted yes I agree totally, but they are still starting to import massively migrants soooo what's the point ?? Although the situation isn't as bad, people can become anti-racist if there is enough propaganda, I am happy for them and hope they never will be subverted but one can never know on the long term. Who thought the mentalities in the west would shift so dramatically and so quickly in a matter of decades ?

I don't think our leaders are inherently evil or hate us. Some definitely do but in most Western countries they just don't hate us or aren't evil. Be realist and get away from your depressive 4chan state dude.

Also, I don't think the West will ever collapse, it would have already by now, plus the US is maintaining its lead with its advance in terms of AI. It is slowly rotting from the inside, like
the meme of the frog in the pot where the heat is slowly increasing.

Plus pointing out the fact a country needs children to work isn't a western cope smh ? Literally you admitted it without really admitting it when you said that yes, Japan had to import guest workers ? I never said that replacement migration was what I wanted and a solution, I just stated a fact that explains why some countries bring in migrants. Not every Western country loves other races so much that they want whites to be replaced you know that ?

Corma said:

Damn if countries can just magically print money forever, explain to me why citizens have to pay more for pensions ? You have a very simplistic view on how economy works.

Most people even on the right dont fully understand the way the economy works because they tend to think in even partly magical terms. That's why they've been predicting for decades there will be a "collapse" and civil war "any time now". The economy is just stuff being produced and stuff being consumed. If more things are being produced than things being bought there isn't going to be some country collapse no matter what you print or do as long as you have some semblance of markets. Countries that go through hyper inflation have it because they didnt produce stuff (eg cases like Zimbabwe that got rid of white farmers so they dont produce food. or same deal with Argentina where they just had a lot of government workers consuming and not producing stuff) Hence as long as we always have the white working class America isnt going to "collapse". When whites are a minority and there is no stuff being produced by these non-whites who are sucking white civilizations dry then yes there can be collapses but right now even in america whites are still like 60%.

Turkish were also only guest workers in Germany you know, they would have had to eventually go back to their homeland. Same for France. And people were a thousand light years away from imagining what France and Germany would look like today.

That false. IDK if someone can find the old ww2 propaganda the nazis produced, where it showed france filled with negros and stuff, but they cleared showed what would happen to france and germany if they lost the war. There was a reason the welfare state was made post war era. In asian countries the immigrants work, not collect welfare and social housing. in western countries it's the reverse. they come here to replace the populations. that was always the plan or else why give welfare to immigrants in the first place if you are bringing them to produce?

"we all have more young people than 200 years ago" totally irrelevant, what's relevant is the median age and how many youth there is TODAY in comparison to 10-20-30-40 years ago and in proportion of the total population of a given country.

not really. in the past 80%+ of the people worked to produce food. now it's it's less than 3%. You can sustain far more old people with far less young people. This is the fundamental reason despite all these doomsday collapse predictions of people on welfare or government debt ballooning the countries still chug along. You can really sustain a society now with only a tiny percent of people doing actual meaningful work (as opposed to 90% people in bs manager, HR, and admin jobs not producing anything). As long as you have those people to suck dry, things can sustain. Zimbabwe went after the white farmers, the soviets went after the kulak farmers, etc, this is where you start to run into problems. I'm not saying this is a good thing to just have a biomass of people that live to eat KFC while exploiting a tiny amount of productive people, I'm just saying that's what happens. A good representation to make it seem more easy to understand is a large family. You can have the one father work, while 10 kids stay at home with their mom and eat the food he buys. That's how modern societies are set up.

"There is no need for genetic modification, the whole lower IQ people having more children is literally a recent devolvement. it only started happening not even 100 years ago. It is entirely due the the creation of welfare systems in the post war era." you really think it won't have any impact on the long term ? Oh so we have to wait for the average IQ to drop even more dramatically than it already is dropping in my generation (Z) to react ???

When did i say it wouldnt have long term impacts or you need to wait? I never said we should keep welfare systems for 100 more years.

"Get rid of welfare and it goes back to normal with smarter people having more kids." yes but no. I, alongside with the majority of Europeans, would never accept to get rid of the welfare system. And I say that as someone that goes to university and will have 0 need for the welfare system.

Who cares what the modern European or university kid thinks for things to happen? People dont want mass immigration yet they do it anyway. Kids in college in USA are protesting israel war, yet israel still wars. All that matters for society to change is the will of the people in power, and 90% of people will then believe that. Just like how racism was fine, then they passed laws despite all the mass protests(even calling in the national guard), so now people thing racism is bad. Or how using cocaine or weed was fine, but then they passed laws banning them so the population thought it became the devils lettuce. Now they legalized it again so it's good again, but cocaine isnt legal so that is still seen as bad. Or how gay marriage was evil, but then it was made legal so now no one can think about it being made illegal again. In the past no one could imagine welfare would be a good thing, then they passed it so it became good. Once they ban it, we will look back on this time as how stupid people were for thinking it was good. Values change all the time.

"Genetic engineering has many risks and all it's upsides can be done either by getting rid of dysgenic government policies or IVF(in the case of genetic diseases and stuff)." Science is always progressing and I am happy to know it will be possible to genetically engineer in a century from now and want my descendants to absolutely use it on their children. Genetic engineering has many risks but once we experiment and find good ways to do it that are safe, everybody will eventually do it.
The majority will be opposed (and I am part of that majority) to getting rid of dysgenic government policies if they have a negative impact on natality or they will make some people not able to shelter themselves and have enough food.
I agree for IVF.

There are some things science cant get rid of. Natural selection and evolution is one of those. Genetic engineering will always be dangerous because of that.

"All this lack of kids stuff is just western cope because asian leaders aren't as subverted and insane as western leaders, so it's a way to pretend Asian countries will suffer, too, when in reality the west is just losing it's hegemony power because we have evil leaders that hate us. We are the only ones that have a risk of collapsing unless we do someting. Trying to point at Asians to cope will do nothing to save white people. It's our problem and we need to solve it." Asian leaders aren't as subverted yes I agree totally, but they are still starting to import massively migrants soooo what's the point ?? Although the situation isn't as bad, people can become anti-racist if there is enough propaganda, I am happy for them and hope they never will be subverted but one can never know on the long term. Who thought the mentalities in the west would shift so dramatically and so quickly in a matter of decades ?

Everyone knew this was going to happen in the west. You implied you are gen-z right? so you wouldnt know. People wrote books about how all this was going to happen over 100+ years ago. This is why ww2 was fought in the first place. look at the old nazi propaganda, weimar germany had transgenders and so on too. nothing is new under the sun. For the same reason we knew it would happen in the west, we also know it wont happen in asian countries. They simple dont have a foreign elite population that hate them and want to get rid of them, so they wont. Japan is the only partial question because of course they were defeated and conquered by the west, but last time i checked, everyone in the Japanese government is still Japanese so probably not going to happen. Meanwhile, when's the last time everyone on the supreme court in USA was a WASP? i couldnt tell you. When's the last time everyone in the german government was German and the media companies owned by germans, or the french government was french and their media companies owned by french?

I don't think our leaders are inherently evil or hate us. Some definitely do but in most Western countries they just don't hate us or aren't evil. Be realist and get away from your depressive 4chan state dude.

See comment above. Yes they hate us, yes it's been planned since at least ww1. Once you understand that, everything in government and politics make sense. That isnt to say there arent ignorant people put in managerial positions, but no one actual controlling things are that way.

Also, I don't think the West will ever collapse, it would have already by now, plus the US is maintaining its lead with its advance in terms of AI. It is slowly rotting from the inside, like
the meme of the frog in the pot where the heat is slowly increasing.

US wont collapse for at least 200 years yes, but it will lose it's power and the world will become multipolar. Also AI is overrated nor is America really in the lead. AI still cant even open a fridge and get you a glass of water. AI can now do your English homework and somehow this is major. It's been able to do your math homework for over 50 years.

Plus pointing out the fact a country needs children to work isn't a western cope smh ? Literally you admitted it without really admitting it when you said that yes, Japan had to import guest workers ? I never said that replacement migration was what I wanted and a solution, I just stated a fact that explains why some countries bring in migrants. Not every Western country loves other races so much that they want whites to be replaced you know that ?

I never said japan needed to import migrant workers, just that they did. Japan has the 3rd strongest economy in the world. If they wanted to become #2 maybe they needed migrant workers, but nothing wrong with staying as #3. Also it has nothing to do with love of non-whites. The people replacing whites dont love non-whites, they just simply hates whites. If anything they respect non-whites even less. If you ever talk to one of these elite lefties and get his honest opnion on non-whites, they are the most racist people in existence. They see non-whites as small children or animals.


I guess I'm only actually racist against specifically blacks. I'm cool with Asians, Latinos, Arabs, Jews, Indians, and Natives.

It all started because I just happen to hate a lot of things associated with them.

Rap/Hip-hop/Trap are the worst genres of music ever invented. I fucking hate how much rap and hip-hop has polluted the entertainment industry for the past 20 years or so.

All of that urban slang or "AAVE" or "ebonics" or whatever they call it sounds retarded.

I hate how they always play the race card when you confront them about anything.

I hate how whenever a cop kills some criminal, they use it as an excuse to riot, loot, and burn shit down.

My city has WAY too many welfare rats and crackheads and probably 90% of them are blacks.

Most people even on the right dont fully understand the way the economy works because they tend to think in even partly magical terms. That's why they've been predicting for decades there will be a "collapse" and civil war "any time now". The economy is just stuff being produced and stuff being consumed. If more things are being produced than things being bought there isn't going to be some country collapse no matter what you print or do as long as you have some semblance of markets. Countries that go through hyper inflation have it because they didnt produce stuff (eg cases like Zimbabwe that got rid of white farmers so they dont produce food. or same deal with Argentina where they just had a lot of government workers consuming and not producing stuff) Hence as long as we always have the white working class America isnt going to "collapse". When whites are a minority and there is no stuff being produced by these non-whites who are sucking white civilizations dry then yes there can be collapses but right now even in america whites are still like 60%.

That's a great way not to answer a question lmao, I am actually impressed, you're as skilled as politicians.

That false. IDK if someone can find the old ww2 propaganda the nazis produced, where it showed france filled with negros and stuff, but they cleared showed what would happen to france and germany if they lost the war. There was a reason the welfare state was made post war era. In asian countries the immigrants work, not collect welfare and social housing. in western countries it's the reverse. they come here to replace the populations. that was always the plan or else why give welfare to immigrants in the first place if you are bringing them to produce?

LMAO, you're falling as low as quoting nazi propaganda to prove your points. You really think it was not the case in France / Germany in the 40s-60s ? You really think migrants collected welfare and social housing the same way they do now ? There was even a period in which there was remigration in Germany decades ago because they wanted parts of immigrants to go back to their country, and guess what, they did, they had no choice.

not really. in the past 80%+ of the people worked to produce food. now it's it's less than 3%. You can sustain far more old people with far less young people. This is the fundamental reason despite all these doomsday collapse predictions of people on welfare or government debt ballooning the countries still chug along. You can really sustain a society now with only a tiny percent of people doing actual meaningful work (as opposed to 90% people in bs manager, HR, and admin jobs not producing anything). As long as you have those people to suck dry, things can sustain. Zimbabwe went after the white farmers, the soviets went after the kulak farmers, etc, this is where you start to run into problems. I'm not saying this is a good thing to just have a biomass of people that live to eat KFC while exploiting a tiny amount of productive people, I'm just saying that's what happens. A good representation to make it seem more easy to understand is a large family. You can have the one father work, while 10 kids stay at home with their mom and eat the food he buys. That's how modern societies are set up.

Uhm yes people are more productive but you still can't sustain an ever-increasing percentage of older people. People in nurshing homes for old people don't just pop out of nowhere. And nurses, doctors, surgeons, etc, neither. You're really comparing the situation in the Occidental world in 2024 with Zimbabwe and communist USSR ? Zimbabwe wasn't as good of a country as the average Western country of that time fyi, although there were competent white farmers. It's absolutely not enough to have a small percentage of the population that's highly productive.

Uhm no, you cannot have 10 kids at home with their mom and the worker buys the food and everything is fine. That may be possible for Elon Musk and that may have been possible 60 years ago, but women now work BECAUSE we precisely need more workforce in comparison to before. Jobs weren't created out of thin air smh. Modern societies certainly aren't set up that way.

When did i say it wouldnt have long term impacts or you need to wait? I never said we should keep welfare systems for 100 more years.

You implied it when you said it was a recent development so there is no need for genetic modification.

Who cares what the modern European or university kid thinks for things to happen? People dont want mass immigration yet they do it anyway. Kids in college in USA are protesting israel war, yet israel still wars. All that matters for society to change is the will of the people in power, and 90% of people will then believe that. Just like how racism was fine, then they passed laws despite all the mass protests(even calling in the national guard), so now people thing racism is bad. Or how using cocaine or weed was fine, but then they passed laws banning them so the population thought it became the devils lettuce. Now they legalized it again so it's good again, but cocaine isnt legal so that is still seen as bad. Or how gay marriage was evil, but then it was made legal so now no one can think about it being made illegal again. In the past no one could imagine welfare would be a good thing, then they passed it so it became good. Once they ban it, we will look back on this time as how stupid people were for thinking it was good. Values change all the time.

Uhm you know that the elites you want to change go to university ? So if the left controls universities, elites will never become right-wing ? You see those "kids" like you call them, those are our future elites. This is the environment in which they evolve.
Values change all the time and it's not just linked to laws fyi. It's linked to metapolitics and culture. That's why conservatives ALWAYS lose. Because only people that look towards the future and not the past change the world. Wonder why only the left pushed its agenda further since the end of the second world war ? Because they're the only one presenting a future, although insane and anti-white. Right-wingers marginalized themselves into reactionarism and conservatism.

There are some things science cant get rid of. Natural selection and evolution is one of those. Genetic engineering will always be dangerous because of that.

Science can change the course of evolution of the man, and that is exactly what it should do, by genetic engineering. I'll let you in your faith, skeptics like you never end up making the future, so thanks for letting people like us that want change and fight for change decide for the future of mankind, because we would still live in caves otherwise.

Everyone knew this was going to happen in the west. You implied you are gen-z right? so you wouldnt know. People wrote books about how all this was going to happen over 100+ years ago. This is why ww2 was fought in the first place. look at the old nazi propaganda, weimar germany had transgenders and so on too. nothing is new under the sun. For the same reason we knew it would happen in the west, we also know it wont happen in asian countries. They simple dont have a foreign elite population that hate them and want to get rid of them, so they wont. Japan is the only partial question because of course they were defeated and conquered by the west, but last time i checked, everyone in the Japanese government is still Japanese so probably not going to happen. Meanwhile, when's the last time everyone on the supreme court in USA was a WASP? i couldnt tell you. When's the last time everyone in the german government was German and the media companies owned by germans, or the french government was french and their media companies owned by french?

Tell me the books which you are talking about ? The names pls ?
Wow, you just discovered transgender people have ALWAYS existed, I congratulate you man.
You really are falling for nazi propaganda 80 years later ? 😂😂😂😂😂. The nazis were LIGHT-YEARS away from imagining what was going to happen, it was PROPAGANDA to heat people up against France. WW2 wasn't fought because of that, just look how the US was a white supremacist state but still fought against nazism. It wasn't a war of racists vs anti-racists, every country was racist at that time, it was a fight linked to territorial disputes and complex factors, history, animosities between France and Germany linked to Elsass/Lothringen i.e.
What you said about Japan is false, I saw 2-3 years ago an article talking about non-ethnic Japanese elected (idk if it was in parliament or anywhere else) and their fight for more anti-racism.

See comment above. Yes they hate us, yes it's been planned since at least ww1. Once you understand that, everything in government and politics make sense. That isnt to say there arent ignorant people put in managerial positions, but no one actual controlling things are that way.

Yep, not going to get into conspiracies. Of course there always have been people hating us, but most of our elites just didn't. It was a gradual change in culture that brought people that go to university into this madness. Not just because they've smh been hating us since at least ww1. Absolutely not.

US wont collapse for at least 200 years yes, but it will lose it's power and the world will become multipolar. Also AI is overrated nor is America really in the lead. AI still cant even open a fridge and get you a glass of water. AI can now do your English homework and somehow this is major. It's been able to do your math homework for over 50 years.

Ehm who cares about if AI can open a fridge and get a glass of water ? What's important is that they can help in studies with statistics i.e. AI can already help and is already better in some domains linked to medecine, notably for X-Rays. I don't have a list of examples, but AI discovered SO MANY THINGS already it is insane, you can ask Bing to make you a sourced list of things the AI discovered. I didn't save all of the articles I saw.

I never said japan needed to import migrant workers, just that they did. Japan has the 3rd strongest economy in the world. If they wanted to become #2 maybe they needed migrant workers, but nothing wrong with staying as #3. Also it has nothing to do with love of non-whites. The people replacing whites dont love non-whites, they just simply hates whites. If anything they respect non-whites even less. If you ever talk to one of these elite lefties and get his honest opnion on non-whites, they are the most racist people in existence. They see non-whites as small children or animals.

Japan imported migrants workers BECAUSE they need them to work. Japan is the 3rd strongest economy in the world, but for HOW LONG ? W/o children nor migrants, you will see that it won't be the case in 20-30-40 years. It simply isn't possible.
Oh wow, you really think they hate non-whites more than whites ? They literally lick their feet on a daily-basis. I was extremely left-wing in the past and I can tell you what you're saying is wrong. They're the most racist people in existence YES, but not against non-whites, against WHITES !!!

Corma said:

That's a great way not to answer a question lmao, I am actually impressed, you're as skilled as politicians.

Your question was why things cost more, so i was going into basic supply and demand of the economy.

LMAO, you're falling as low as quoting nazi propaganda to prove your points. You really think it was not the case in France / Germany in the 40s-60s ? You really think migrants collected welfare and social housing the same way they do now ? There was even a period in which there was remigration in Germany decades ago because they wanted parts of immigrants to go back to their country, and guess what, they did, they had no choice.

That kinda makes my point stronger. If even the nazis knew what was up in the future plans, then it shows just how easy it was to understand, since they werent necessarily the most knowledgeable of politcal movements. Nazis got a lot of their ideas from other people.

And what are you trying to say in the second part? Kicking germans out of other countries they conquered and so on is anti-immigration. Yes, after ww2 there was a bunch of deportations, IDK how this related to your point.

Uhm yes people are more productive but you still can't sustain an ever-increasing percentage of older people. People in nurshing homes for old people don't just pop out of nowhere. And nurses, doctors, surgeons, etc, neither. You're really comparing the situation in the Occidental world in 2024 with Zimbabwe and communist USSR ? Zimbabwe wasn't as good of a country as the average Western country of that time fyi, although there were competent white farmers. It's absolutely not enough to have a small percentage of the population that's highly productive.

Old people dont just pop out of nowhere dude. There isnt an ever increasing population of old people when population declines. If you have less kids that means in the future there will also be less old people, not an ever increasing amount. Let me ask you this, how many young people do you think you need to support old people? None of the countries are even at a 1 to 4 ratio yet.

Uhm no, you cannot have 10 kids at home with their mom and the worker buys the food and everything is fine. That may be possible for Elon Musk and that may have been possible 60 years ago, but women now work BECAUSE we precisely need more workforce in comparison to before. Jobs weren't created out of thin air smh. Modern societies certainly aren't set up that way.

Think about what you said for a moment. it was possible 60 years ago, but now we need more workforce? Modern societies are actually far more automated than in the past, so we would need less workforce so it technically should be even easier. The reality is different but not because of the impossibility, quite the opposite actually.

You implied it when you said it was a recent development so there is no need for genetic modification.

That does not follow. The implication of it being a recent development was to show that genetic modification is not needed to get rid of it as it wasnt the case for most of human history.

Uhm you know that the elites you want to change go to university ? So if the left controls universities, elites will never become right-wing ? You see those "kids" like you call them, those are our future elites. This is the environment in which they evolve.
Values change all the time and it's not just linked to laws fyi. It's linked to metapolitics and culture. That's why conservatives ALWAYS lose. Because only people that look towards the future and not the past change the world. Wonder why only the left pushed its agenda further since the end of the second world war ? Because they're the only one presenting a future, although insane and anti-white. Right-wingers marginalized themselves into reactionarism and conservatism.

Elites arent just one class. There is governing elites, non-governing elites, managerial elites, etc. Most of the indoctrinated college kids become middle managers and managerial elites. They aren't the ones the decide the direction of society, they merely implement the plan. The actual ruling elite don't fall for their own BS and propaganda.

And since when do right wingers not have a positive vision? That has nothing to do with current winning or losing. Right wingers have won in the past many times. In fact, liberalism/leftist has never won a single argument. They win simply by using force. both military and non-military force. In America they won simply by imposing their will through law and the right didnt resist them effectively because they wanted to play fair and obey "rule of law"

Science can change the course of evolution of the man, and that is exactly what it should do, by genetic engineering. I'll let you in your faith, skeptics like you never end up making the future, so thanks for letting people like us that want change and fight for change decide for the future of mankind, because we would still live in caves otherwise.

Hubris and if you go down that route the only thing you will create is a human species that is as servile as ants. You arent getting rid of evolution you are just changing the direction humans evolve, as you stated, and that direction will be in a bad direction. If you go 100% into genetic engineering the perfect human that will be created is a sterile ant worker. This is what happens when you give your genetic legacy to other beings. Natural selection is the best for a species, and when you replace it with artificial selection, it then becomes the best for someone else. That's fine when humans want to dominate plants and animals, we can artificially select them to better serve us, not so fine when it's humans you are going to make into a better servant species.

Tell me the books which you are talking about ? The names pls ?
Wow, you just discovered transgender people have ALWAYS existed, I congratulate you man.
You really are falling for nazi propaganda 80 years later ? 😂😂😂😂😂. The nazis were LIGHT-YEARS away from imagining what was going to happen, it was PROPAGANDA to heat people up against France. WW2 wasn't fought because of that, just look how the US was a white supremacist state but still fought against nazism. It wasn't a war of racists vs anti-racists, every country was racist at that time, it was a fight linked to territorial disputes and complex factors, history, animosities between France and Germany linked to Elsass/Lothringen i.e.
What you said about Japan is false, I saw 2-3 years ago an article talking about non-ethnic Japanese elected (idk if it was in parliament or anywhere else) and their fight for more anti-racism.

Once again, as stated earlier, the nazis werent the ones who came up with most of their ideas. And no, even the nazis accurately showed what was going to happen as it did happen. Propaganda doesnt mean it has to be false. The best propaganda shows the truth.

Also americans didnt want to fight the nazis, did you forget about the whole anti-war movements. FDR had to get the japanese to attack us to make an excuse for the war. The war was communists/globalists vs nationalists. It was Churchill's funders and FDRs war vs nationalism. Doesnt matter if the mass of people were still racist, because once again, they werent the ones who decided on the war. The elites did, hence why u see all those old polls where the ww2 veterens said they would rather lose the war then end segregation and so on.

And japan having 1 government dude out of a thousand being non-Japanese is not the same as America having the majority being immigrant races. There isnt even a SINGLE WASP on the supreme court in america, let alone a majority of them.

Yep, not going to get into conspiracies. Of course there always have been people hating us, but most of our elites just didn't. It was a gradual change in culture that brought people that go to university into this madness. Not just because they've smh been hating us since at least ww1. Absolutely not.

It's out in the open, not a conspiracy. And yes, most of the elites didnt hate us, those elites got replaced. Why did the culture change, it's not just magic/random. People in power changed the culture. And no, just because the plans went back to ww1 doesnt mean the majority of the people in power during ww1 supported it. Those people just slowly got removed from power. As stated, WASPs in power in america got replaced by non-wasps. The Ellis island coalition as it's referred to.

Ehm who cares about if AI can open a fridge and get a glass of water ? What's important is that they can help in studies with statistics i.e. AI can already help and is already better in some domains linked to medecine, notably for X-Rays. I don't have a list of examples, but AI discovered SO MANY THINGS already it is insane, you can ask Bing to make you a sourced list of things the AI discovered. I didn't save all of the articles I saw.

Saying AI discovered medicine stuff is like saying the microscope discovered medicine stuff. Ai is a tool people use. The point about the glass of water is that AI isnt that productive currently. That can change, but as it is now, AI making 100 terabytes of anime girl pictures doesn't feed a single person or build a single house.

Japan imported migrants workers BECAUSE they need them to work. Japan is the 3rd strongest economy in the world, but for HOW LONG ? W/o children nor migrants, you will see that it won't be the case in 20-30-40 years. It simply isn't possible.
Oh wow, you really think they hate non-whites more than whites ? They literally lick their feet on a daily-basis. I was extremely left-wing in the past and I can tell you what you're saying is wrong. They're the most racist people in existence YES, but not against non-whites, against WHITES !!!

No they do not need them. Japan has continually improved and has a very affordable cost of living. Japan is probably the overall best country in the world to live in for the median worker. Human greed is just unlimited so they always want more. That doesn't mean they need more.

Im not talking about the pink haired BLM rioters. Im talking about the elites that decide the policies. Look at what they say when their private conversations are leaked. Like that lefty ex-mayor of new york. Publicly supporting BLM but in private saying how he sends the police to the black areas because they commit all the crime, and so on. Once again, none of the ruling class believe their nonsense. You think hillary clinton went from calling blacks super predators to actually believing they are innocent angels, or joe biden went from calling integrated schools racial jungles, to actually caring about black people?

Your question was why things cost more, so i was going into basic supply and demand of the economy.

Absolutely not, reread it again.

That kinda makes my point stronger. If even the nazis knew what was up in the future plans, then it shows just how easy it was to understand, since they werent necessarily the most knowledgeable of politcal movements. Nazis got a lot of their ideas from other people.

As I said after, the nazis DIDN'T know, it was pure PROPAGANDA to heat people up against France. France was the country with the most black people in all of Europe back then which was shocking for people (there are probably more blacks now in Warszawa than back then in France but still it was shocking for people) that's why they used those posters. Not because they had discovered some sort of secret plan to replace white people.

And what are you trying to say in the second part? Kicking germans out of other countries they conquered and so on is anti-immigration. Yes, after ww2 there was a bunch of deportations, IDK how this related to your point.

We were talking about how immigrants supposedly came for welfare in the 40s-50s-60s as if the politics were the same back then as today, don't play dumb or please read the sentences correctly and in context. Or stop answering because you're making me lose my time.

Old people dont just pop out of nowhere dude. There isnt an ever increasing population of old people when population declines. If you have less kids that means in the future there will also be less old people, not an ever increasing amount. Let me ask you this, how many young people do you think you need to support old people? None of the countries are even at a 1 to 4 ratio yet.

Yes there will also be less old people but it is TOTALLY irrelevant. Why ? Because what matters is the RATIO. And how can you even have written that given you wrote about it at the end of your sentence ? Literally even if the number of old people will be decreasing, the fact is that the ratio of old/young people will keep increasing because of denatality.
The ideal for a country where there would be no immigration nor emigration would be 2.08 children per woman, you can calculate that for the population of your choice.

Think about what you said for a moment. it was possible 60 years ago, but now we need more workforce? Modern societies are actually far more automated than in the past, so we would need less workforce so it technically should be even easier. The reality is different but not because of the impossibility, quite the opposite actually.

It was possible 60 years ago for multiple reasons, one being the fact there were WAY more young people proportionately in the population. And there are multiple factors to take into account, you cannot just say "well technology" and that smh proves your point.

That does not follow. The implication of it being a recent development was to show that genetic modification is not needed to get rid of it as it wasnt the case for most of human history.

You know that evolution can be very quick in certain situations ? It being recent doesn't make it a less dire issue.

Elites arent just one class. There is governing elites, non-governing elites, managerial elites, etc. Most of the indoctrinated college kids become middle managers and managerial elites. They aren't the ones the decide the direction of society, they merely implement the plan. The actual ruling elite don't fall for their own BS and propaganda.

You really think the ruling elite smh secretely is right-wing and knows society is getting destroyed by that ideology ? If that were the case, then they would do EVERYTHING in their power to stop that because it eventually affects them and their children, even if they have money to live in certain places. They are not safe from the consequences of that ideology. And the problem isn't just the elite, the people are responsible as well.

And since when do right wingers not have a positive vision? That has nothing to do with current winning or losing. Right wingers have won in the past many times. In fact, liberalism/leftist has never won a single argument. They win simply by using force. both military and non-military force. In America they won simply by imposing their will through law and the right didnt resist them effectively because they wanted to play fair and obey "rule of law"

Keep being in denial mate, "liberalism/leftist has never won a single argument" still is society not way more far-left as 10-20-50-60 years ago ? Their ideology is insane but the right is co-responsible of that because they do not propose any alternative. Leftists win because lots of people, often the majority, end up agreeing with them. Being a conservative is the most useless thing one can be, because it permits for the frog not to boil too fast so that it remains in the pot and for people to have the illusion of choice. Laws are being imposed because a big minority or majority agree with their ideas. If the right wants to win, the right has to wage the same metapolitical war.

Hubris and if you go down that route the only thing you will create is a human species that is as servile as ants. You arent getting rid of evolution you are just changing the direction humans evolve, as you stated, and that direction will be in a bad direction. If you go 100% into genetic engineering the perfect human that will be created is a sterile ant worker. This is what happens when you give your genetic legacy to other beings. Natural selection is the best for a species, and when you replace it with artificial selection, it then becomes the best for someone else. That's fine when humans want to dominate plants and animals, we can artificially select them to better serve us, not so fine when it's humans you are going to make into a better servant species.

The change didn't even happen yet and you're already pessimistic. LMAO. The change will be for the worst if the right continues being conservative and against technology, because let me tell you the left will have no shame in using transhumanism in their favour. And people will end up accepting it because nobody offers any other alternative for the future that is pro-technology. I am tired of this anti-technology mindset on the right.

Once again, as stated earlier, the nazis werent the ones who came up with most of their ideas. And no, even the nazis accurately showed what was going to happen as it did happen. Propaganda doesnt mean it has to be false. The best propaganda shows the truth.

The best propaganda shows half-truths. Propaganda isn't necessarily false, the propaganda you're talking about though was not some sort of secret knowledge they were trying to reveal to their world, it was to disgust germans of France. It's part of a bigger picture to justify in the minds of germans the war against France.

Also americans didnt want to fight the nazis, did you forget about the whole anti-war movements. FDR had to get the japanese to attack us to make an excuse for the war. The war was communists/globalists vs nationalists. It was Churchill's funders and FDRs war vs nationalism. Doesnt matter if the mass of people were still racist, because once again, they werent the ones who decided on the war. The elites did, hence why u see all those old polls where the ww2 veterens said they would rather lose the war then end segregation and so on.

BRUH, you really believe in what you're saying ? The US LITERALLY was one of the most anti-communist country in the world. The elites in the US were EVIDENTLY white supremacists. Wth are you talking about. If you want one example among so many, even outside of the US and without being a white supremacist, Charles de Gaulle, a well known french resistant that then became a french president famously said that it was good that there were french people of all colours because it showed that France was open, but France is first and foremost a christian country of white race (meaning it's how it's supposed to be and if white people disappear in France, it would be a catastrophe).

And japan having 1 government dude out of a thousand being non-Japanese is not the same as America having the majority being immigrant races. There isnt even a SINGLE WASP on the supreme court in america, let alone a majority of them.

Once again, the future will tell, there's no point in continuing to discuss this point further.

It's out in the open, not a conspiracy. And yes, most of the elites didnt hate us, those elites got replaced. Why did the culture change, it's not just magic/random. People in power changed the culture. And no, just because the plans went back to ww1 doesnt mean the majority of the people in power during ww1 supported it. Those people just slowly got removed from power. As stated, WASPs in power in america got replaced by non-wasps. The Ellis island coalition as it's referred to.

The culture changed because the right stopped waging a metapolitical war and marginalized themselves in conservatism / reactionarism. Universities were a space of free-speech and they were abandoned massively by right-wingers, letting the left get the monopole. And from there there was the slippery slope leading to what we are living through nowadays. Those people didn't get removed from power, the newer generations that replaced the older simply were more left-wing because, once again, the left won the cultural/metapolitical war.
I've never heard of this Ellis Island coalition but I think WASPs got replaced simply because white people went from 90% of the population of the US to less than 60% as of today (if we count illegals and non-whites identifying as white).

Saying AI discovered medicine stuff is like saying the microscope discovered medicine stuff. Ai is a tool people use. The point about the glass of water is that AI isnt that productive currently. That can change, but as it is now, AI making 100 terabytes of anime girl pictures doesn't feed a single person or build a single house.

The point is that AI is advancing rapidly and is already helping scientists to make new discoveries. What's good about AI isn't necessarily productivity (although it will eventually become productive in lots of domains, effectively replacing jobs). The US does have the lead in terms of AI and if you learn a bit more about the potential of AI, you will understand why it's so important.

No they do not need them. Japan has continually improved and has a very affordable cost of living. Japan is probably the overall best country in the world to live in for the median worker. Human greed is just unlimited so they always want more. That doesn't mean they need more.

Japanese people work like slaves, they work so much it's part of the reason why they have so few children. That's why the system still is barely working. I would never in my life want to work in such a country.
It's like discussing the sex of angels, we will never agree, so let's stop discussing that because it feels like we're just losing our time.

Im not talking about the pink haired BLM rioters. Im talking about the elites that decide the policies. Look at what they say when their private conversations are leaked. Like that lefty ex-mayor of new york. Publicly supporting BLM but in private saying how he sends the police to the black areas because they commit all the crime, and so on. Once again, none of the ruling class believe their nonsense. You think hillary clinton went from calling blacks super predators to actually believing they are innocent angels, or joe biden went from calling integrated schools racial jungles, to actually caring about black people?

Some do it out of political strategy of course, but most of it really believes in it imo. And even if they don't fully, they just exaggerate their true beliefs in order to gain more votes.

Corma said:

Absolutely not, reread it again.

Well then i dont really understand what you are asking. You made about about people paying more for social security and my point was people pay more for everything now. Social security isnt some unique thing. Houses prices, or college, or medical care have all outpaced social security.

As I said after, the nazis DIDN'T know, it was pure PROPAGANDA to heat people up against France. France was the country with the most black people in all of Europe back then which was shocking for people (there are probably more blacks now in Warszawa than back then in France but still it was shocking for people) that's why they used those posters. Not because they had discovered some sort of secret plan to replace white people.

If you want to believe it was all a coincidence a lot of people on the right explained what was happening and wrote it down in manifestos and books, that's up to you. Im not exactly sure how i can prove to you people knew what was going on vs they just guessing and it happened to coincidentally align like you think.

We were talking about how immigrants supposedly came for welfare in the 40s-50s-60s as if the politics were the same back then as today, don't play dumb or please read the sentences correctly and in context. Or stop answering because you're making me lose my time.

You understand these immigration waves didnt start until after welfare right? the Hart–Celler Act in america for example was in the 60s. Im not sure what country you are talking about in the 40s that started this immigration trend. If you know of a european country that was importing a bunch of muslims or so on before germany lost ww2 id be open to hear it. And i dont mean like 10 billionaire oil sheiks came over or whatever.

Yes there will also be less old people but it is TOTALLY irrelevant. Why ? Because what matters is the RATIO. And how can you even have written that given you wrote about it at the end of your sentence ? Literally even if the number of old people will be decreasing, the fact is that the ratio of old/young people will keep increasing because of denatality.
The ideal for a country where there would be no immigration nor emigration would be 2.08 children per woman, you can calculate that for the population of your choice.

What my point was is that "old people don't keep increasing" just because you have a below replacement birth rate. the ratio will stay fixed after a delay in a change in birth rates. Yes currently the ratio of old people is increasing, but that's because birth rates were falling. They dont fall forever.

It was possible 60 years ago for multiple reasons, one being the fact there were WAY more young people proportionately in the population. And there are multiple factors to take into account, you cannot just say "well technology" and that smh proves your point.

Actually more young people would put pressure on things like new house purchases and job competition so would actually have the opposite effect. It's mainly immigration, feminism and welfare that caused it. This is what i was implying with japan having a low cost of living. If you go to rural japan where there is a massive ratio of old people, everything is super affordable, especially housing. It's possible to live off a single income in rural japan, and more possible in the city compared to the west, but still harder.

You know that evolution can be very quick in certain situations ? It being recent doesn't make it a less dire issue.

Yes obviously, that's my point though. You dont need genetic engineering to quickly reverse the lower IQ trend. natural evolution can do it.

You really think the ruling elite smh secretely is right-wing and knows society is getting destroyed by that ideology ? If that were the case, then they would do EVERYTHING in their power to stop that because it eventually affects them and their children, even if they have money to live in certain places. They are not safe from the consequences of that ideology. And the problem isn't just the elite, the people are responsible as well.

No where did i say they are right wing. You think stalin or pol pot were right wing, even though they knew they would kill millions or people. No, our elites arent right wing or left wing, their ideology is power. Right wing threatens their power, left wing supports their power, so they promote left wing stuff. Also none of them thing it will effect them. Classic case of pride and hubris of the power, but maybe they are also right. They have their other passports and private islands so maybe they are safe from the consequences of their policies.

Keep being in denial mate, "liberalism/leftist has never won a single argument" still is society not way more far-left as 10-20-50-60 years ago ? Their ideology is insane but the right is co-responsible of that because they do not propose any alternative. Leftists win because lots of people, often the majority, end up agreeing with them. Being a conservative is the most useless thing one can be, because it permits for the frog not to boil too fast so that it remains in the pot and for people to have the illusion of choice. Laws are being imposed because a big minority or majority agree with their ideas. If the right wants to win, the right has to wage the same metapolitical war.

The right constantly proposes things. No time ever has the left ever had the majority on their side when they cause some change. They literally just rule by fiat. If a country is not left wing they try to invade and recrate it in their image. if the country they are in is not left wing enough for them, they just change the laws with no regard for what the people want. Now eventually some things they change do become supported by the average man but that happens a decade later AFTER they already made the change as i stated. Name a single thing the left did that had majority support at the time. And no, not even welfare was one. LBJ passed his great society act after JFK was assassinated, he wasnt even elected when he made it. (im not saying they assassinated JFK to pass welfare obviously im just say his assassination was used a way to get it through with out much public focus or debate on it)

The change didn't even happen yet and you're already pessimistic. LMAO. The change will be for the worst if the right continues being conservative and against technology, because let me tell you the left will have no shame in using transhumanism in their favour. And people will end up accepting it because nobody offers any other alternative for the future that is pro-technology. I am tired of this anti-technology mindset on the right.

There are things called obvious predictions based of understanding of how the laws of reality work, and once it happens it becomes harder and harder to stop. And who said im anti-technology. Im pro-technology, but technology is a tool to help humans. Genetic engineering is making humans into that tool. that is the key difference. I want humans to use technology as tools, not become a tool from technology using them.

The best propaganda shows half-truths. Propaganda isn't necessarily false, the propaganda you're talking about though was not some sort of secret knowledge they were trying to reveal to their world, it was to disgust germans of France. It's part of a bigger picture to justify in the minds of germans the war against France.

No it wasnt secret, once again, the nazis got a lot of their ideas from other people like the americans and british. Hitler literally cited Henry Ford. And what do you mean "justify german's war against france?" France was the one who declared war on germany, not the other way around. Their justification was they literally got invaded. they dont need to make some false propaganda for that. The only justifications they needed to make was against poland and the soviets. They didnt want a war with western Europe. They were anti-slav and jew not anti-french.

BRUH, you really believe in what you're saying ? The US LITERALLY was one of the most anti-communist country in the world. The elites in the US were EVIDENTLY white supremacists. Wth are you talking about. If you want one example among so many, even outside of the US and without being a white supremacist, Charles de Gaulle, a well known french resistant that then became a french president famously said that it was good that there were french people of all colours because it showed that France was open, but France is first and foremost a christian country of white race (meaning it's how it's supposed to be and if white people disappear in France, it would be a catastrophe).

FDR was a socialist bro. they literally called Stalin uncle joe and all western media was simping for the soviet union at the time. One of the main reasons to start ww2 was to help the communists. We literally gave them billions in ships and equipment. The west was anti-nationalist. We turned on stalin after the war because he turned on the globalist revolution. What do you think Stalin's purges were? Stalin purged everyone to his left (many jews) then became a russian nationalist. Those people that were purged that managed to escape fled to the west then held a grudge and became neocons. Look at a lot of the whole thing about modern art. It was litteraly created by the CIA to fight against soviet "traditional" art. And you have things like gays sending letters to stalin saying they dont like his knew direction and he would just write things like "homo" on them. So obviously the west had to become pro-gay to support the true communist revolution. In simple terms it's what you can call cultural Marxism. Post ww2 the official ideology of the USA has been anti-fascism, and "old communists" essentially just became more fascist. It's like china now. Yea they are called the CCP and the west calls them evil communists, but in reality they are literally just national socialists. They even do things like ban porn and effeminate pop idols, not to mention their economy is literally just a fascist economy with private sector but overseen by the official party.

The culture changed because the right stopped waging a metapolitical war and marginalized themselves in conservatism / reactionarism. Universities were a space of free-speech and they were abandoned massively by right-wingers, letting the left get the monopole. And from there there was the slippery slope leading to what we are living through nowadays. Those people didn't get removed from power, the newer generations that replaced the older simply were more left-wing because, once again, the left won the cultural/metapolitical war.
I've never heard of this Ellis Island coalition but I think WASPs got replaced simply because white people went from 90% of the population of the US to less than 60% as of today (if we count illegals and non-whites identifying as white).

The right never stopped being political. They just got canceled as the times changed and people in power changed. And yes the demographic change helped replace WASPs in power, but once again, who was responsible for the laws to change the demographics.

The point is that AI is advancing rapidly and is already helping scientists to make new discoveries. What's good about AI isn't necessarily productivity (although it will eventually become productive in lots of domains, effectively replacing jobs). The US does have the lead in terms of AI and if you learn a bit more about the potential of AI, you will understand why it's so important.

Although i never took actual AI fields at the time, i took computer programing in college and i like technology so you cant just say i dont follow AI. I even occasionally try out different chatbots to see how the progressed since the early days of cleverbot or so on. Yes they are better now, but the impact AI will have in the next century is still overhyped. The advances in art and language which people thought were so revolutionary is simply because human programmers realized a lot of art and language is actually based in mathematical and logical principles, which anyone who took a music writing class would understand well. Once you understand how to break down language and art into logical and mathematical formulas, then it becomes a sure step away to making computers do it. The real innovation in that field was that process itself, understanding a way to make math and art mathematical. That was done by humans. If humans never did that AI would never have the formulas and functions to follow with its processors.

Japanese people work like slaves, they work so much it's part of the reason why they have so few children. That's why the system still is barely working. I would never in my life want to work in such a country.
It's like discussing the sex of angels, we will never agree, so let's stop discussing that because it feels like we're just losing our time.

Japanese work a lot of hours compared to europe but it isnt technically that much compared to many other nations(including america) or the past. Also this misses the fact that it's mainly the older generation. If anything the average amount of hours the younger generation works is on average low. The working problem will simply change once the older salarymen retire and get replaced by the less ambitious younger gens. You arent forced to work long hours if you live in japan. You can get a job that is 40 hours a week just like the west.

Some do it out of political strategy of course, but most of it really believes in it imo. And even if they don't fully, they just exaggerate their true beliefs in order to gain more votes.

Well yea, most of the people in the actual ruling class just publicly express beliefs that are beneficial for their power, they dont actual believe in them.

Well then i dont really understand what you are asking. You made about about people paying more for social security and my point was people pay more for everything now. Social security isnt some unique thing. Houses prices, or college, or medical care have all outpaced social security.

False, I was speaking about pensions. If you look in my country, the PROPORTION of the salary that goes for pension never ceased to grow. What matters isn't the fact people pay more for everything, it's the fact that IN PROPORTION people pay more for pensions given that the government can't just print magically money to pay pensions.

If you want to believe it was all a coincidence a lot of people on the right explained what was happening and wrote it down in manifestos and books, that's up to you. Im not exactly sure how i can prove to you people knew what was going on vs they just guessing and it happened to coincidentally align like you think.

You still didn't quote any book so that I can read into it. But still, it's not some sort of secret elite, it's a slow change in culture coming from marxists and communists. Also, there are so many authors and people predicting things, of course out of 100 books at least 1 will be correct. I remember a woman predicted in the 2000s that a respiratory virus would spread in the year 2020. Does that mean she knew about some sort of conspiracy linked to covid ?

You understand these immigration waves didnt start until after welfare right? the Hart–Celler Act in america for example was in the 60s. Im not sure what country you are talking about in the 40s that started this immigration trend. If you know of a european country that was importing a bunch of muslims or so on before germany lost ww2 id be open to hear it. And i dont mean like 10 billionaire oil sheiks came over or whatever.

Correlation isn't causation my friend. The laws surrounding immigrants weren't the same in the 50s and 60s when migrant workers came in Germany and France vs now, so there HAS been a change and YES, that can happen to Japan to, as it happened to Western Europe.

What my point was is that "old people don't keep increasing" just because you have a below replacement birth rate. the ratio will stay fixed after a delay in a change in birth rates. Yes currently the ratio of old people is increasing, but that's because birth rates were falling. They dont fall forever.

Once again, who cares about whether they keep increasing or they decrease ? The importance is the ratio. The ratio will stay fixed at some point to a catastrophic level in which a society cannot function properly and cannot grow economically, it still doesn't solve the issue. Why do you think the far-left is urging white people not to have children ? Because it will make the economy decline, which is, it is true, ecological, but not what's best for society.

Actually more young people would put pressure on things like new house purchases and job competition so would actually have the opposite effect. It's mainly immigration, feminism and welfare that caused it. This is what i was implying with japan having a low cost of living. If you go to rural japan where there is a massive ratio of old people, everything is super affordable, especially housing. It's possible to live off a single income in rural japan, and more possible in the city compared to the west, but still harder.

Even without feminism women would have started working and the countries would have needed more workforce. There are street interviews in Japan (Tokyo) where most young women don't even know what feminism is, well guess what ? Regardless, they have to work. Because Japan needs more workforce. Women having more right and becoming more independent is also due to technology, not only feminism.
Everything is super affordable in Japan because of the dramatically low birth rates and lack of immigration (as you said for the latter), which isn't a good thing for society once again. There are ghosts town in Japan partly because of that. Having a positive consequence due to a bigger major negative phenomenon isn't something we should praise or be happy about.

Yes obviously, that's my point though. You dont need genetic engineering to quickly reverse the lower IQ trend. natural evolution can do it.

If your propositions are ending the welfare as you suggested, good luck in your fight my friend, but we will not let you do it.

No where did i say they are right wing. You think stalin or pol pot were right wing, even though they knew they would kill millions or people. No, our elites arent right wing or left wing, their ideology is power. Right wing threatens their power, left wing supports their power, so they promote left wing stuff. Also none of them thing it will effect them. Classic case of pride and hubris of the power, but maybe they are also right. They have their other passports and private islands so maybe they are safe from the consequences of their policies.

Okay I understand your point now, but I still disagree with the fact most of the ruling elite don't genuinely believe in what they say. Some of them are becoming more right-wing in France i.e. as they are starting to be impacted by their own politics. I think most of them truly believe in left-wing ideology but are just highly hypocritical in their life choices. And most of the ruling elite don't have private islands lmao.

The right constantly proposes things. No time ever has the left ever had the majority on their side when they cause some change. They literally just rule by fiat. If a country is not left wing they try to invade and recrate it in their image. if the country they are in is not left wing enough for them, they just change the laws with no regard for what the people want. Now eventually some things they change do become supported by the average man but that happens a decade later AFTER they already made the change as i stated. Name a single thing the left did that had majority support at the time. And no, not even welfare was one. LBJ passed his great society act after JFK was assassinated, he wasnt even elected when he made it. (im not saying they assassinated JFK to pass welfare obviously im just say his assassination was used a way to get it through with out much public focus or debate on it)

What does the right proposes concretely that is not just being against left-wing policies ? Or going back to the past in some aspects ? I only see identitarians and right-wing occidentalists doing that, which are highly marginalized among the right.
I don't know much about the history of the US because (thanks god) I never even put the foot in this country, but from what I see in Western Europe, although the left sometimes doesn't have the support of the majority, they succeed in having the support of a big minority, which makes it possible for their laws to pass. They do wage a metapolitical / cultural war to rally at least a big minority and, slowly, most people end up agreeing with them because the right is just in the opposition for conservative reasons, not for proposing an alternative vision of the future (see homosexual marriage, interracial marriage, segregation, etc).

There are things called obvious predictions based of understanding of how the laws of reality work, and once it happens it becomes harder and harder to stop. And who said im anti-technology. Im pro-technology, but technology is a tool to help humans. Genetic engineering is making humans into that tool. that is the key difference. I want humans to use technology as tools, not become a tool from technology using them.

Tell me who is behind the use of technology ? "technology using them" but who controls technology ? If there was genetic engineering, who would control that ?

No it wasnt secret, once again, the nazis got a lot of their ideas from other people like the americans and british. Hitler literally cited Henry Ford. And what do you mean "justify german's war against france?" France was the one who declared war on germany, not the other way around. Their justification was they literally got invaded. they dont need to make some false propaganda for that. The only justifications they needed to make was against poland and the soviets. They didnt want a war with western Europe. They were anti-slav and jew not anti-french.

You really think Germany wasn't expecting for some war to happen at some point ? After all of the provocations made by Hitler ? Of course there was propaganda against french people and France. Just look at how the nazis viewed french people (and slavs as well). You really think nazis weren't anti-french ? Lmao, basic history in Western Europe taught in schools, citing historians, tell us that yes, they OBVIOUSLY were anti-french (and anti-slavs as you mentioned). So OFC they made propaganda against France and the french to justify what would eventually happen to France.

FDR was a socialist bro. they literally called Stalin uncle joe and all western media was simping for the soviet union at the time. One of the main reasons to start ww2 was to help the communists. We literally gave them billions in ships and equipment. The west was anti-nationalist. We turned on stalin after the war because he turned on the globalist revolution. What do you think Stalin's purges were? Stalin purged everyone to his left (many jews) then became a russian nationalist. Those people that were purged that managed to escape fled to the west then held a grudge and became neocons. Look at a lot of the whole thing about modern art. It was litteraly created by the CIA to fight against soviet "traditional" art. And you have things like gays sending letters to stalin saying they dont like his knew direction and he would just write things like "homo" on them. So obviously the west had to become pro-gay to support the true communist revolution. In simple terms it's what you can call cultural Marxism. Post ww2 the official ideology of the USA has been anti-fascism, and "old communists" essentially just became more fascist. It's like china now. Yea they are called the CCP and the west calls them evil communists, but in reality they are literally just national socialists. They even do things like ban porn and effeminate pop idols, not to mention their economy is literally just a fascist economy with private sector but overseen by the official party.

Ah ouaaaaais, c'est chaud là. How can I even argue with that, you're obviously making links on things that don't have links and saying half-truths. I remember in school some countries were selling equipment to countries that were enemies, which don't mean they weren't enemies anymore smh. Stalin a russian nationalist ? BAHAHAHA. I'm not even going to try to fact-check what you said about the CIA and modern art because I have better things to do than pass tenths of minutes on the internet checking for that.
Ehhh ? Literally there was McCarthyism and people FEARED and HATED communism in the West. The movies all depicted communists as the mean people we should fight. Propaganda in the West was anti-communist because we were in a cold war against communism. Wth are you even saying ??????????''

The right never stopped being political. They just got canceled as the times changed and people in power changed. And yes the demographic change helped replace WASPs in power, but once again, who was responsible for the laws to change the demographics.

Why did the people in power change ? Because the left won the metapolitical war in universities and their ideas spread as a consequence in the schools and medias.
Once again, everything is about metapolitical wars.

Although i never took actual AI fields at the time, i took computer programing in college and i like technology so you cant just say i dont follow AI. I even occasionally try out different chatbots to see how the progressed since the early days of cleverbot or so on. Yes they are better now, but the impact AI will have in the next century is still overhyped. The advances in art and language which people thought were so revolutionary is simply because human programmers realized a lot of art and language is actually based in mathematical and logical principles, which anyone who took a music writing class would understand well. Once you understand how to break down language and art into logical and mathematical formulas, then it becomes a sure step away to making computers do it. The real innovation in that field was that process itself, understanding a way to make math and art mathematical. That was done by humans. If humans never did that AI would never have the formulas and functions to follow with its processors.

Okay continue with your timorous POV believing the AI will not help humanity make big progress. But just think about political strategy : if you want to rally young people to right-wing ideology, you have to make them hyped about the future and sell them a bright progressive future. That's how the youth always worked since forever. Left-wingers understood that and that's why the youth votes for the left. The right is just blocked in its old way of presenting things and its old conservative and regressive ideology. Stop using rationality all the time and start being hyped about the future please.

Japanese work a lot of hours compared to europe but it isnt technically that much compared to many other nations(including america) or the past. Also this misses the fact that it's mainly the older generation. If anything the average amount of hours the younger generation works is on average low. The working problem will simply change once the older salarymen retire and get replaced by the less ambitious younger gens. You arent forced to work long hours if you live in japan. You can get a job that is 40 hours a week just like the west.

The fact young people decreasingly want to work is a big problem that will make society either need more migrants or more babies. And I prefer the latter obviously. Same for Japan.

Well yea, most of the people in the actual ruling class just publicly express beliefs that are beneficial for their power, they dont actual believe in them.

You can't prove that so it's just speculation.

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