
Are you racist because of your bleached kink?

Posted under General

This for sure was just a ticking time bomb of a conversation to start it was a matter of time I guess. Its sure surprising seeing all the justification for racism in this forum and the many grey area points made about “pattern recognition” as if there is different genetic build up for different ethnicities that makes them act or behave differently. Many here fail to recognise that when a majority of people act different or behave a curtain way it’s more probable that culture and societal norms for that specific demographic affect said people that way and not that when your born black or brown that u have some genetic mutation that makes u somehow more aggressive or naive/dumb I mean the proposition itself is silly and has no evidence or prove of value to back it up

At the end of the day bleached just like all fetishes is just a way people like to see they’re sex life its a kink nothing more nothing less although slightly more extreme and taboo of a kink

I enjoy the fetish for unknown reasons not sure why I am guessing because of my extreme porn addiction and habits in my younger days and to be fair to this day but I don’t let it cloud my judgement or critical thinking. Its a fetish I enjoy and downright even am addicted to but it dosent change my world view i separate the both and hopefully people here find the right mind to do so

This message won’t change any racists mind but i think its good to conversate even with the most dense headed people

Kinya_Femboy said:
Its sure surprising seeing all the justification for racism in this forum

Kinda got it reversed there dude. You need justification for why racism is a bad thing other than some random marxist gave a speech about having a dream.

and the many grey area points made about “pattern recognition” as if there is different genetic build up for different ethnicities that makes them act or behave differently. Many here fail to recognise that when a majority of people act different or behave a curtain way it’s more probable that culture and societal norms for that specific demographic affect said people that way and not that when your born black or brown that u have some genetic mutation that makes u somehow more aggressive or naive/dumb I mean the proposition itself is silly and has no evidence or prove of value to back it up

It's best not to just say things when you never even bothered to look into them. Literally every bit of evidence ever done on genetics shows it impacts behavior. It's about the most solid thing in social science. We are even at the point with GWAS studies where we determine what genes impact what behaviors. It's also worth noting the genetic difference between races is larger in absolute number of genes than the genetic difference between men and women, however women obviously it's localized all on just one chromosome, where the difference in races is spread out. None of this is to say everyone of one race acts the same though, it's just about averages/general trends.

This message won’t change any racists mind but i think its good to conversate even with the most dense headed people

Well yea, considered you didnt bother to look into stuff before saying it.

fkiblaze said:

Kinda got it reversed there dude. You need justification for why racism is a bad thing other than some random marxist gave a speech about having a dream.

It's best not to just say things when you never even bothered to look into them. Literally every bit of evidence ever done on genetics shows it impacts behavior. It's about the most solid thing in social science. We are even at the point with GWAS studies where we determine what genes impact what behaviors. It's also worth noting the genetic difference between races is larger in absolute number of genes than the genetic difference between men and women, however women obviously it's localized all on just one chromosome, where the difference in races is spread out. None of this is to say everyone of one race acts the same though, it's just about averages/general trends.

Well yea, considered you didnt bother to look into stuff before saying it.

We’re not even racists for refusing to simply believe in egalitarian platitudes and just doing the bare minimum to look into studies and resources and be informed about race, gender, genetics, etc.

In a way, yes. I have some alt-right opinions on race but the rest: It's just usual conservative or in very rare cases, leftist. The bleached kink did make me somewhat racist but yet I like to see WMXF couples because in my opinion (even though I do see a lot of WMAF), anything white male/x female is less fetishized (not denying the slavery/history stuff but most white guys prefer their own race anyway even after that happened) and taboo because white guy likes black pussy but wants to protect white race and black girl likes white cock but she doesn't want her parents or her own men to find out. But the same time, I like seeing anime girls with nazi/racist tattoos or uniforms.
In all seriousness: I don't like how people want to act all hood and ratchet instead of being themselves. I used to be like this when younger but I stopped because it was nothing but degenerate and I got older. Plus on porn sites, even if i put big white cock, bwc, for some reason the results are irrelevant to what I'm actually looking for. Sometimes their built-in blacklisting option doesn't work.

What I hate on r34 and other sites in general are the mistagging: I go on r34 and look up BWC/Bleached, most of the time I get what I asked for yet some troll/clueless person puts BWC despite the fact the guy's less whiter than some white guy with a surfer's tan and mods don't do much.

Back then, I tolerated it but not anymore because I got older. I can tolerate people but self explanatory: If they have showed me enough respect, I'll be friends with them and look past color. As for the "racism because of bleached", sort of but its mostly because of trends I'm noticing and knowing the truth, it all started in 2020 and I've been doing this for 3-4 years.

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